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Slave IV

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Everything posted by Slave IV

  1. Yeah, you’d have to see the show and the toy ads to remember if you ever knew of it. I haven’t watched that doc yet but was thinking about it. I didn’t think I’d get in on the Origins line but I did anyways. Originally thought the Mega Construx line would be enough since they are smaller, cheaper and I could get them all without breaking a sweat on my wallet or space. The Devilman series on Netflix is not the same as the old stuff you might remember but it is the same character. Much more graphic in every way you can imagine. As for DYRL, can’t get enough of that...I’m constantly watching and rewatching different Macross throughout most my life.
  2. Haha, yeah kinda. You might remember these if you dig deep in your subconscious and trigger some more 80’s nostalgia. I was thinking I would just get one to check out and open but I’m about to order a few more, lol! Magnets on feet was one of the factors that pushed me over.
  3. Got this based on some high praise I heard about these being superb figures. Problem now is it looks so good in package I wonder if I should buy more to open some?
  4. Haha, all those choices and none of them actually match my preference. I voted there is no standard because the canon indicates that they can be anywhere depending on situation. I also like them canted forward but not as much as in the picture you provided as a sample. My preference is that each pair on the sides are “V” angled, not parallel with each other and the rear ones should be straight up, making the front lasers slightly canted forward. Actually, I am hereby declaring that this is the proper way for canon and any preference.
  5. If you don’t mind waiting and choose their Ferry shipping option, that is probably the best deal you can get for the PF version. Only other shop I know of that has the PF is HLJ but it is definitely going to cost you more and they only offer very expensive expedited shipping options. Buying direct from Arcadia and using a proxy will also likely end up more expensive but you will get it a lot sooner.
  6. Haha, love it! It takes all sorts to make an interesting world. Who knows but whatever makes the Japanese minds tick also brought us Macross to begin with and I’m thankful and appreciative of aspects of all cultures.
  7. I’m glad I don’t take tiny prints on my toys too seriously. I’m also always happy to get extra decals or anything. Blue Angels decals for free sounds great to me, it sounds like a great bonus!
  8. Never heard people complain so much about getting more options.
  9. Once again, I love that cell shaded deco!
  10. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Cuing the "King of HMR" @sh9000...
  11. Good idea. Just the point of having to do anything is irritating though. If I do use sticky tack, is that also edible or have disease curing properties? Makes a big difference in what I decide to go with.
  12. Doesn't it cure C-19?
  13. Hey, it's non-toxic right?
  14. Mine is the Jolly Rogers Last Deployment model. I’ve heard about people using glue and I might resort to using some elmers school glue but I’d prefer not to have to do that. As mentioned, it does look fantastic when the parts are not falling off. Yeah, I like these things but too frustrating for me. If they had magnetic parts, I think that would solve the problem and make them look and play much better.
  15. Nice video and tips! Unfortunately, the words used, “snugly” and “tightly” don’t describe a single removable part on the one I have. Everything from the exhaust nozzles to the landing gear parts or covers, to the missile pylons, missiles, fuel tanks and anything else I forgot to mention, falls off either from gravity, a slight breath of air or touch. Other than most the time I spend picking parts off the floor if I ever attempt to touch the thing, it looks fantastic!
  16. Very nice! I think on my old CW, the point was a rubbery piece that came already attached. It’s one of the ONLY parts that doesn’t always fall off whenever I touch the damn thing. One of the main reasons I don’t want to buy any more of these things because I hate that everything always falls off and I don’t want to glue it. If this thing is still available after a while, I might impulse buy it but only if more pictures drive me insane without having it.
  17. Ah, very nice! Thanks!
  18. Damn, the enabling is strong! I was completely ready to pass on this but all the pics and quotes like, "A must have for all Macross Fans! " are not helping. I am a bit more intrigued by the carrier though. Also, did the tip of the nose break off or you removed it?
  19. Wow! what is that? (the carrier)
  20. Yeah, I'm still interested in the Calibre Wings one. I think it could work well for HMR to Arcadia VF-1s and everything in between.
  21. I think it’s closer to 1/250 or smaller for real scale. That’s a Gashapon Valk on it.
  22. That’s awesome @sqidd! Thanks for sharing those pics! Meanwhile, I don’t think I need to order the Calibre Wings elevator anymore after getting this.
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