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Slave IV

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Everything posted by Slave IV

  1. Nice pics!
  2. Haha nice. Carry on then.
  3. You need a wife or some girlfriends and crush those.
  4. There will be Roy. Just chill. Then you can get three or six of those.
  5. I never heard of anyone getting items from NY with other shops markings on them. Unless you mean the TWE shipper box. You know I pay attention to anything NY too. I seriously doubt they will have any issue fulfilling the SSP though. They kept the orders open for a very long time and they are definitely known for closing preorders when they need to. One thing they have proven is that they don’t sell what they can’t deliver.
  6. Disney stores. I got mine at the online Disney store but it looks like they are OOS right now. It says it’s limited so not sure if they will get more.
  7. I thought I saw some people mention getting their orders for the first round from NY. Either way, not a concern to me. If I did order from them, I’m sure they’d deliver but I missed that round.
  8. Also got these At first I though the Disney one was bigger but they look very close to the same size. Almost like they share the same mold. But the Disney one has better paint apps and weighs about 3 times more and cost less. Disney wins!
  9. Sweet! I’m in on Biker Scout and AT-AT driver helmets for sure! If BS makes them. Nice job!
  10. Do it! It was hard to get a good shot but here is a view from inside the helmet and looking through the rangefinder.
  11. Yeah, I think you will get other chances at it. I'll let you know if I end up ordering another. Din wasn't announced but it was teased with a rumor I guess:
  12. So sweet! The main reason I care about the DX YF-21 is for the possibility of getting DX VF-22s. Nice!
  13. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    I have them all including the non-Macross except the first release, which is the 1S Hikaru. Missed it because when the line first came out, I did not think there was any reason why I would want to pay so much for Valks that are not as good as my 1/60, 1/48 or even my original 1/55 Valks in many ways. It wasn’t until the Regult came out and I realized how good that was and how great it would be to have a collection that included enemy and supporting Mecha in one scale that I broke down and started buying them. I immediately ordered Roy’s 1S and then tried to get the GBP, which I was able to find at a decent price (I think with the help of @sh9000). Then it was over and all in for me. It would be nice to get the Hikaru 1S to complete my collection but I never really cared about that version enough to pay the asking prices for it by the time I was in. If I can get one for retail price through a reissue, it will be bought!
  14. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Damn that sucks! But to be fair, taking some pictures so they have some verifiable documentation for any action they may take on your behalf doesn’t exactly sound like jumping through hoops to me. Seems pretty reasonable actually.
  15. Yeah, there has never been anything that looked this good even at 3 times the cost that I know of. I just realized the rangefinder has a removable panel so you can actually see through it to “acquire targets”. That is attention to detail and paying fan service to its finest. Thanks! I consider it to be a must have for any Star Wars or Boba Fett fan. Even at only $120, it is one of the top jewels of my collection. Now, I just need the rest of the outfit, lol!
  16. Yeah, like I said, I’ve waited my whole life for this. I’ve seen many of the other versions that have come out before and none of them could justify their asking price to me. This one, I would have paid more for (like $150). It’s the first BS helmet I paid retail price for because there was no way I was going to miss it but if it goes on sale like all the others, I will definitely buy another.
  17. Thanks! Nice MLs. Yeah, I might need a complete section for a Boba Fett shrine at this point. Got the Disney blaster, statues and countless figures. Hasbro just teased a Din helmet I think and there is that all white prototype that just opened for preorder. I may end up with all of them. Yep. It is amazing. The previous helmets I have are great too but this one stepped it up another notch.
  18. Got a ton of stuff that I haven’t had time to check out but this one is the most important. Waited my whole life for something like this! It does not disappoint.
  19. If you wanted to, your Visa will likely refund you. But like others have said, just wait and you will get your parts. Is it really that important to get these parts immediately considering what’s going on in the world?
  20. Lol, I was thinking the same. It’s not like paint schemes are patented for use on only one model. In fact, there are plenty of schemes used on a variety of planes.
  21. Oh man! The Valks are beautiful but your personal FEXT system blows me away every time. So hard to resist and I see they have the translucent parts in stock again.
  22. They look really nice. But not enough to get me to give Claibre Wings any more of my money.
  23. Killer Instinct was pretty sweet. I almost bought one of those mini arcade Rolling Thunders but not being an arcade port is a deal breaker. Yeah, I didn’t get into pinball until a lot later.
  24. Haha, that would be cool but I just don’t see the value in coin op games with the great ports and emulators that exist. Ah, One Piece. I should have known! Great setup, thanks for sharing!
  25. That is correct but she happened to be standing in front of my favorite arcade game so it was a good excuse.
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