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Slave IV

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Everything posted by Slave IV

  1. All good points that I've thought about. Part of why I'm already introducing my kids to my toys...Letting them play with and learn how to handle high end stuff. So far, they love my collection. I also started finding stuff I have stored away to give them as gifts on Christmas, Birthdays and whenever I feel like hooking them up. I do realize a lot of the stuff will become a burden if I am gone but at that point, I'm gone so they can give it or throw it away at that point if that's what they want to do. Nope, I don't care enough to bother asking yet. If in a couple more months, some orders that I do want delivered have not moved, I might reach out and see what's up at that point.
  2. Look forward to seeing that! I've moved so many times with my collection and of course, it gets harder each time as I amass more and more. In the end, I will say that moving the toys is a breeze compared with the Comic Books. Hauling around 30 full long boxes up and down stairs across the country is a BITCH!
  3. That number scares me...mainly because I have no idea how much stuff I have and how much I paid for it all but I'm pretty sure I have WAY more than you do. I spent much of my life collecting with the thought that I would pass it on to my kids someday but at the same time, it's a pretty big burden to even look through that much stuff let alone haul it around.
  4. This is the main reason I won’t buy anymore CW. Everything falls off it anytime I barely touch the thing. The landing doors, pylons, ordinance, exhaust nozzles...all loose as a, well you know. Elmer’s glue is a good suggestion but I haven’t had any since I was in elementary school and it would have been better if I just didn’t need to glue my prebuilt diecast model. Anyways, looks cool and look forward to seeing pics from other people. I am interested in the elevator though. That’s a sweet looking display enhancer.
  5. Yeah, the "low-vis" trip from Yamato 1/48 is a fantastic group to have.
  6. They been HG'd?
  7. Yeah, always too many absolute assumptions. Just because something’s design was credited to one person or group doesn’t mean every final detail was their choice. Way to many factors to say anything other than what worked and what didn’t on the final product.
  8. Nice! Is there something attached between your 0D and the Flightpose stand? It looks like there is something there above the nub of the front stand arm.
  9. I don’t remember the model numbers but I have a portable Sony and a JVC.
  10. Yeah, for new stuff oled is unoutchable right now but something about old CRT monitors calibrated properly with a good signal is so satisfying. I didn’t think about it for a long time until I tried plugging some old games into my oled and then I was immediately glad I still have those production monitors in storage.
  11. Oh nice! I have a couple production monitors from my old editing studio I’ve been keeping around for gaming on. Those Sony’s are fantastic.
  12. I just setup a Tenso address recently. It was simple and I think they have a guide to set it up with various accounts so you don’t need to worry about translating anything.
  13. Yeah, I have both of their God Phoenix’s and those are pretty good. Even then, if they had just a few more moving parts, I’d be worried. Hope this one works out for you. At least you got that EX Gokin coming which should be fantastic.
  14. Oh nice, so you know what’s up! I’m not sure about that Evolution Toy version though. Hopefully it turns out good but they has a piss poor reputation.
  15. Yeah, my favorite thing about it is the magnetic concept which came from Steel Jeeg. If you like the OG that the Baron came from, there are a lot of modern versions like this one I got. And there is a Fewture and this on from Alphamax and yeah, the horse came from Pantheroid
  16. Cool, good to know. Thanks!
  17. Ok cool. So they have them and if I really wanted, I could nudge them to send mine. Good to know, thanks!
  18. Everyone talking about SSP from NY...anyone get their second run Missile sets from them yet? I ordered one of each as backup from NY and I’m not worried about getting them but just curious.
  19. The oldest Macross I have is the Chunky Monkey and the little crappy transforming one. I can still crack heads with no issue to the toy as far as Chunkys go. The little one did break at one of the arm sliders but only after years of taking it with me everywhere and transforming it countless amount of times. It should still work to this day (if I could find it) but I just need to hold the arm in place. MP-47...I don't know, I heard and seen issues with that so I have been careful with mine but I've let my kids play with it and I'm looking at it right now with zero breaks or disintegrations. Again, I guess I'm just lucky?
  20. Ouch! Well, I'm glad it hasn't happened to my toys. I've got most my toys from childhood and I can't think of any that have what you've described happen. Worst I can think of is broken o-ring bands in GI Joe figures and some crappy Go Bots that had parts come off but did not "disintegrate".
  21. Oh ok, lol! FWIW, if I remember correctly, my Flightpose stand came in a branded box that was shipped in another shipping box. If anything, that's the only thing Flightpose has on Yeti but even for a box hoarder like myself, I don't really care what my stands come in as long as they come in good condition/not damaged.
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