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Slave IV

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Everything posted by Slave IV

  1. Yep! Preorder madness and getting the tricks of all the different shops and ways to get things online is the new “hunt” and game of collecting to me. I’m pretty much over the whole running around to all the shops to try to find that rare toy I want although I still do a bit of that. I think it was you who also mentioned that NY is stationed out of the way compared to most other shops and that’s why it takes longer for them to get shipments and as a result, send shipments. It’s all good to me as long as I get my plastic crack and I didn’t pay extra for it. That’s part of the “hunt” aspect. Back in the day, no matter how many shops I searched and shelves I dug through, if I found what I wanted, it was always msrp or less. There was no pay extra and skip the hunt button, lol!
  2. That's a great collection philosophy and high end Macross figures like these DX VF-1s are the way to go for a focused display. I really wish I had the same kind of discipline but I'm a hoarding packrat collector that has and keeps everything since childhood and I have most the original packaging along with it. A comment I made in the recent acquisitions thread today made me really think though. The amount of money I have tied up in this collection stuff could equate to a lot of other things...in my case, almost anything else I can realistically imagine wanting. Hmmmm...Giving up a bunch of my collection in exchange for multiple family vacations and going Stage 3+ on my two Audi's sounds pretty good to me.
  3. I don't run into any of these issues because I will never pay their or anyone's markup price for items and I rarely check order or tracking statuses because I don't care when I get things as long as I get them. Every time I have contacted NY for CS, they have been prompt and fair so I have no issues there. My main thing is price and they have provided me with the lowest price and saved me literally thousands of dollars over the years so I'm all good with NY. Right now, my only supposedly reliable order for the DX VF-1S is through HLJ when they opened orders around release day. I have no update from them about fulfilling my order or cancelling it. Still crossing my fingers that they come through or I could be screwed on getting a DX 1S. There is no point where I even thought about conrtacting them over it though...whatever happens, happens and I'll roll with it.
  4. Hahahaha Good one! FWIW, NY has never screwed me and I am very happy with their service. Almost all my hundreds of orders a year go through them so I'm sticking with them until they prove to me otherwise.
  5. I really hope more people stick with their word like @sqidd about not doing business with NY again. That way, I can keep getting my orders through them easier.
  6. Oooo, nice! I don't like the hollow wings and flap over the thrusters in Fighter mode. I did consider Skywarp and Thrust since Thrust also came with the covers for Skywarp but decided to pass all the way until something better comes along. Now that I know Skywarp is more expensive, I'll definitely keep passing. Yeah, all Jazz and Galvatron attempts so far are sup par to me so I'm hoping MP gets those two right.
  7. Yeah, I got back into MP because of 3P but I have everything I want now except a few characters. Last TF I got that I actually transformed and like to play with is GigaPower Sludge. I think I’m done until someone makes a good Galvatron,Jazz and Seekers
  8. Ah thanks! I’ve been buying a few TFs here and there blindly and mostly from looks alone. I haven’t even transformed Sunstreaker or MP-36 Megatron yet. Maybe it’s time for me to finally quit. But I do have that damn Unicron already ordered too.
  9. What are the supposed qc issues with MP-45? I barely follow any TF threads anymore. Thanks!
  10. No problem! And just like that, Bandai can turn someone who has no Metal Composite Collection to having a $1000 MC Collection Maybe people are supposed to use the extra decals to fix their DX 1S too
  11. You're gonna need three of these! Look in the description: -Designated decal stickers I'm pretty sure it means the numbers are not tampoed and it comes with the decals for you to choose. You can also see the optional head piece and all three together in the promo pics.
  12. 2900 seems ok to me Not likely to get it at the same price but hopefully close. I got one from NY and AJ and NY is cheaper but I will get the one from AJ sooner, which doesn’t matter at all to me especially when it comes in a Kleenex box like my Bumblebee pictured here recently.
  13. Green 101, 102 & 103 standing by! https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail?gcode=FIGURE-054843
  14. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    This was just answered a few posts back and again a bit before that. NBD, it comes with the Missile Effect Set and Glaug. Some other Bandai products come with it but it is more rare.
  15. I was barely able to get the red one preordered and it was by luck of catching a shop open an order a few minutes after the initial sellout. I hope I’m wrong but will see tonight.
  16. Lol! Always a smart move. Whatever the case, yeah it should be 1600 JST and I guess it's not a TWE so it will be another bloodbath considering everyone wants multiples and how hard it was to secure the red one.
  17. Yep! And the green CF is going on preorder this Monday! With decal sheet for three variants.
  18. Yeah, definitely just squashed since they use kleenex boxes to ship.
  19. I got this from Amazon Japan That’s how the box looked on my lawn, lol! Box inside seems fine but I haven’t bothered checking closely yet. The box underneath is in much better condition and that’s good since it should be my Blowsuperior.
  20. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Oh yeah, That's the other I was thinking of.
  21. Cool! I will try my best. Hope someone here gets it either way. Thanks!
  22. That was over an hour ago. Do you mean 7 pm or Dec 1? Thanks!
  23. Thanks! As long as there isn't too much panel forming I'm usually good. Happy Thanksgiving!
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