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Slave IV

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Everything posted by Slave IV

  1. I keep saying the same thing but I can't get over how good the Legioss looks! I can't wait to start swooshing mine!
  2. Everyone’s getting their Legioss on! It looks amazing!
  3. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Smart move! You won't regret it and I'm sure you will be pleasantly surprised at how fun and filled with personality they are.
  4. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Close but slightly taller. They are fantastic! Better than the Destroids IMO and the Destroids are great!
  5. Wow!
  6. Oh man it looks siiiick! NY doesn’t have DHL. It’s UPS or I think FedEx if you want expensive services and Ferry if you want cheap.
  7. Slave IV

    Macross figures

    Yeah, just gotta teach kids the values you believe in. Can’t hide the world from them. Anyways, I’m sure people have better things to do like talk $h1t about shops they continue to shop at and make fun of people who think those shops are great.
  8. Slave IV

    Macross figures

    Yeah, I agree with you and I have a daughter as well. Seems like there are options for people to get what works for them so I see all this as a non-issue but I get people like to argue or take things personally sometimes. We're human still.
  9. Slave IV

    Macross figures

    Haha thanks! These are all just toys and we are all fellow Macross fans. I never see any need to get hostile or offended by anyone's opinions about them.
  10. Sucks about the figure but doesn't seem like a "big" deal.
  11. Slave IV

    Macross figures

    It would be nice if the whole world worked a bit differently than it does. Just saying. As for toys, get whatever you like is my take on it.
  12. Oh man...more heart intensifying! I'm looking forward to this probably more than the Focker 1S.
  13. Haha, kinda like that. I look forward to the pain on preorder night.
  14. great hauls! @DYRL VF-1S, major 1/55 chunky envy here....
  15. Oh man, this is the pain we were all anticipating/fearing. The internets will be broke on preorder night! Of course not! They did it on purpose and planned it this way from the start to give you different sized pilots for uncompromised 3D greatness!
  16. It’s a combination of what you mentioned but if you look at the grey market thread, you’ll see there are KOs and the DX VF-31 KOs seem to be on the way. Also, there have been KOs of Macross since the beginning and I think if anything, the first time I’ve seen widespread KOs of figures were of Macross. But I think for the most part, Macross is too niche a market for it to be as widespread as we see for Transformers. As for not being able to get genuine MP Transformers, that’s odd. It seems to me to be very easy to choose between getting official and KO with many people, myself included opting for the cheaper KOs in many cases because they are often better, improved, offer different sizing or decos or a combination of all the above.
  17. Is that April O’Neill?
  18. Cool! I was looking at that Mr. T but passed for now. Mainly didn't feel like dealing with EE but maybe I should check again.
  19. I think a combination of HasbroPulse and Dorkside. I’m not in a rush but look forward to checking them out in hand. But right now, I don’t care about getting anything except for the Sentinel Legioss. That thing looks magnificent and I’ve been waiting over 30 years for something like it!
  20. CDJ has DHL. I made an order recently and they charged less than AJ would have. Got the item in less than a week.
  21. Sweet! I don’t have any of mine yet.
  22. I haven’t dropped the DX VF-1 but one of my 31s took a violent fall from a bit over 6’ onto hardwood floors. Only thing that happened was I lost the head spike and luckily it came with an extra.
  23. Lucky you! The app is so annoying I want to blow up the people who made it.
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