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Everything posted by HardlyNever

  1. Not 100% sure what you're asking, but the latest reissues of the Bandai VF-25 are pretty similar to the initial renewal versions. There are some differences, though. Jenuis' review covers them, starting at about 9:15. Overall, it's still like... 95% the same mold, though.
  2. People have covered most of the reasons, but I'll also add that the hobby never really recovered from COVID, in terms of prices. Manufacturing in China and international shipping went up quite a bit during and post-COVID, and those are both big cost contributors to this particular hobby. The USD to JPY conversion is good if you're using USD, but it's still not enough to make up for the increased cost in production. If you're just getting in, unfortunately you're jumping in at the most expensive time, possibly ever, even adjusted for inflation. I know I've scaled back my Macross collecting for a variety of reasons, price being a big one. It's hard to pay the new prices knowing what I used to pay.
  3. Ah, I see now. The neck part was just jammed up way too far into the head. That was actually my first instinct, but I was pulling on the peg part and nothing was moving, so I figured I was missing a piece. I just needed to pull on the bulky neck part (it still took an unreasonable amount of force, but it came out). The way it was packaged, the chin was preventing the neck from snapping all the way into the chest plate part. Thanks for the help, I've got it working now!
  4. Merry Christmas to me, from Bandai I suppose. Opened up my VF-0 from Mandarake and the head just kind of... fell off... which I found strange. I noticed that it doesn't really fit right into the top of the chest plate, and yup, after looking at some other pictures, I seem to be missing an entire part of the neck. I'm going to reach out to Mandarake. I've ordered a lot from them before, but never had to return anything. Am I completely hosed here? Has any one had any luck with returns/exchanges with them? This particular item was marked as unopened and box damaged. If I had to guess, this might be a QC reject from Bandai, but given their recent QC, it might just but one that slipped through.
  5. I was in for one the first time they showed it, and I still am. Glad to see a gun, but where are the fast packs? There's no way Bandai would try to nickel and dime us for a separate purchase on those for such a niche valk, right? Right...? 😅
  6. Wish it were a green/TV version, to be more of an army-builder, but I'm still loving this one.
  7. I always kinda figured Arcadia would be the one to do the TV SDF-1, not Bandai. I'm interested, but like others, pretty skeptical. TV SDF-1s in particular seem to be vapor prone.
  8. Yup, asked for the YF-21 as more SDFM Hi metal R (destroids and enemy mecha). Based on the last time they did one of these though, if they use the data at all, it's just to decide whether or not to go forward with what they've already planned to release with MWW. That's what it seems like to me, at least.
  9. I have the original one of these, but no super parts. I was hoping the WWM VF-25F would bring back the super parts, but not like this... I think I'll just skip this release, and hope they re-release the Ozma version with super parts in the next few years. I like that scheme and head more, anyhow.
  10. HardlyNever

    Hi-Metal R

    That's unfortunate, and pretty weird, given what would actually sell well worldwide. Maybe that was part of the deal between BW and HG, I dunno. I'll probably try to get one still, but if it turns into another preorder madness insta-sell out, I'll just skip it.
  11. HardlyNever

    Hi-Metal R

    I'm probably in for one, I don't have a TV 1S in any scale, so this fills a nice little niche. I have to assume this is a worldwide release, as this seems almost tailor-made for all the Robotech fans out there that never bothered to import. Is it the most exciting HMR release? Nah, but some Macross HMR is better than no Macross HMR.
  12. Do you mean like a Premium Finish VF-0A? They made a regular VF-0A (shin version) back in 2015. Personally, I'm still holding out hope for a ghost booster bundle of the 0A or 0S (they do have those adapters, after all). But I've been waiting for... a long time.
  13. Kinda indifferent on this. The vf-25 is middle of the road for me in terms of designs I like, but it would be nice to get one I'm less worried about handling (my alto is really showing its age). I might end up getting it just for the "significance" of DX stuff no longer being locked down in Japan, if that in fact happens. It would be great if they re-released super and/or armor parts with this. That would certainly raise my interest.
  14. Filled it out, I'm not super optimistic this will lead to a flood of new Macross products hitting the states, but maybe we'll get some re-releases of stuff (like the three they were pushing for w/e reason). I kept my "what else would you want to see" response to stuff we've seen in some form (HMR detroids and enemy mecha, DX YF-21). Maybe if we keep it more focused and realistic, we'll actually see some of these products released.
  15. It fits comfortably.
  16. Yeah, had the same experience, so it's probably an issue with the design. The little center peg on my crotch armor was too big fit in the hole (that's what she said?), and I had to sand it down a little to actually fit. Had the same arm armor issue, as well. Even the legs took some fiddling to get lined up. This honestly feels like a late-stage pre-production sample that needed another round or two of refinement. Oh well, it looks really good, especially with all the tampo.
  17. Got mine from Okini Land today, couple of group shots. Overall, I like the look, and even the oversized fists are growing on me. To my eye, it looks closer to the actual in-anime look, but maybe that's just me. Biggest negative so far is that just feels... kind of cheap. I was hoping for something more "premium" feeling, like the Yamcadia armor parts. These are thin to borderline flimsy (at least my copy), and putting them on wasn't the smooth experience the yamcadia GBP is. Some parts took more pressure than I thought they should, others felt too thin. If I'm being generous to Bandai, they maybe had to go a little thin to keep overall weight down, but really, I think they could have just used better quality plastic. Still, nothing too bad, and I'm happy with the purchase. It's been a while since I've gotten any new Macross stuff, and I kind of missed it.
  18. DHL has mine from Okini Land. It's supposed to be delivered Friday.
  19. Okini Land sent me a shipping notification for the stand-alone GBP set. Also still waiting for DHL to pick it up.
  20. It depends what you're asking. If you're asking about HM-R macross-specific product, the last release was February 2020. We know they have unreleased Macross designs, but beyond that, we have no real clue whether or not they intend to start making Macross stuff again. Overall, the line is still very much active. There was a release in late May this year, with another slated for November, and one early next year.
  21. HardlyNever

    Hi-Metal R

    I believe @jenius had a very similar break on one of the early HMRs. I don't think it's very common, but unfortunately, not unheard of, and just a by-product of X% going to have a flaw in the material. You could try drilling it and pinning it, or maybe even cold weld if you don't plan on handing it much. I know this advice comes too late, but it's generally a good idea to loosen up the shoulders on the HMRs by grabbing them directly at the top of the joint and moving them around a bit first. For whatever reason, the VF-1D seemed to be made especially stiff.
  22. The Tamashii nations site has a complete list of all their DX Chogokin and Hi-Metal R releases. It is kind of weird to use, but once you get used to it, you can see all releases, including release dates, and original MSRP. DX Chogokin Hi-Metal R
  23. I'm in for one, if not that exact version, at least one of the other paint schemes. Is this the exact same mold as the vf-31A? Are there any differences? Do we even know yet?
  24. The link is working for me, and still showing available for pre-order. Not sure what is going on, but I got an order confirmation from Okiniland.
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