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Slave IV

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Everything posted by Slave IV

  1. Why do anything until you have to? Just sit back, relax and strap on your seat belt.
  2. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Better is butter, whatever the reason. I love them all though.
  3. That looks like all joy to me with no sign of regret.
  4. That’s an odd thought considering so many Valks share so many similarities. Many are almost exactly the same other than the color of some stripes.
  5. Nice! I just set up some “ninja” jungle gym swings under my patio for the kids. That and the 15’ trampoline in the backyard are great for staying active. Been thinking about setting up my weights somewhere but that stuff has been collecting dust for years.
  6. Man, I wish basements were a thing around here.
  7. SH!t, already made it to the last step. Nowhere left for me to go.
  8. What happens when you have so many stacked in a room there’s nowhere to roll them?
  9. I don’t know how that can be topped.
  10. I paid three times more for one to look like that.
  11. That could work as a mid transition mode. Reason now to by an extra of each Valk!
  12. Haha, I'm the same way mainly because I just think the covers look better. One reason is because yeah, the fans look silly so close to the intake. The other is the way the covers look, they could work either by sliding open or just folding open, in the latter case, they would still be visible and I can just pretend they are either way with them on.
  13. Yeah, I experienced this several times so you are probably right. I just wasn't sure if that would be the case with this since they raised the price so much and if there is really a big demand for it but $700-$900 says it all. Looks like even Gigan, which was another baddie that I saw stick around and go on heavy clearance is going up in value quite a bit too. OK, you convinced me, lol!
  14. Was it really pulling for that much before the reissue? Hmmmm, I was thinking maybe I could get it on clearance but maybe that won’t happen with this one. Damn.
  15. Man, I want that Biolante but can’t bring myself to pay that price yet. What to do...
  16. I didn’t get these in store. The Mando was ordered from Amazon, Retro Boba was from a fellow collector that helped me. I’ve been trying to get it since it was announced and finally got one.
  17. Yeah, I'm not a big HT collector but had to get that one! I do love my Legos but hard to say, I haven't bought the Razorcrest yet but do plan to. I still need to get the latest Slave I and finally build the UCS Slave I and buy TVC Slave I when it goes on clearance. Unfortunately, I still don't have SDCC Retro color Black Series Boba Fett.
  18. I think the front windshield thing is mostly illegal but the specific film Llumar and other companies make for the windshield is basically unnoticeable, especially if you have a good install. I've been pulled over more times than I care to mention and even got hit with having tint on the side windows once but the cops have never noticed or mentioned windshield tint that was always on my car. I don't like very dark tint so most of my cars are tinted with very light film (50% or more) but the tech is so good on them that they do the intended job for me which is blocking UV and mainly HEAT! Llumar's windshield tint is I think 80% light transmission and the advertised specs (which seem to match tested specs in many cases) show that it blocks more heat than darker films from lesser companies.
  19. Thanks! I mainly use Llumar film and that one seems to be one of the top performers tested and museum approved!
  20. Yeah, for the windows. There’s also specific windshield film that lets through most the light (70-80%) but also has similar heat blocking properties. The main point is these films seem to protect me and my car interiors very well and I’ve recommended them to people to put on their home windows for the same reason. I have an older car without the tint and old paper that I leave in there gets crusty and yellowed. My other cars with tint preserve everything inside like they are unaffected at all.
  21. Yeah, I get ceramic tint mostly for the heat blocking and again, my non scientific tests have shown that my car is much cooler than cars parked in the same area with regular tint. I just looked up some specs and the films say they block Wavelengths 300-380nm which is most of the UV-A that isn't covered by the glass alone.
  22. Yeah...but the film should block the same %. Either way, I know the film works very well but just curious about the numbers since @sqidd actually went and got a meter for it.
  23. I'm curious about your UV meter tests. The ceramic based films I buy for my cars mostly claim over 99% UV protection and I wonder how accurate that is. I know from my less scientific tests that my cars stay WAY cooler than other cars parked in the same area and if my windows are rolled up, I never get any sign of sunburn or tan on my arm but if the windows are down, I can feel my skin start to burn almost immediately.
  24. Oh yeah? So they just took the Takatoku and pressed it out as a non transformable version? Haha, I did not know that but that does then indeed suck, lol!
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