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Everything posted by Ishimaru

  1. Anyone play Lost Planet yet? I was playing it at at a EB booth, it was fun but the health system is kind of piss off as you have a time limit. But damn it was fun, until I died of course. The graphics are really comparitive with GoW, but in other news if you guys did not hear. Good news for people who dont't own a 360. Source Edit: GoW PC Info.
  2. Can't disagree with that. But....*sigh*
  3. I'm suprised. The Wii is still out of stock in my current area, and people are still paying good money for it. Mine is gathering dust as it is, since I just lost interest in playing it till Brawl comes out. There are known to be at least 2 of them out I think. Stole a quote from some guy that posted it on a Wii News forum. Even has video proof. Here is a link to a one of the first mod chips released for the system. It's should be out if the news on site serves correctly. http://www.wiikey.cn/
  4. Right behind this guy. If it was Macross (Setting a example), I bet none of you guys would give out the bad criticisim. Just because it's Robotech; Don't say this is bull but I hear enough criticism about the anime on a daily basis on MW, and you guys know it to think you have a right slap it around when HG releases something new. You guys are criticizing Robotech and your criticizing it now. All because of it's name and the fact that it used the Macross series. I don't wan't to set any arguments but you guys need to give second thoughts before you make a post. I'm not supporting the claim, but jeesz don't go with the crowd if you just wan't to fit in to oppose your own truthful opinions to be like everybody else, and that is not cool..
  5. Can we like stop all the criticism here, it sounds more like bashing. It's gone to a point in the thread in which in anyone can criticize Robotech and not get criticism pointed at their faces. But seriously, I didn't see one intentional positive comment on the movie. The CG isn't all that bad, animation is pretty nice for Korean or whoever made it, characters look good, what else do I have to say? I don't see anyone here making a Macross 8 or whatever, so why do we have to bash the movie this bad?
  6. Wouldn't it be better for West coast at least one last time? I mean cmon 25th anniversary, something special might happen ya know? I'm trying to get in contact with head of AX reps to do something special for Macross at AX this year. It may sound a long way off, but it never hurts to try, and it is its 25th anniversary, its never going to happen again so why not?
  7. Eh I don't recommend you talking about Warez on these forums, or any forums. But if you got the original copies of the game then you can just make a ISO using any Image Extracting program. Alcohol 120% is my best recommendation.
  8. That game is must have pickup, played it for the first time and it is becoming one of my most satsiyfing games for the DS.
  9. Yeah I know, but still a majority of Nintendo gamers still have the Gamecube, it would bring in a reasonable amount of sales. But the Wii would be a better option to focus on as you said for Nintendo since they are making major profit per system.
  10. So have I, stock on the game is high. I don't see why Nintendo would not want to sell it. Because a majority of buyers still have a GameCube.
  11. This won't be like N64 or the GC, Nintendo completely revolutionized the way games should be played. It's different now, sales are going to keep on going up, and too many damn people want the system. I don't get your "complications" with the Wii-mote, I think it's just no body here actually played something that required moving and so we have to get used to it. I was at Fry's today and they were in stock with the PS3s, I also saw a sign up the isle with a list of sold out products and Nintendo's name seems to be right next to everyone. Kind of makes me feel good that I planned the campout for the Wii at the local Target with a few friends or else they would have never gotten one themselves. Those 20 hours was one the greatest time of life , just hanging out with other gamers; playing the DS, I could never get over the moments, I would do it again if I didn't smell like BO when I came back. But the 360 can do things the PS3 can't. Did you know the 360 has the early model DX9/10 hybrid ATI graphics chip never meant to be sold into regular graphic cards? Also that the fact that the external HDDVD drive can be used on your computer? And a whole list of other crap not worth mentioning. If you were lucky you could have got one on Amazon for a quarter of the price on Black Friday, I think it was $100 if my memory was correct and sold out within minutes. The 360 has it's uses, that is what gives it value, just take a look at GoW(Gears of War), it's just nobody sees it in the PS3....yet.
  12. Not with PS3 games, but I believe so with the PS2 and PSX.
  13. Oh its ok, just didn't want to disappoint yah. That seemed like a real good deal, was the firmware upgradeable to the PSX firmware? (Someone should change the topic title so we can get more people into the thread.)
  14. The only one in my area was wiped clean due to the holidays and the guy gave me a quick rough explanation of that if I did not get it. And the other one has a number that only goes through for prescriptions only.Sorry I can't be much of help. My local GameStop has loads of PSPs which have never sold and some do have the old firmware. They are in excellent condition and they do have a dozen or two of them. Have you tried checking out the one in your area, or are they just being idiots in ripping you off with a outrageous price? I know how you want to get bundle for a good price so I don't know if I should even be linking this, but this is where I got a majority of my information. There are pages and pages of posts, and pages are usually twice as long then the ones here at MW. I hope it helps at least a bit in your findings.
  15. Still though, it would'nt hurt to see some english words, pisses me off alot that you have to find which command does what and then you do something stupid and get yourself killed. I at least want to know whats happening in the story, that would make the game so fun..
  16. Maybe, give it a shot though it could work. Nope, most games play flawlessly, PAL would probably be the glitchiest of the games but that's just the knowledge I see around the net. Crap now I need to decide between a PSP or a PS3.
  17. I knew this thread was coming... Made a few threads on other forums but I nearly got myself banned due to rules, and warez with all this. Hoping this thread does not get deleted. Homebrew is just as good with the original firmware so don't worry. Don't blame me if you screwed your PSP. Article With Links to Firmware Same Like Above But Has A Tutorial & More Links - Very Useful Some Emulator About Loading Up The Firmware With Saved Data & A Whole Bunch of Other Crap That's Used With The Firmware I hope these links hep you guys out. (*cough* a thank you would be nice *cough*) Edit: Make sure you do not have Firmware 2.80 or you are are screwed with no ability to upgrade the firmware.
  18. No Macross? Are they going to make a U.S release of this game? I wish they would make at least one awesome mech game for the DS, why not release it for the U.S, they could make more money if they release it here. There is not one Super Battle Wars gazme(excluding OG) that was ever treleased here. Ugh...
  19. You are going to need to a classic controller sooner or later. Brawl is going to need it, and there is no in doubt you would not play that game. And some Wii games will allow the use of it, even with DBZ. Some people are willing to trade their PS3s for a Wii even if they lose money. I would do that any day and just sell the PS3 and buy another Wii.
  20. Read wrong page.... It does look promising though, despite the name.
  21. Was the only one or did anyone notice the Neon Genesis type of font for the title of the show on the site?
  22. This is the reason why the Kiosks you see around keep freezing up. Another way for Sony to piss us all of..
  23. Dude your TV barely fits on the stand. That is nice!
  24. Since you are looking for HDMI cables, I managed to find out that PlayAsia has them 8.99 without shipping. And they have a few other cables too, just my suggestion although the shipping could take a week or more depending on where you live in the states. But 8.99 for a HDMI cable, now that is cheap. I'm not saying you should buy it if you don't want to but a lot of people gave good feedback on purchases from them. You should also check out there other stuff too, I'm planning on purchasing a Component Cable for the Wii which is $10, while Nintendo offers it for $30. Just giving out my best recommendation. At the moment I'm not using my Wii, I got like 20 other people waiting in my house to play Wii Sports. Just wait till Brawl and Corruption comes out.
  25. Err what dates? I can't seem to find it in the scans.
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