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Slave IV

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Everything posted by Slave IV

  1. Oh friggin hell! Would he be into meeting somewhere beforehand? Haha!
  2. Yes. And just because...
  3. I haven’t seen it up close but it seems really good. I had it preordered but cancelled last min as part of my cutting down. I don’t really care to collect things that were never meant for toy collecting but end up getting figures just because. But even so, I still have the Mezco order and will probably keep it because if I have one, might as well go all out with hopefully the best one.
  4. There is the recent SHF release and upcoming Mezco.
  5. If you just want some Indiana Jones figures to hang misp, there are the retro style ones that are on cards.
  6. I’ll grab one python pod if it gets clearanced enough, lol. Don’t need/want python Copperhead but still need to get the regular one.
  7. Haha, it’s all part of the plan to control yourself. In that case, wise, very wise. 😆
  8. I get you on being selective but Cobra is the main draw of GI Joe collecting, imo.😜
  9. Nice overview @grogall My most wanted is VF-1S Max.
  10. Yeah, there is some silly stuff and filler but even after all the episodes, it leaves you (or me at least) to want more. Plus a lot of the concepts, as crazy as they might be are part of the fun and creativity in anime that you don't get as much of anymore.
  11. Haha, or just very obsessive. I’d be sad if I had to find an inconsistent (in so many ways) image to compare my toys to enjoy them. But also get that some people gotta do what they gotta do and it’s all good if that floats their boats.
  12. Haha, while I agree with much of this, the same or worse can be said for the other series. I like them all but this one feels the most like a proper SDFM sequel to me, which is the main reason I like it so much. Next is M0, which is a great prequel. The rest of the series just seem to exist with Valks, Singing and the Tri-Theme tying them together.
  13. Nice pic! You should watch it though. It’s the best series other than the original…by far. Imo.
  14. That looks strikingly similar to another armored character I know of...
  15. "Alexa, take these Arcadia plans and scale down to 1/100." Done.
  16. This would make sense and sounds great even though I have no issues with any of mine. Thing is, as much as I want reissues of rare Valks, part of the reason they are rare is because they probably didn’t make a lot to begin with and those still took a while to sell, even at discount so it’s reasonable to expect the same would happen again. It’s part of what put Yamato out of business in the first place.
  17. Slave IV

    Macross figures

  18. Slave IV

    Macross figures

    Dang! Congrats to the select few who own them! Did each one come with a sketch like that Milia? If so, even more sweet!
  19. Slave IV

    Macross figures

    Only 8 in the world?! Wow, nice!
  20. I Have Moshow Takeda Shingen and it is among the best quality, engineered, hefty and detailed figures I have at any price, let alone being around half the price of a Metal Build. It's bigger, better and cheaper than the mostly compared Metal Build figures I have.
  21. Yeah, I had fighter jets and tanks though. I gotta find my cards...I know they are stored away somewhere.
  22. Super Trump Cards! Those were the days. I had specs for every fighter jet of the times memorized.
  23. Just opened mine and I’m liking it!
  24. Yeah, they aren't the best and looks boring if you have more than 2-3 of them on the same shelf but just another good option in the variety of ways to display the sea of valks in most of our collections.😆
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