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Everything posted by HardlyNever

  1. Sure, like I said, the DX line is the modern line that I would say has something resembling a "factory seal." (Although their accessories packs are often closed with the same cheap tape as the HMR line) And since that is the product in question here, I guess is applicable. It was more of a mini-rant about the overuse of the "MISB" in general; not specifically the DX line. But those circle stickers are far from unique to Bandai (they aren't holographic or anything). They can be purchased and used to fake it. But cheaters will cheat, liars will lie, etc. I was mostly pointing out that the term "MISB" has been conflated beyond what it is supposed to mean, and used when it shouldn't be used, and so it seems to be open to interpretation, when it really shouldn't be.
  2. I don't want to turn this into a rant, but I think the "MISB" tag barely belongs in Macross collecting, and it kind of irritates me when I see people use it. Arcadia just doesn't seal their boxes in any way; they come from the factory just closed with tabs. You can't tell if it was ever opened (beyond just looking at box wear). The HMR line is "sealed" with tape just a hair above scotch tape in quality. You could very easily fake it, if you were so inclined. Only the DX line currently has something I might consider a "factory seal." And even that could be faked, if you really wanted to. Luckily, the Macross collecting scene doesn't seem to be as fixated on seals as some other communities; it is more about item condition, especially the condition of what is in the box, from what I've seen. Some of the vintage stuff might have better "factory seals," though. I don't really collect that.
  3. This question probably better suited for another thread, like this one: But I would say that it is more Bandai's issue than yours. Anytime I sell an item I didn't make myself, I make sure to mention I am selling it as-is, and I'm not responsible for anything that may be wrong with it due to manufacturer error. Even if it is MISB. I hope you mentioned that when you sold it. As far as the GBP, I actually like the way the v2 handles it (with folding leg fins). I think the Yamato 1/48 GBP is actually TOO big. Still on the fence whether or not I'm even going to mess with GBP in the Bandai 1/48 line, though.
  4. HardlyNever

    Hi-Metal R

    Heh, I know sarcasm is hard to convey on the internet. I was trying to make an intentionally bad/goofy version of it (hence the multi-colored comic sans). Glad you enjoyed it either way.
  5. HardlyNever

    Hi-Metal R

    Hey guys I got one!
  6. @jenius Enjoyed the review, per usual. I do think there is some "perfect" ratio of number of valks you want to own vs the number of missile kits you buy, where you might theoretically save a little money per valk, compared to a 1/60 valk. But it is pretty unlikely most people are going to hit that exact ratio. And that is assuming you can even get them at MSRP, which is a hard task. I noticed you posted the paragraph about "number one concern" twice on the text review. Also sent you a message about fixing your video alignment, if you want to use it.
  7. As far as I can tell, the part with the VF-1J is just a bad "translation" (I use the term loosely) of the part above. More of a typo than anything.
  8. Looks like the promised "2nd wave" of strike parts is officially open, and have their own separate page from the first wave: https://p-bandai.jp/item/item-1000136313/?_ga=2.221921112.1997559064.1561083654-1833131181.1550965968 https://tamashii.jp/item/12990/
  9. HardlyNever

    Hi-Metal R

    FYI, the Ikea website says the Detolf has a max load per shelf of about 8 pounds. They are probably being safe on that estimate, by a pound or so, but you might be approached that weight on some of those shelves. If you've had them like that for a while, I'd assume it is probably fine. Just something to keep in mind.
  10. I'm not even sure what to consider this, but I guess it belongs in this thread more than the Gunpla one. I'm kind of at a loss for words:
  11. I wouldn't get too bogged down in cultural expectations, etc. Most of these export companies are not run/staffed by a majority Japanese population. NY in particular seems to be largely Spanish/Latin of some variety, with maybe some French workers also. AE seems to be mostly Russian/Eastern European. This is just based on my interactions, and some of the names I've seen come out of those companies. They are also implicitly targeting a non-Japanese customer base. So I'd say cultural expectations are largely out the window. Places like Mandarake and Jungle probably have a lot more Japanese workers/work culture.
  12. Official page still just says September. NY has Sept 30, but that is probably just a place holder (they have Nov 30 for the 1S).
  13. A little late to this news (about the HG press release/propaganda session). My cynical understanding is that the real money for the Macross license for HG was actually in suing people and getting damages from those lawsuits (like their suits against Battletech). Now that that revenue has seemingly dried up, I don't know how much HG is going to fight to retain their rights to Macross as we approach the 2021 deadline. Sure, they'll slap their brand on some products that other companies are already making, but I don't know that it is really that profitable for them anymore, and it won't be very profitable for them in the future. Most of their projects in the past decade or so were just to keep the Macross rights available to them, so they could sue people when the opportunity arose. Still, it might be interesting to see a recorded version of this session (I'm not wasting my Friday on them). We might be able to read between the lines of the propaganda. Or it could be opaque BS. And as a fan of Exosquad, please, keep HG far away...
  14. HardlyNever

