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Bridge Bunny (7/15)



  1. Got my Ozma just before Christmas, but didn't have a chance to get him out until now. I also have ridiculously tight hips and the left ankle lock being a bit soft that others have reported. He joins some other armored boys.
  2. Got a shipping notice from Kappa Hobby for Ozma.
  3. Anyone have any info regarding release date for this beyond "November?" Just wondering if there is any chance of getting this in hand next month for those that preorderd.
  4. Still kinda torn on this. Macross Plus is probably my second favorite entry in the franchise and I'm a fan of the yf-21. I'm fine with it not being super line-art accurate, but higher-than-average risk of having a toy damaged right from the factory, plus the shoddy (seemingly half-finished) fast packs and overall compromised nature of this release have me holding off on this one. There's still things I like about it, but I might just wait and hope it comes down below MSRP. I think the asking price is too high for what they ended up delivering.
  5. Looks like they're adding more Macross to Disney+ in August, but only in Japan. I wonder if we'll get those outside of Japan. https://www.siliconera.com/macross-joins-disney-august-anime-lineup/
  6. That one's near and dear to my heart. That's actually one of the Playmates "reissues" they did of that mold in the 90s. However the fast pack it has is from my original Matchbox from the 80s (sadly the rest of it is long gone). I've also got a Matchbox Zentradi warrior down in the corner of the little Zentradi section.
  7. Well, it sucks this looks to be coming out worse than anticipated, especially with the damage straight out of the box. Seems like my theory that this will be a shelf warmer available on discount might come true. Now it's a question of whether I even want to buy one at a discount.
  8. Personally, I'm banking on this being somewhat of a shelf warmer, for a variety of reasons. Hoping to catch it on a discount in the next 4-5 months.
  9. Does anyone have any contacts with the state-side vendors (BBTS, Entertainment Earth) that they could check with? Beyond just the standard customer service reps. Maybe they could clear up what kind of release this is. It seems weird that all the other Frontier releases would be standard "worldwide" releases, and this wouldn't, but with Bandai, anything could happen.
  10. Yup, this is the one I was holding out for. I'm down.
  11. Yeah, Macross Tau makes sense, probably looks cool. Someone where I play made a "Riptide" out of left over Gunpla parts. I put little UN spacy kits on some of my Grey Knights stuff, but it's really small and no one really notices it (or knows what it is).
  12. Ah cool. Yeah, it's really just one army (Grey Knights) and a little unpainted Drukhari. Game is in a great spot now, best it's been since I've been playing (about 5 years) and I've talked to a lot of people that quit in 5th or 6th ed come back to the game and are enjoying it a lot more. Might be worth giving 10th a try, I've had fun with it. T'au just got a bunch of new Kroot models.
  13. Just noticed this thread. Does anyone here play, or it just about the Joytoy figures?
  14. I guess I'd be part of the target audience for this. I only have 1 VF-31 (Arad) and he's usually suited up in his sumo suit armored parts. I like the VF-31, and the super parts but... I don't know if I care to get this. Maybe will get it if/when it goes on discount from a stateside retailer (like Amazon). Is anyone else concerned on the number of reissues/"revivals" we're getting at this point? I know Macross is niche, and we haven't gotten a truly new IP in... like 8 years, but is this like... the beginning of the end? Macross collecting just seems flooded with reissues, where as 5-6 years ago we were getting actually new stuff pretty regularly.
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