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Slave IV

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Everything posted by Slave IV

  1. Who’s the girl? I like her taste in games!
  2. Fantastic pics @Saburo & @Lolicon! Great work as usual on the custom job on M&M.
  3. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    That seems fair enough although I agree I wouldn’t have bought it knowing that is was broken.
  4. Slave IV

    Macross figures

    Haha, thanks I realized that shortly after I posted. Just got excited because they have the similar looking bodysuit and mind went blank, lol! Thanks for the offer @sh9000, I may take you up on that but not a huge priority on my list. I’m actually pretty happy with just M&M and hope KC makes more figures because thiers are ideal to me.
  5. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Nice! Thanks for those ML, AFC and HW toys too!
  6. Slave IV

    Macross figures

    What? CM made a Sivil figure?! Is that a custom? If not, I need one!
  7. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Nice! My kids have been all over my NewAge figures! They love them! Yeah, our family loves Nightmare Before Christmas too and I do consider myself a Burton fan although some of his choices bug me.
  8. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Haha, and good advice it is! BTW, the 31J did not come with extra head lasers. The only one I remember that did was the 31F (because I had to use it)
  9. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Your screen name is making more sense! BTW, are you worried about some of your figures yellowing if they are by that window too long?
  10. I don’t buy from Jungle much but what I have got from them was good so I guess I was lucky. Anyways, don’t like their fees.
  11. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    I don’t care about resale but it drives me crazy to have incomplete items. Incomplete means missing boxes, instructions, stickers, accessories, etc.
  12. Madarake has extremely high standards. The Japanese collector market is thankfully very strict on box and item conditions.
  13. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    That would bother me pretty significant;y, especially with Mandarake's great reputation. I'd consider that false advertising and ask for more...Without accusing them of anything as it's most likely an honest mistake on their part.
  14. Exactly. Not sure why anyone would expect a response from people who are on vacation...
  15. Nice grabs! I’m still undecided on Megatron too. If I get NAs, I’ll probably go for the toy version. I really want Galvatron more though.
  16. My HMR VF-4s shipped from NY via ferry showed up in the US now so that's a good sign. Not sure why they went to the EC but not gonna worry about it. Should be here anytime now.
  17. Yeah, I wasn’t paying as much attention to size as I was looks and engineering so I was shocked when I got my first one at how small it was. I quickly got over that when I found out just how good they are quality wise and how fun they are to play with. I got my first at Taobao because that’s where I get all my 3P and KO stuff from but realized there wasn’t much of a deal there so my second order was from ToyDojo. They are available at any shop that does 3P but some places are out of stock on certain ones.
  18. Haha, will see how it goes with the Insecticons. I’m waiting to see what the deal with Soundwave is. If I’m really going to collect this line, I need to be extremely selective and just get my favorite characters, especially ones I’ve never had before due to no other good options like Jazz and Skywarp. I really need a Galvatron. Soundwave will be a must and Dinobots and then I’ll probably want combiners like Bruticus, Predaking and Computron. But yeah, I’ve been looking at the Insecticon set as well and will probably break soon. Yeah, these things are fantastic. Not quite a full on photo shoot though, just messing around with them on a coffee table with the last remaining light coming from the window. But I gotta say I like them more than most MP style figures I have. The quality is excellent, the engineering is incredible and they look amazing. I’ve been skeptical and ignoring TFs for the most part of the last few years but the Seekers in @nightmareB4macross’s recent pics caught my eye and I’ve been waiting over 35 years for decent Seekers and Jazz. Who knew after all this time one company would make both in such a short time?
  19. Crap! I don't want to start collecting Transformers again! I blame you for this @nightmareB4macross! But this is one of the sweetest transforming figures I've handled in a while. Reminds me of some of my HMR and Arcadia Macross figures. If someone makes Macross figures this small and this good, it will be over for me!
  20. Damn, nice haul! @sh9000 don’t know how you get these deals but congrats!
  21. Oh man! I can’t wait to see it!
  22. Either way, that’s gotta be the greatest find of the year! Congrats!
  23. OK, well then that sucks. Hopefully that changes if things go back to normal but things like price hikes rarely every go back once they establish they can charge it. Oh well, that just makes them a little less viable to me since their cheap shipping was the only thing keeping their prices close to or sometimes lower than NY with ferry shipping.
  24. Yeah again, I haven't checked but I haven't seen anything that suggests AJ will be raising their shipping prices. 3rd party sellers as mentioned have always charged whatever they want...
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