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Slave IV

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Everything posted by Slave IV

  1. Yeah, I don’t find the DX to be quite as bad as what you are saying but the overall point I originally was making is Yamato/Arcadia Valks lock together solidly and cleanly in all modes and that is worth more than some tampos to me. It should certainly be a more important point of determining value at least.
  2. I'd like to get some more Yamato CF in 1/48 and V2 1/60. Don't see them too often and they usually aren't cheap but I haven't really checked Yahoo auctions. Hope you are right about them not being popular but somehow I don't think that is going to matter come preorder madness time.
  3. Yeah, good luck with that too! It's going to be Focker x6 madness!
  4. I'm guessing a 1J type will be coming next. Either GBP or M&M. After that, CF 1A.
  5. Ah ok. Interesting choice I never would have made but I'm also all about comic style over MCU.
  6. Impressive. I don’t think I’ve ever seen pictures of DX VF-1 wings that line up cleanly and solidly without some massaging.
  7. People always compare tampo printing as the deciding factor on price point. What about the fact that proper Arcadia Valks line up and tab together almost perfectly. Bandai had over 30 years of VF-1 toy development to study and they still can’t get the wings to line up straight. I like both but to me, Arcadia is still on a higher level of materials fit and finish.
  8. Do you have the Sentinel Re:Edit Hulkbuster? It is still one of my favorite figures all time. It’s a beautiful piece of work.
  9. Haha, that’s ridiculous! Glad you got your money back. I complained to them when some Amazon exclusive figures came to me in a crushed padded envelope. I don’t seem to have any problem since. They sent a replacement in a nicely packed box and even though I have still received items in bags, they are surprisingly still in good condition. I’ve never received anything just in the plain box the item comes in though. Sorry that’s hilarious that they did that and thought it would be ok.
  10. Lol, this? Gotta love the Kleenex boxes they used to use! Thankfully the shrink wrap helped keep the box inside safe. For packing, Mandarake and AmiAmi are the best. Followed by CDJ and NY. HLJ can be iffy because they will sometimes shrink wrap like AJ, sometimes there will be items just bouncing around in the shipper with one air bag with it that is doing next to nothing.
  11. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    No doubt since the KO is basically an Arcadia with some slight differences and quality. Can’t expect KC to compare with that but I was just curious if you had the updated one and if so, what you thought of it.
  12. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Is your KC the updated one with improvements?
  13. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Set your TV to enhance yellow and then you can call it screen accurate!
  14. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Lol, or just call it the yellow variant VF-1J.
  15. While I agree that nin-nin is crap, I wish some of these reviews would stick with the facts, which should be enough. When they start making accusations with no proof, it just makes their review less credible...ironically since they are also calling out other reviews. Again, use a credit card through Paypal whenever buying from any foreign retailer to give yourself extra protection. Paypal should side with you in this case but if they don't your credit card company most likely will. I've thankfully have not needed to go that far very often but when I have, I've never seen a case where a credit card company would not side with their cardholder.
  16. Possible but somehow I doubt that. Will we ever know exactly how Bandai operates? Probably not.
  17. Ah, my bad! I thought it was you. Thanks to @F360 for anyone who scored on that one.
  18. Our resident preorder queen @Shizuka the Cat also alerted about it last week. It was middle of the night for USA.
  19. HLJ has cancelled orders before. I have a feeling this one will stick because it seems like they may have had a similar situation as CDJ recently and opened a batch for order. They probably reconciled their orders with stock they are expecting and found they were able to reopen. At least let’s hope so. My Hikaru 1S situation is probably a glitch because I know others who ordered around the same time had their orders cancelled and some fulfilled. I’m just going to leave it there and if they someday deliver, bonus for me!
  20. Thanks to @Shizuka the Cat and hope this works for everyone. Still shows as available atm. FWIW, I still have a Hikaru DX 1S in my PW from when that released that they have not fulfilled or cancelled. edit: order stop again now.
  21. Ghostriding!
  22. Yeah, I'd take that and some VF-22 and VF-11 while we are at it.
  23. LOL! Yeah, maybe our counter tops can fold space and we can send Valks to each other that way.
  24. Power to the Dreamers!...
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