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Everything posted by Ishimaru

  1. Have you guys bothered to update your ModDB project page? People seem real interested in it, if you give a update and request some coders I'm sure people will be coming at yah.
  2. Someone needs to be shot.
  3. Thats pretty impressive dude. Effects you put of the SDF-1 with Earth really gives it a movieish feel, well done.
  4. Whats the progress on this? I'm really starting to think that the devs gave up on this. I guess my Homeworld 2 game is going to be gathering extra dust now...
  5. $30? Now how can I not pass that up.
  6. You don't seem to respect other's opinions at all. This argument is going to go on forever, and your going to go rant about every stupid aspect of the movie and write obnoxiously long essays in your post to just prove your point. I get it. It's either that or were both just being bias of each other's argument, or your just bashing me because it doesn't seem to go your way. People wouldn't see the movie if it was stupid, damn...
  7. I just enjoyed it, I didn't bother to look at all the small references to what made you dislike the movie. If you were just taking references from the comic books and referring it back to the movie then I can see why but in my opinion I think your having it too hard on the film. Why do you think people went and watched the film then...? Was it because of it's story? Because it came from a comic book? No. People just wanted to watch something to entertain themselves for the time and thats that. Regardless if it would be stupid or not they would like it anyways. But it was better then watching anything else. It's not going to win a oscar I'll tell you that right now, but your not taking things from different perspectives. I still don't understand how you can dislike a movie this movie this much based off of biased mainstream opinions in the past.
  8. *sigh* Don't go there. Then what did you expect out of the movie if you didn't like the first one?
  9. Did no one see the new trailer released today? Downloadable HD Version Flash Version It looks pretty damn good though I was impressed. Another reason for me to get a 360... The explosions lacked a bit though... It's disappointing that they are avoiding the PS3 platform, I guess it was a smart move anyways since the majority owns a 360.
  10. I don't get why you guys are judging the movie so damn hard. I thought it was pretty good and enjoyable, the jokes were funny it shook the whole theater, you don't have to take it directly from the comics and base it off that entirely. As long as you enjoyed watching it ,then what's so bad about it? Then tell me this then, how could you make the movie better to get some positive opinions?
  11. Looking nice, I hope the series doesn't turn out to be a 5 episode short.
  12. Wii version it's been out since March. I'll take your note on that offer, PM you if I'm interested. Have you played with your friends? Multiplayer is the key concept when playing the game, so I don't think you should be done yet.
  13. We still doing a contest for that? I'm more then willing to work on one.
  14. Scarface has been out for a while man. By the way anyone here get Mario Party 8? The reviews where bad but you know what, on mostly every Mario Party review they always get bad ratings. I played it once and it was real fun just like all the other ones. Don't follow them, this is something they are truly misjudging. It would be crazy though if you had 4 four people playing it.
  15. How are we kidding ourselves I don't get it, I never mentioned anything about the R600 like that. Your statement makes only half sense, they don't just release driver updates to fix "per game" issues, I would find it a waste of time on their hand. Currently with my FX5700 I saw a dramatic improvement of encoding files and better Premiere speeds which is heavily graphics card dependent. It was compared from the outdated drivers on the CD to the newly available ones. Restating my statement driver updates are there to improve overall performance, it would be pointless to have a update if it only fixes those minor "gaming" issues; waste of time of your time and on the companies resources used in developing a driver. It's seriously just common sense if you think about it, and it cut it out with the fanboyism bashing or whatever you were implying as I don't see a reason to add that in the argument.
  16. That was like the best line out of the whole set of episodes.
  17. They need to continue the story from Jedi Academy that game had a good story to it.
  18. Well I got there kinda late. (Like 45 mins late.) By the time I got there, the line was short but I didn't realize it was long until I got into the store, it took nearly a hour in the store line itself to just reach the autograph table. But most of the time I was outside with a few peeps from another forum. AnimeTV was there and they interviewed a few random people. Our forum group setup a Hare Hare Yuki dance in which I wasn't able to participate after some one forgot to remind me. After the long wait in and out of line talking with other peeps (My friends held a spot in line for me)I managed to get a free autographed poster and a picture with them. I asked the Haruhi before I left the table if she was going to AX, she said yes and gave me that uber super extra special awesome Haruhi look before I went. I know I'm going to meet her again at AX. I then left and went outside in which all the fuss was going about, they handed out pizza, then I met up with my forum group again and we just chatted around and just enjoyed ourselves. Here are some more pics that my friend Carl took: This was before I came, so I kinda missed out. The huge line, it started to get big around 6PM but I didn't arrive until 7:45. Your hot SOS brigade members. The inside of the store. The line went halfway into the back of the store and back to the signing table several feet away from the door. Line as I arrived later on. SOS goodies that they had centered in the store. The signed limited promotional limited poster they handed out. (I got one signed and one not signed.) The flag that one of my forum group members made. I'm going to repeat again I give Carl full credit for taking these pictures from our SOS-Dan forum group. It was worth going out on a school night. Sucks that no one here came. Overall this was a awesome event guys, I can't stop bragging about it. Edit: The quick video my other friend took as we were halfway in line as some fat lard wouldn't get out the way to let some people to take some pictures . Sadly thats all the footage he took I thought he took more but I guess not. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jsM0_05-I7w
  19. I'm not sure were your going at with that statement. What's the point for AMD/Nvidia to release drivers if it's barely going to give any performance improvements and fixes? Now this I don't get. Your saying that your $1.2K cards aren't able to perform any better then they are now due to the nature that they are top of the line, and can cut through run every software, benchmark and video game like butter. What kind of performance increase are you looking for if it can't be noticed?
  20. Did anyone go to the Anime Jungle launch event? I sure did. I also got a signed poster too. It was a kick @$$ event.
  21. Thank god Lil Tokyo isn't too distant I'll be heading there with a group to do the main chorus dance. As for AX. Our goal is dance with the real Suzumiya VAs (Only the girl VAs) in front of thousands. By the way they are giving out the second DVD release to those who enter whether they win or not, the special box set if you win the grand prize. You get to dance with the SOS Brigade if you win the grand prize. Me and my friend are doing the dance and we are looking for 3 more members to join us. PM me if you are available. (If your going to day 0 that would really help.) So yay I get to meet the VAs twice. (If your wondering what VA means it means Voice Actor.)
  22. I didn't have to base it on anything, it was just released, thats pretty much self-explanatory. Nvidia had their G80 for a longer period of time and they managed to update the drivers for better performance. In this case ATI just released their card. Now that it is released they can stop worrying about hardware issues and start working on the drivers for improved performance, they gather their data from customers and reviewers on how to find the issues and fix them in release to the next driver update. It's the same thing with Nvidia.
  23. If any of you heard there was a bomb scare at the Star Wars Convention. I wonder what gave that assumption.
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