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Slave IV

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Everything posted by Slave IV

  1. Dude, did we live by and play with each other, lol! Perfect descriptions haha! It was good times back then when kids could easily buy M80s, Bottle Rockets and other ordinance with ease! And yes, you are absolutely right that it took M80s or stronger to actually destroy toys like that. There were some more powerful small firecrackers that could do some damage but when you wanted to be sure the job was done, M80+. That’s what I used to take out the MF. Not to mention the model space shuttle I launched into the air and exploded with a bottle rocket after seeing the Challenger on TV. And those poor ants…I waged war on them. Usually they would keep coming but after a bunch of firecrackers in the anthills and they were done. At least not coming back that way again. Flamethrower them with cans of WD-40…some sick stuff when thinking back to it. My way of redeeming the MF was getting a few bigger and better MFs over the years and most are still in original shipping boxes. So some of those things I did as a kid definitely led to me thinking I need extras of stuff I really like “just in case”.
  2. Nice! I got the one Ferrari I needed from TT:
  3. Good points! Lots of considerations... Other than some waterslides (thanks!), I don't worry about customs. I'm glad there are people putting so much thought into making our collections better.
  4. Lol, you know yourself and the collector’s mind well. I have two main regrets in my collecting. One is blowing up my original Millennium Falcon toy with firecrackers when I was in elementary school and the other was passing up on the Unifive Gatchaman God Phoenix set when it first came out and I had it in my fingertips. I don’t care too much about graded toys or comics and kinda think those services are silly but if you do have that piece, that’s pretty impressive and you would think it would be good enough for any collector but as you said, it never is. Luckily for me, there is some stuff I really just don’t care enough about to collect and I have been budgeting better since you mentioned that part of it. Right now (and since I saw the first Chunky as a kid), Macross, Marvel and Star Wars are my main weaknesses and those are plenty enough to break my budget without other distractions.
  5. I remember pics of some of the Yeti adapters where he was holding the Valks upside down with no fear of them falling off. Quality!
  6. If you’re really interested and just want to collect one special one, I’d say go for it. To put it into perspective that we can all relate to, I like to price things in Valk. That one I was looking at is only one or two Valks worth, which is nothing in the Macross collection world since I can and often do easily get two or three of the exact same Valks for no reason other than just “because” without blinking.
  7. Again, that attention to detail is much appreciated! My only regret is not buying more when I had the chance. Nice, you need to put those to use! Like I said, my only regret is not buying more back when we could. Glad @BroTaku79 has stepped up to fill the need.
  8. That laser etching is an interesting difference I didn't think of. The washer thing and thickness are the first things I noticed though. So far, it seems ok but you definitely have to tighten a lot more for them to feel secure.
  9. That attention to detail is what sets the great apart. Thanks for everything you did for this community! Of course, we all hope you can figure something out that works for you regarding those adapters.
  10. Maybe you can just do the adapters? Or help us get the ones we need in some way? I know you did a lot of work to perfect so many different types of adapters so it would be a shame to have to redo some of that. I’m pretty sure there would at least be demand for the various Yamato 1/48 and Sentinel Mospeada adapters. It is great to have any of these better stand options though.
  11. Oh cool! Great to have you back and as you noticed, it’s been desperate times without you. 😉
  12. Lol! Please say you are back in the game!
  13. Lol, tell me about it. I was just looking at some original decks earlier today just to see and no way I’m going down that road, lol! This was another of my favorites and it’s not even a “real” original but I think it was a “FU” run made right after the original got C&D orders for obvious reasons. https://www.ebay.com/itm/166176835482?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=B7QGLl3XQM-&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=bxjG5I2cRPu&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY Plus, I was talking to a friend of mine who said he didn’t want to be that guy with a bunch of skateboards that he doesn’t skate and my wife assuming I bought those last two to actually skate and that brought me back to my senses a bit. I really never collected skateboards and don’t really have much desire to. I’d much rather skate them and collect the remains of the used decks I have, which is already plenty.
  14. Slave IV

    Macross figures

    I did not notice this version but if I'm reading the fine print correctly, the versions with the tuna do not come with additional face or hand parts (plus "high quality decoration and accessories"). So unless it was an oversight and it does come with everything the standalone version, you would have to buy each one separately to get everything and that would be annoying as hell.
  15. Cool, maybe you can post here as a heads up when you list because some of us never go to the market section unless something is pointed out.
  16. Slave IV

    Macross figures

    Everyone here needs this! https://www.kitzconcept.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=104
  17. If you are not in a hurry, you can sell individually to people who really want what you have. I always feel like people buying in bulk are trying get deals to flip even if that might not be the case. I'm saying this because I hope you let people in this community including myself have a shot at what you may have😆. Even though I really should be doing something similar to you and be selling instead of buying but that another issue.
  18. Always the goto resource that I should have just checked first. Thanks!
  19. Cool! Is it just a die cast fighter mode with no gimmicks? If so, 2500Y sounds a lot more reasonable.
  20. What’s the deal with this? Is it worth $65?
  21. Ah, nice! Look forward to hearing more results.
  22. Looking good! Will the Battroid adapter work with GBP equipped Valks too?
  23. Nice blues! You should add the VF-0S Max too next time.
  24. Got some more skateboards! The original X-2 Lucero (same graphics as the one on the left) was one of my favorite decks from back in the day. Really happy to have these and they might be the first (hopefully only) skateboards I ever bought just to collect and look at. I might still end up setting up the X2 just to try it out but will see how that goes.
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