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  1. Might be the Arcadia release. They were really white. Plus I see a hint of pink...
  2. I have a Disney+ account without Hulu, and I can search and see the listings of the various Macross titles, but can't actually play the content. It tells me to upgrade/unlock with Hulu in order to watch the material.
  3. Given that the revival version was the third release of the Hikaru VF-1J (fourth if you count the original Hi Metal release) I doubt they will release it yet again. But this is Bandai we are talking about, so who knows. In case you weren't aware, the red stand was included with the Kakizaki VF-1A that was released a year or so ago.
  4. Does anyone have any knowledge of where things might stand with the releases that RightStuf had announced, given that they were apparently dissolved and merged into Crunchyroll a few months ago? Frontier and 7 were the 2 Blu-ray releases I was still hoping for, even with the recent streaming release on Disney/Hulu, since those are the only remaining Blu-rays that have yet to see English subs. (I'm excluding SDFM, since I doubt we will ever see an English subbed version of the Blu-rays in my lifetime.)
  5. There were some shots that appear to have been photographed out of focus, which became more obvious with the jump from DVD to Blu-ray. Is this what you're referring to? No amount of film rescanning will help those, though there could be some AI tricks which could improve them.
  6. As a Lego and Macross fan, this looks really cool. Plus it's based on the TV version, which doesn't seem to get enough love. Appears to be 70cm long, which would put it maybe around 1/2000 scale? Display space could be a concern, but I still want one. 😁
  7. I can hear Basara busting out a rendition of Rockin Around the Christmas Tree after saying, "Listen to my song!"
  8. We can only hope. (Like we've been hoping for how many years now?)
  9. What is up with all the reissues? VF-1J GBP (technically a "revival"), then VF-4, now VF-2SS? While I can appreciate them trying to keep the Macross part of the line alive, some new models like the recent VF-19 would probably be more effective. Then again, if they would reissue the army-building units like the brown VF-1A or the Regult, I bet a lot of people would bite.
  10. Yeah, I watched that recently, too. Makes me want to get a copy for the art book.
  11. If only. That thing would require its own house (or large garage) to display. It would be amazing, though.
  12. Wow. It would be great to see all of them on display at some point!
  13. Got mine today as well. I couldn't believe how heavy the box was. The book is nice - reminds me of Perfect Memory for SDFM. Though I would have rather had a standard case for the disks so I can keep them with my other Blurays. Looking forward to watching!
  14. As far as Frontier having English subs, you're talking about the "Shooting Star" Blu-ray set of both movies, I believe? To my knowledge English subs don't officially exist yet for the Frontier TV series -- something that gets remedied soon, I hope.
  15. What we *can* say is that the process of creating dubs would delay the distribution of these shows by who knows how long. Especially if they dubbed in multiple languages.
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