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Everything posted by Ishimaru

  1. Wow, 60"? That is just insane man, I hope you enjoy your PS3. I will be getting mines in March, and hopefully by then I will have a HD TV setup. By any chance did you camp out for it? I got a friend who made a walk in to GameStop to get a Wii, but instead they had 6 60GBs available and he just bought a one of those instead. What are the chances of that happening... But your setup is just crazy. Mind posting some pics that we can drool over?
  2. Hehe... Just yesterday all the Sony setup PS3 are crashing at the mall. It's funny since the employment can't open it up to reset it, it's locked a vault or something since one employee at Circuit City was saying that their PS3 was crashing all day. I'm not saying this as a bad thing, but they could at least have a button connecting to the system itself.
  3. Well in opinion, I would. I didn't hesitate with the Wii knowing that I would make a profit selling it. But the PS3 being next to me for a week and posting on these forums just irritates the crap out of me since its going to some one in desperate need of it. It's up to you if your going to enjoy it whether you got HD or no.
  4. He answered it for me.
  5. I don't want any mods to screw my warranty. I heard something of someones messing around with the Wii OS to adjust settings to your own favor. The blinking in that video is just plainly annoying though... I just want the light to stay blue, is that too damn hard to ask for? Nintendo should have allowed this in as a option since in every advertisement of the system, the disc slot illuminated. Oh well, maybe a system update will come by soon.
  6. I believe this will solve your questions. Clickie I got confused at first and thought my Wii was broken so it should clear up a few questions, I wish there was a option to keep the illumination on all the time. It would look so cool.
  7. Just watch the movie, it makes better sense. The only promotion I see in this is the FOX channel promoting it, and I suppose it was the same thing for X3. Anybody see a promotion for the movie itself?
  8. Hey just saw this movie and I was greatly inspired. This is more of LOTR thing but it isn't, I know a few more are going to come out because of the books. It could have used more action but effects are nice. Overall I came out of the theater impressed, the casting was awesome itself. I did see this on the day it came out since I had nothing to do at the moment, it was well worth the money. You can watch this movie and not be nerd about it. Any comments?
  9. He would have to worry about BO before that. My teacher is selling his PS3 at $800 too, he has three of them(You know how). Also production seems up a bit too, I saw some security guard at EB walk off with a PS3 in the bag. It too does piss me off that people are still selling it overpriced.
  10. I disagree with that statement. I'm finding that the games are fun like Monkey Ball, Red Steel, Call of Duty, etc. I have been playing them and I'm hooked, the games are fun it's just nobody takes the damn system too seriously, besides the fact that they throw their Wiimotes too damn hard. With a knew era of games coming out for the Wii next year, it's going to keep on coming, and sooner or later we are going to get another Zelda for the system. An example would be SMS Brawl, Metroid Prime 3, Project H.A.M.M.E.R, and SM Galaxy. Those games are next and the ones right now will be enough to satisfy me until they come out. Be a little positive, stop mentioning Zelda in every post.
  11. PS3 vs Wii Video This was based off the Apple Commercial.
  12. I thought we all hated Mac II Valks? Or are you just being sarcastic...?
  13. I feel kind of bad, I haven't been able to play my Wii in a while due to school work, and there are millions of people who at the moment would have better use for it. Still nothing can repay for that 20 hour wait, which made me smell like a elephants butt when I got home, as I was tired as a dead cat. I didn't sleep though, I had more than enough energy to play the Wii. I hope by tomorrow when school is done, I can relax, curse my off campus Club meetings.
  14. Wow, now I'm confident something is coming in 2007; Oh god Anime Expo! Well the hell are you talking about ? Graham knows something is up with a new series, nothing with the toys since Yamato does not know about the new release itself. I just know it. Probably Shoji has been working on something after Zero to prepare for this, it makes perfect sense. My prediction is that AX is going to promote this into a event. Everyone spam their forums! God I'm happy.
  15. The real challenge is that you have to transform it, thats something you don't ever have to worry about in building a Gundam.
  16. I got a big feeling BW has something up there sleeve. Hasn't something like this happened before?
  17. I wonder how your going to take it off. Just don't go crazy with the remote and the strap will stay on. I don't get whats up with people ripping the stap, they are douches for trying to throw the damn remote to hard. Just play easy and your good, it doesn't take a handcuff to keep it on. I still got mines on. Off-Topic: Anyone got Castlevania PoR? Real good game, hoping to start a new DS thread for it.
  18. Well it can't be a remake of the GameCube game if the Wii version came out first. It's like saying Robotech is a remake of Macross, but Macross came out first. They are two completely different versions, the Wii version came out first, even if the game was initially meant for the GC it, it came out first and is no remake. The GC would not be a remake either. Its like saying that a Blue Ray movie is a remake of the DVD version, its not, just saying that it has better quality. Same thing with TP for the Wii and GC.
  19. Dude no offense but you got no respect for the developer's work. It took them a year to perfect the Wiimote controls, I find it that people are too lazy to get up and actually enjoy a game. Swing the sword as Link to kick a bosses $@# has never been any funner, this has been the most entertaining system I have played around with. Go play with your PS3 or something.... (Not trying to piss you off, just stating what I had to say.)
  20. Just got the Nintendo Power issue the other day, and I say I'm not sure Eji Anouma is doing, but I think his comment on OoT relation with TP screwed up the time line. He said "Twilight Princess takes place over a few hundred years after Ocarina of Time" that was the quote (Well maybe a few words are off). But I'm confused as in the Wind Waker issue he said the same thing, what's the deal? It takes a good eye to see that, and I believe I did. Maybe TP is set in a third time line? I don't think so, maybe Eji was drunk at the time of the interview with Nintendo Power. It just doesn't make sense.... I'll make a few scans later on so you guys could see for yourself. Makes no sense what so ever that TP or WW occur close on the chronological timeline, my guess is that their is a huge mix up. The Hero of Time thingie... Edit: Or are they hiding something?
  21. Well....now I'm confused
  22. It was one of the first batched PS2s. Want a picture? It lasts longer... If people can create a OS for the PS3 then no doubt that it would work, its completely reprogrammable. But my guess is that Sony didn't have time to do much protection for PS/PS2 games on the PS3 since it was rushed out for release. That is unless you updated yours.
  23. Well the fact that we won't get it till Mid-January is a pain. Oh well, getting the Wii first is a whole lot better.
  24. Have you tried it? Sony could just be saying this to try and stop people from pirating, I know its possible to play PS2 games on the PS3, whether it's region coded or not. Backwards compatibility is not perfect on the PS3, hell I can even play my imported VFX-2 on my US PS2, nothing stopping me from believing Sony's every word.
  25. Well maybe it's because everyone that wanted a Wii got one.
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