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Slave IV

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Everything posted by Slave IV

  1. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Just reiterating how great the HMR GBP is along with everyone else. I would say it’s the best implementation on the GBP by anyone so far.
  2. Nice! I’m so close to ordering the Coneheads. I only want Thrust but the figures are so good that having more and getting extra space bridge parts almost me not care about paying three times more just to get the one figure I want.
  3. Yeah usually not my go to color except on Lambos!
  4. Oh nice! I want a dfinitive Countach model too but haven't come across any I like enough and am willing to pay the price for. Did you get one like this? This one looks really good but I want it in Yellow!
  5. Yeah, I’ve had to get money back from ninnin before. But if they do deliver, you’re good to go!
  6. Haha, thanks! I said I would stick around and experience the battle!
  7. Wow, congrats to all who had success! This seems like it went well for many who kept fighting!
  8. Wow, you just stroll in and casually nab one. Luck of the cat! congrats!
  9. Nice!
  10. Haha, yeah she helps when she can.
  11. Two laptops, phone and a million tabs, lol!
  12. I had them not ship and not respond to anything several months after something was released. Got my money back and never used them again. I'd say if you can get a order there, it doesn't hurt since worst case you get your money back too. Congrats!
  13. Cheers!
  14. Alright then...they got issues, we all know it. We can talk that later, right now keep your focus on the prize!
  15. I'm pretty sure everyone who ordered the 0D from NY got shipped already...I don't think they purposely sit on stock. They probably have serious issues getting Bandai products. No reason for any business to take up space in their warehouse if they don't need to.
  16. Yeah, as mentioned...they will probably list later at markup. You gotta get that first batch to get the discount. Not a glitch, this has happened on a few rare occasions. But it is the same everytime when they do list. You gotta be fast or they sell out whatever allotted amount they give at the discount and then they sometimes list at a higher price later if they think they can secure more stock.
  17. Lol Thanks! You gotta drink up now! Yeah, it was brutal. Like I said, heart pumping the whole time through checkout. But it did go quick and smooth.
  18. They usually go quick everywhere like that so you gotta do this:....
  19. Thank you! Sooner or later...matters not to me. Just glad I relived some pressure. I'll be hanging with you all through this for the long haul though! Haha, thanks!
  20. Just got it and it is showing up in my order history.
  21. It's a done deal. They have other items open already too. It looks like they started early this time and listed some TWE items a while ago. You should definitely try though.
  22. Frack, I wish. Heart was pounding but glad I was checking and able to get it out of the way early.
  23. Done and done!
  24. Yeah, that was the safest and most economical route you took.
  25. Yeah, I’m going to hold out on it too but it is also much larger than the MB. I think I’ll wait for the inevitable later releases and get one version that I don’t already have in MB.
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