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  1. We can only hope. (Like we've been hoping for how many years now?)
  2. What is up with all the reissues? VF-1J GBP (technically a "revival"), then VF-4, now VF-2SS? While I can appreciate them trying to keep the Macross part of the line alive, some new models like the recent VF-19 would probably be more effective. Then again, if they would reissue the army-building units like the brown VF-1A or the Regult, I bet a lot of people would bite.
  3. Yeah, I watched that recently, too. Makes me want to get a copy for the art book.
  4. If only. That thing would require its own house (or large garage) to display. It would be amazing, though.
  5. Wow. It would be great to see all of them on display at some point!
  6. Got mine today as well. I couldn't believe how heavy the box was. The book is nice - reminds me of Perfect Memory for SDFM. Though I would have rather had a standard case for the disks so I can keep them with my other Blurays. Looking forward to watching!
  7. As far as Frontier having English subs, you're talking about the "Shooting Star" Blu-ray set of both movies, I believe? To my knowledge English subs don't officially exist yet for the Frontier TV series -- something that gets remedied soon, I hope.
  8. What we *can* say is that the process of creating dubs would delay the distribution of these shows by who knows how long. Especially if they dubbed in multiple languages.
  9. Subs only, according to below, which is not surprising to me in the least. https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2024-07-10/disney-in-u.k-is-now-streaming-macross-frontier-and-macross-delta/.213082 I don’t believe we will ever get dubbed versions of these shows, and I’m personally OK with that. I’m just glad that official English subs of Frontier now exist.
  10. Apparently Frontier and Delta are now streaming on Disney+ in the UK? https://www.forbes.com/sites/olliebarder/2024/07/11/macross-frontier-and-delta-get-released-in-the-uk-but-not-the-us/
  11. I came here with the intent to post this myself. Just watched it last night, and it was so much fun to see some of the original actors reprise their roles. Kinchen and Todaro were pretty good replacements. I really hope they at least finish the first 3-episode miniseries.
  12. You'd think the prospect of multiple purchases driven by the desire to army build would help encourage Bandai to go ahead and release a cannon fodder version. The DX price would be a little prohibitive of a really large squad, but buying multiples would still be tempting for many. I mean, Bandai is re-releasing the HMR VF-4, but could probably do just as well re-releasing the HMR VF-1A. I'd bet that @sh9000 (who I believe took that photo above) would be up for a few more. 😁
  13. Agreed that $190 is too steep. But that discount code that @sh9000 posted took almost $30 off, which made it low enough for me to handle. And at least it's free shipping. The idea of a potential lower-priced disk-only option is great, but I really want the OVA.
  14. I'd think it will be available in the US. Flashback was listed as being included in Disney's upcoming streaming deal (which only excluded SDFM and DYRL). That said, I'll pass on this since I already have the original release, but glad to see any Macross-related HMR being made at this point.
  15. Cool! I wonder how much it will end up costing. Hopefully less than the earlier Blu-ray box.
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