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Slave IV

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Everything posted by Slave IV

  1. Fewture did make a version of this but this one is from the infamous Evolution Toys. In this case, I'm glad I waited for this version and I'm quite happy with the overall quality. I suppose it is a simple enough design they couldn't mess it up that bad and maybe they are improving as a company as well because this is a bit better than their release of the original God Phoenix. Either way, I don't blame you for holding out especially if you have no attachment to the series. I do highly recommend checking it out though because it is fantastic and very ahead of its time in many ways. Meanwhile, I got my Stan Lee figure!
  2. Cool, thanks! Good to know.
  3. Haha, fantastic work! Just curious for those ordering...did you address the numbering "issue"? It doesn't bother me either way but I was wondering.
  4. Yep! I'm looking forward to both of those! Not so much the Preorder madness part but I really want those two for my collection.
  5. Exactly! As for that, I honestly did not know where that even came from. That poster just seemed to want to lash out at me. Looking back, I could see how they may have thought I was addressing him (or her) because I saw some earlier post but I was just sharing my experience and didn't even remember (s)he was trying to single me out before. Like I said, I only call people out to compliment them, to learn something from them or to try to help if I can. Trying to start personal insult exchanges on a forum is not what I'm here for and can definitely do without that nonsense.
  6. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Put a sticker on it and say it's a rare variant.
  7. Your first mistake was that you need to say it five times! But be careful what you wish for
  8. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Haha, it's definitely a substantial piece. Similar to the 1/55 Chunky Monkey in that it could be used as a bludgeoning weapon if needed . But in this case, I don't think it's a matter of convincing that the Monster is worth getting... @vladykins seems to be implying he already has one and is considering a second! (read the last line of his post from about 4 hrs ago). I say, go for it!
  9. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    You are the winner!
  10. Totally get it and why would anyone get mad at anyone over their shopping preferences? We're all fellow collectors here and this community seems to be all about helping each other out when we can and sharing our own experiences to give others a more informed background to make their own decisions. It's all good! Yeah, I'm extremely patient especially when it comes to toy collecting. I have cases and cases of unopened toys I can go through if I ever itch to open something so I'm never in a rush for anything to get here.
  11. When I use Ferry, it used to take 1-2 months. Since the pandemic, I've had two orders and one took around 3 months and the other about 2.5 months. As far as delays on them shipping things out to me, I haven't experienced anything longer than a couple weeks but most items go into "Preparation in progress" within days of release if not the day of.
  12. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Haha, you never know what his wife might be into. The Monster is a fantastic toy! Ne explanation should be needed to justify buying more of them!
  13. Haha, yeah it's all in good fun to me. Glad most people here get that and don't take these things too seriously or take it to personal levels. NY did end up being the easiest preorder for me last night and even with their recent prices being a bit higher, I think it will still be cheapest for me since I used the Ferry option.
  14. NP! That is weird but HLJ’s site has been pretty glitchy ever since they revamped it. Seems like it worked ok for a bunch of people once it finally opened though. Hope everyone who wanted this was able to get one. I offered my extra to someone already but if they don’t want it and someone here does, just lmk.
  15. Yeah, it's going to be a bloodbath! 23000, same as AE. I think the currency option is in the top menu towards the right.
  16. Look forward to the pics. It will be beautiful as usual.
  17. It's the first option I think, near the top of the page with the other pay now options below it. I got it. The important part is at least you got an order. Congrats!
  18. Pay option is the last step before confirmation.
  19. Thanks! We're all in this together. Not sure why some people need to take things to that level over toys and shops.
  20. Lol! arrogant? Uh ok. Someone sounds bitter. Yeah, for a while HLJ was pricing higher but it seems like they might be lowering prices again. Maybe to make up for their useless website. NY wasn't the lowest this time but it was an easy and smooth checkout and with Ferry shipping, it will likely still be cheaper shipped than most other places.
  21. NY, easy peasy! Lower price than AmiAmi, no crashing, no waiting. Good night ya’ll!
  22. Got a backup at AmiAmi.
  23. Haha, I never said I can order there every time. Most the time, yes. Don’t care who you all want to badmouth or praise. All I care is getting the same thing for the lowest price, wherever that is.
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