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Everything posted by Ishimaru

  1. I dunno them trying to create a awful storie?
  2. That was both physically and mentally painful.
  3. Man this just proves how this country is too damn secure, and stupid...
  4. That's just hilarious. Where did you get that comic by the way.
  5. Looks a lot nicer, fits in with the boardish theme. Loving it even more.
  6. Looks awesome. My only concern is that the macross in the banner doesn't fit in, I dunno it's just the tone and angle of how the image was placed in or just me recognizing the image. Don't take it bad, I love the skin though.
  7. Wow that sucks, the dude can make some serious money off of Lucasarts if they did do that. I'm seeing fired employees in the future.
  8. Does it really matter? They just use firmware updates to increase the list for more backwards compatible games anyways.
  9. I just hope they will let you pick a side.
  10. http://www.gamespot.com/news/show_blog_ent...stories;title;3 Well thats just great. Announce a price cut and discontinue making it. I mean come on, discontinue a product at its most reasonable price in which it would grow some reasonable sales and offer something with only a minor increase in value and have that at the ridiculous $600 price; which could then offer a bigger loss for Sony? Honestly I don't understand where they come up with these marketing plans. Some people just need to get shot for their stupidity ...
  11. Took it right out my head. They are probably focusing on one game at a time I bet, the Wii version would be next or they probably already started on it. (Notice how in the yahoo page it's not available on the Wii.)
  12. Well it's in the title, Vader could do it he just never unleashed the force power within him to do it. And it seems like his apprentice is going against the empire, so I'm guessing this is part of Vader's failed plan to take control of the Empire.
  13. Well it's better then 360 support for emu, which is like none...
  14. But the amount of people that are going to know and know how to play the game is low. We need something mainstream that everyone knows about and doesn't take forever to play through...
  15. But they still cut the price of the $600 model, I don't get it.
  16. What are you going to have for the video game tourney? Battlecry?
  17. I'm definitely considering a buy because of this price drop now. Of course when I get a job and have the money again.
  18. Guess I got to delete those ripped videos for my next AMV then.
  19. That guy participated in Masquerade, he got a great cheer from the crowd. Sucks that his transformation never went through in performance.
  20. Yes it did have all his personal info, and no he did not recover it from the dumpster since he was kicked out of con. I'm not in contact with him right now and it doesn't seem like things are going good for him right now, I'll feel so bad for him but I'm so pissed off at staff.
  21. My favorite parts where the eBay references.
  22. That happened to a friend of mine. Right before the SKIN concert he handed his backpack and wallet as they asked since they noticed his camera. When he came back and was told that his stuff with a few other attendee's were thrown away in the dumpster due to rules that made no sense and retarded "space" reasons. He went on and ranted at the staff for doing such a thing, he cussed at them, screamed and nearly shoved them. He had all his belongings in it, excluding his cell phone. It was a real piss off since he was then kicked out of con, but damn he had a right to what he did. I mean come on if you want to ruin someone's life like that for months by acting like a careless b**** you deserve to be shot like a criminal. It killed my entire time at AX to know that they did that. The SOS Brigade themselves and Bandai were just as much as a piss off. Taking their fame for granted and treating us fans like crap really made me hate them now. First they don't come to the autograph sessions, then the rescheduled autograph sessions goes for a hour and more then half of the line gets kicked away because of the SOS's arrogance. Second Aya messes up in her own concert. Third Bandai/ASOS Brigade on Haruhi Dance Competition disregarded all the damn rules they setup in the ASOS website for the competition, the winning group won by using stripes when the site clearly said that they would be judged on the dance not props. (Was one of the groups and this turned out to be the most unfair acts, they completely disregarded their own planning, what the hell?) Take your fame for granted and abuse it ;yeah thats smart when people actually care. I don't even want to think about them anymore, I loved Haruhi but she is a total s*** now so don't bother arguing with me on that...at all. AX itself Don't get me started on that, you already know what it is about.
  23. Umm...your laughing at yourself dude. By the way what did you tell him after he told you that?
  24. As title says. Overall it was all good but the management was real awful, Long Beach was way too spread out and it practically killed the fun. It was really dissapointing, the LBCC is barely a quarter of the size of ACC. Thank god they are having it in the LACC next year. It was announced at the closing ceremonies that it would be from July 3-6, I guess they knew Long Beach was a bad idea. Can't blame them for that though...
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