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Slave IV

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Everything posted by Slave IV

  1. Thanks! I was about to ask about the same thing and that Soundwave.
  2. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Almost all the non-Macross HMR have gone on clearance and they still make them (thankfully, since I love them). Will see how it goes but I’m sure Bandai is not hurting when it comes to selling out of all these things from their warehouses.
  3. I’m lucky to not have that issue I guess.
  4. You guys are too generous! Paying over $150 for a KO of something that was under $200 when official and new is more than I’m willing to pay. I wouldn’t pay more than $100 for anything but the 31A with $150 being the limit for that one. If it is 80% the quality then that is close to 80% of the price so it works for me.
  5. My daughter saw this thing and wanted to help pick the weapons. Then she asked if it was possible to fit them all on. Yep! Because we could.
  6. Thanks, I wasn’t big on this one but ordered it anyways.
  7. Yeah, I’d take some 31As and CF 1As and 1Js.
  8. Finally got this and put it together. Love it!
  9. I like both but will point out that Yamato never had issues with lining up wings and arms. That’s a sign of precision manufacturing on their part and sloppiness on Bandai’s part for still not being able to get it right.
  10. Man, I miss Yamato. It’s not often you see a company that consisted of a bunch of people doing this purely out of love for the designs. They dedicated so much into developing next generation techniques and providing fans with so many options instead of focusing on the business aspect that they put themselves out of business. To me, that’s what a great business and asset to the community should do. Put all you can into making the best product and let the community enjoy as much of it as possible and then get out when you have nothing more to offer. Going on purely for profit sake is how we end up with half ass products.
  11. Wow, that’s a sight I’ve never seen.
  12. Well, the company is Valkyrie Factory and I’m pretty sure that even as KO’s, these are still better than any Robotech Veritechs ever made.
  13. Wow, nice deal. I set my buy point for a KO VF-1 w/SSP at under $100. If this becomes the normal price, KO Valks for everyone!
  14. Yeah,Bandai not giving a crap and Macross being extremely niche is a given. But it seems to be enough for them to keep continuing the franchise and products.
  15. We all know most corporations don’t give a crap about anything but profit. Given the history and amount of Hikaru releases and rereleases in the past by Bandai, it’s a safe bet that Hikaru Valks are on the more profitable side of Macross products for them.
  16. This is the only reason I have any doubt but we also know Bandai loves releasing Hikarus. That last part is probably very true. I don’t think the Arad comparison works as well since the Armor was out shortly after the Valk, just like the Super Parts releases. And also, Arad isn’t Hikaru.
  17. Sounds like we have the same opinion of his 1J. There are too many hints and reasons for there not to be a reissue of some sort. Bandai does some strange stuff but again, I’m betting they won’t pass the chance to sell that Valk a second and third or more time.
  18. I think you’re in good shape. I ended up with just 1 DX 1J because I’m banking on reissues of some sort. To me, there is just no way they don’t reissue it. If not, I don’t mind either because Hikaru’s 1J is actually one of my least favorite decos even though it is very iconic. I’d be perfectly happy putting the GBP on any other VF-1.
  19. Is there a picture of the deco for the F-15?
  20. I think it is highly likely they have multiple accounts through whatever means they could come up with. It's an easy way to explain how they have stock of items most other shops run out of and especially the TWE items that they seem to get more than anyone else has access to. Whatever the case, I'm always willing to wait especially if I'm paying the lowest price. I oredered mulitple VF-4s the moment they went up and mine shipped a while ago but I'm still waiting for the slow boat.
  21. That’s not showing off, it would be a travesty if you didn’t share. Beautiful pick up. Congrats!
  22. I'm just going to sit back and get my 0D and everything else I ordered from NY to arrive when it does. I've been getting packages from them pretty regularly for years. Just got a few things from them about a week ago. 0 worries.
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