    Macross figures

    Uniform seems pretty good to me, and I've rewatched a couple times in the past few years. Maybe the yellow is a bit too bright. I think faces from that era of animation are hard to capture in plastic. But that doesn't mean they couldn't have done a bit better...
  15. HardlyNever

    Hi-Metal R

    I don't know anything about it, but it looks like a KO/bootleg of some kind. It says "Warrior" on it (instead of phalanx, I guess), but is sporting the UN Spacy kite for some reason. As cool as it is, these forums would have a collective meltdown if that were released as an official product, as it is pretty far off from what a phalanx is actually supposed to look like.
  16. At this point, if you're still in the market for a Max 1A (like me), I'd recommend waiting until release day. It could be that there are several available at all the main online retailers at or slightly above MSRP. Then you won't even have to deal with scalpers. That's my plan, at least. The good news long-term for this line is that it might not be as profitable as the scalpers thought (they could even be eating each others' margins), and they might move on to something more profitable. We can always hope.
  17. Sorry, didn't see that. That's pretty absurd. Like others, I've changed the address after payment, so that answer is bogus. Are you in "good standing" with them? Like, didn't miss payments, don't cancel preorders, constantly change addresses, stuff like that? I'm not trying to justify their actions, I'm just trying to figure out why you are getting the short end of the stick.
  18. I had the exact same issue a couple months ago. Submitted a ticket for an address change. Waited weeks and nothing. Followed up on their chat, they said basically "ok," then still nothing. They changed it where I could see it a few days before they shipped. I guess they either change it only on the back end, or just make a note and don't update it until they are about to ship.
  19. I wouldn't sweat it so much. Any of those things could happen, only one of them probably will (your order will be canceled). If you ended up at the current check-out screen (not the sandbox one), your payment info should be secure (or as secure as it always was). I doubt they will terminate your account for what is really their mistake. Realistically, you'll get a pretty generic email apologizing that they have to cancel your order. Maybe a message to not use the sandbox page until it is live (but I don't even know if they'll know how you got to a cart with stock in it). If you're lucky, you'll have secured one at MSRP But I really, really, would not count on that.
  20. The more I look at the source, the more I think it is a "genuine" sandbox page, not a scam page. If AE launches a new site in the next few months, we'll know for sure. I wouldn't count on getting your product, either way though. It probably doesn't have accurate stock counts. Why it is accessible is beyond me. Or it could be a scam/spoof page, in which case I hope you have good payment protection. Just watch whatever payment type you used.
  21. Uhh... proceed with extreme caution. This is the real Anime Export page. I'm not sure what that page is. The sandbox in the URL seems to imply they are maybe working on a new website, and somehow that content is live (but not really genuine). It could be a fly-by-night operation, though.
  22. I think all the variances in tampo, paint, armament detail, etc. might be somewhat intentional. At this point, there are so many interpretations of the VF-1, it is incredibly hard (if not impossible) to say what is "correct." So instead, when they make a new line, they try new things, different angles, lengths, etc. It is partially about differentiating themselves from other existing products, maybe partially trying to find what looks best. It is hit and miss; and sometimes they miss. For me, the length of the pylons for the missile pods is a non-issue. The various anime inconsistencies only reinforce the fact that these aren't real, and open to interpretation. The later VFs, where more CAD is involved, might be a different category, where you could say more objectively what is and isn't correct. I know there is what would be mechanically possible, or what more closely resembles real aircraft, and then there is stuff that has no basis in either. But as someone who only collects sci-fi anime mecha, because it is sci-fi anime mecha, these inconsistencies don't bother me. A part of me doesn't even want this to copy real-life aircraft too closely, because that isn't what I'm into (but that is just my personal taste). Even if you were trying to make some kind of multi-purpose air/ground mech in real life, it is highly unlikely it would actually end up looking like any VF we have. So... Bandai will Bandai, for sure. But transforming-anime-robots will also be transforming-anime-robots. But I do appreciate some of the custom work that goes on here. To me, it just extends the realm of the hobby.
  23. Official Tamashii page for the strike parts is up: https://tamashii.jp/item/12988/?#pagetop Basically no new information. Guess we'll just have to wait and see. I think it is a reasonable assumption that there is at least engine detail in the FAST PACK. Probably missile boom detail. Maybe leg engine detail. And the emblems are swap out plastic parts. But why wouldn't they make that clear? Why leave it up to speculation?
  24. That's an expensive intake cover.
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