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Slave IV

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Posts posted by Slave IV

  1. 48 minutes ago, ChaoticYeti said:

    Looks pretty cool. Acrylic was the annoying part to get right every time, and the main reason I didn't keep up through covid.

    Maybe you can just do the adapters? Or help us get the ones we need in some way? I know you did a lot of work to perfect so many different types of adapters so it would be a shame to have to redo some of that. I’m pretty sure there would at least be demand for the various Yamato 1/48 and Sentinel Mospeada adapters. It is great to have any of these better stand options though. 

  2. 1 hour ago, ChaoticYeti said:

    Just catching up. I didn't have access to this site for a few years, and I was looking up info on the Bandai YF-21.

    Oh cool! Great to have you back and as you noticed, it’s been desperate times without you. 😉

  3. 4 hours ago, MacrossMania said:

    Good luck with that lol.  That's the biggest lie every collector tells themselves.  It usually starts out with, "hopefully, I'll..." or "I'm sure it's just..."  and then you're in neck deep.

    Hopefully that conversation we had didn't start you down this road.  I actually thought about it too, but too difficult to find originals and didn't want remakes.

    Lol, tell me about it. I was just looking at some original decks earlier today just to see and no way I’m going down that road, lol! This was another of my favorites and it’s not even a “real” original but I think it was a “FU” run made right after the original got C&D orders for obvious reasons. https://www.ebay.com/itm/166176835482?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=B7QGLl3XQM-&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=bxjG5I2cRPu&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY

    Plus, I was talking to a friend of mine who said he didn’t want to be that guy with a bunch of skateboards that he doesn’t skate and my wife assuming I bought those last two to actually skate and that brought me back to my senses a bit. I really never collected skateboards and don’t really have much desire to. I’d much rather skate them and collect the remains of the used decks I have, which is already plenty. 

  4. 51 minutes ago, Pontus said:

    Yes.  Yes I do. 

    In other news, they must be listening because they also just released the bandaged version of Hikaru with a tuna head.  They're also selling the tuna head by itself in BOTH fresh and boiled versions (but not skeletal).  


    And, if you're interested in their valks, they also have all 3 for sale for just $190!

    I did not notice this version but if I'm reading the fine print correctly, the versions with the tuna do not come with additional face or hand parts (plus "high quality decoration and accessories"). So unless it was an oversight and it does come with everything the standalone version, you would have to buy each one separately to get everything and that would be annoying as hell.

  5. 10 minutes ago, Robin-11 said:

    Ah ah, don't worry, i used to have the same problem too. Actually probably i still do for some of the lines i love the most. 

    Anyway, i will definitely be trying to sell something here too, whether it's going to be the whole lot or just piece by piece ;) 

    Cool, maybe you can post here as a heads up when you list because some of us never go to the market section unless something is pointed out.

  6. If you are not in a hurry, you can sell individually to people who really want what you have. I always feel like people buying in bulk are trying get deals to flip even if that might not be the case. I'm saying this because I hope you let people in this community including myself have a shot at what you may have😆.

    Even though I really should be doing something similar to you and be selling instead of buying but that another issue.

  7. 3 hours ago, Anasazi37 said:

    Took a week longer than anticipated, but I finished up all four adapters for the Yamato 1/48: Battroid, Gerwalk, Fighter, and Fighter with Super/Strike Parts. The Battroid and Gerwalk adapters work with or without the Super/Strike Parts attached, but separate ones were needed for both Fighter mode variants so you don't end up with a lot of empty space under the gunpod. I printed them in some white PLA that I had on hand because it was much faster for prototyping and tweaking the designs, but grey ABS would be my choice for actual use. I'm still making some small adjustments, but they're looking pretty good now. My goal was to make them as low profile as possible, so you barely know they are there. They are also best thought of cradles because the valk rests in them, but isn't locked into place. You can do some pretty extreme banking poses, though.


    samples small.jpg





    Looking good! Will the Battroid adapter work with GBP equipped Valks too?

  8. 2 hours ago, Anasazi37 said:

    End of week update for the Yamato 1/48 adapter project. I've been tweaking the design a little bit each evening, printing multiple prototypes along the way. I think it's pretty close now. Here's the latest version. It takes advantage of the original adapter design and uses it as a low profile anchor point behind the head, but also redistributes the weight of the valk further back (right behind the shoulders) in a way that holds the valk snugly in place without having to do any kind of snap fitting. It simply rests in the adapter. I wouldn't flip it upside down and expect it to stay in place, but other than that, you can do some extreme banking in the display stand and it seems to be rock solid. The tab at the bottom is moved just far enough back from the edge so the front of the adapter sits flush with the Arcadia A adapter when attached. I've been printing the prototypes in ABS for added strength, but you could probably get away with PLA since the adapter isn't subjected to a lot of pressure. I'm thinking about making a shorter version for a valk that doesn't have the armor attached. Adapters for Gerwalk and Battroid are also in the works.




    Looking good!

  9. 9 hours ago, Pontus said:

    I meant "you" in general.  Other than the tv, I've pretty much cobbled together what I've got from DIY speakers and used gear over the years.  In doing so, I found the current marketing bs in av is so overly complicated in the extreme that it's difficult to even know if you're truly getting what you paid for without mountains of research and a maze of settings on every device.  Even then, as I found out, I'm still not getting it!  Anyway sorry for going off topic (altho in my case it is regarding some new av toys).

    Gotcha! And yeah, these are definitely toys, IMO.😁

    I've been in this AV game since before I could drive so I get it and get what you are saying too. Best advice is to ask or read about whatever you are interested in a forum like this but for AV equipment, there are several good ones. I would say one good thing is technology in processing and amplification has advanced pretty far to where as long as you are buying from reputable manufactureres (or even unreputable ones in some cases at this point), you will probably end up with decent results. The key to video is calibrating whatever you get and the key to audio is the setup. You can have the greatest, most expensive gear out there but if you don't set it up properly (physically, and electronically), it's not going to sound as good as it should.

  10. 26 minutes ago, Pontus said:

    You haven't lived until you've experienced a properly setup home theater with 4k on an oled or UST laser projector.  Even my modest living room setup is better than most movie theaters.  I bought a 65" oled for 2021 xmas, and have been slowly upgrading the rest of the system including a recent ceiling speaker install.  I only just finally got 4k HDR with the addition of a PS5... only to find out Sony didn't bother paying for proper licensing, so I still need a $500 4k player just to get lossless 3d surround audio and Dolby Vision to get the full experience.  Even so...:shok: it's like looking thru the world's clearest window!  Light sources no longer look like just white spots and actually make you squint.  This means sparkly shiny things look amazing!  4k Attenborough is truly moving and seriously makes me cry. Streaming is great, but unless you have fiber internet that isn't being optimized (never), it has nothing on a 4k disc.  jmho tho.

    Agree and who said I didn’t have the other stuff you mentioned? I have a 65” 4K HDR OLED TV, Marantz processing and amplification, Usher speakers all around with SVS sub. I have some pretty fast internet too but I agree streaming can’t be as good as local, hardwired Blu-Ray but it’s close enough. Especially if we are still talking about that A-KO Blu-Ray, which I doubt is mastered in a way to take full advantage of what the Blu-Ray could offer. I’m an audiophile and videophile that definitely appreciates the difference and regularly point out the silliness of people basing colors of toys on random pictures on the internet using various sources and viewing methods, none of which has been calibrated in any consistent way or likely at all…so yeah, I get it. I’ve considered getting Blu-Ray many times but just never saw the value with the way tech is moving. The closest I came to it, I was eying an Oppo player but then they stopped making them and I just figured, f it, lol. 

  11. 57 minutes ago, 505thAirborne said:

    Just arrived from Mandarake Via DHL, $114.00 shipped seemed like a good deal to me, everything is in great shape & nothing missing despite being marked as 2nd hand, brand new as far as I'm concerned. Their packing was A++ B))

    Also, everyone needs some PROJECT A-KO in their lives, the Blu-ray is from Rightstuf.com 







    I totally forgot there was a part 4 to A-Ko... Been meaning to rewatch some of those so I guess I need to look through my old DVD collection to see what's what.

  12. 3 hours ago, MKT said:

    Never got tired of seeing the Monster with the other HMRs. It really puts the sizing & scale of everything else relative to it in perspective, pure awesomeness!

    Now that the VF-0 is out, I'm wishing hard Bandai will also make HMR of the Monster from Macross Zero. Those claw-like hands are so cool. 

    The HMR Monster is so badass! I'll take any other variations of it. It is an SOC level of quality piece.

  13. 3 hours ago, Stranger said:

    Just got my armored VF-1J in. What a figure.

    Question: Anyone know any 3rd party folks out there who have made a "missiles firing" add on like some of the larger Armored figs have?

    HMR did make Missile firing effects set but not specifically for the GBP. You could play it off with some positioning though. 


  14. 1 hour ago, Anasazi37 said:

    Haven't thought that far ahead yet. For now, I'm just trying to get the designs right. Rest assured, they will be available to the community in some form. :D

    Excellent! Look forward to seeing more. 

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