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Slave IV

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Everything posted by Slave IV

  1. Yeah, now that I have the 29, I'd take the matching 25 I mentioned and a 27 while they're at it. I could be good with just those three in the redone look. Sure, it would be tough to pass Michael's 25G if they did that too...but then I'd be done. Unless...
  2. Sounds like he gets it.
  3. Ozma Armored 25 Reissue with improvements
  4. OK, makes sense. Like I said, I never use them so I don't know what they actually are. Partly, my anal need to keep things as original as possible (including keeping the decal or sticker sheet intact), partly because making my own waterslides is fun and I think they usually end up looking better and easier to apply without messing up.
  5. I thought regular releases always come with decals...don't they? I'm not sure because I never use the included and try to make my own waterslides when I feel the need to add some detail but I'm sure I've seen the sheets in most of my regular Arcadia figures.
  6. I'm guessing there will be at least three other VF-1 releases before DYRL Roy.
  7. Mageneto? Meh. Please tilt up and show us what incredible pose you the Man in!
  8. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Haha, nice!
  9. Slave IV

    Macross figures

    1 cm is a lot for a tiny 1/12 wrist. Sucks to hear though. I was going to open mine today but got caught up and probably won’t get to it.
  10. This all looks fantastic. Great work!
  11. Awesome...More reasons to try to stop collecting...Just try though. I'm an addict.
  12. Slave IV

    Macross figures

    Yeah, the joints are delicate but as long as you are careful and used to swapping small parts like it, there shouldn’t be a problem. Either way, I think KC should be able to help if you explain what happened and ask nicely.
  13. When I use those stands, I cover the tips with tape. Only thing is it makes the tips lose a lot a friction.
  14. Doesn't matter...you paid for a service that you did not receive. You gave them an amount of time you deemed reasonable or were never given notice that they would not deliver so your credit card company should help you.
  15. It looks like he is using Flightpose in his pics above and mentioned he got the infamous paint chipping off because of the stand. I'll be very happy if/when @ChaoticYeti gets his shop back up and running.
  16. Just got shipment notice for my 29 from NY.
  17. Slave IV

    Macross figures

    If you have a similar Revo like joint, maybe. I would just contact KC. Their customer service is superb.
  18. That wouldn’t surprise me, especially if they offered TWE in factory shipper boxes.
  19. Either in a plastic bag or a tissue box.
  20. Still not bad. Thanks!
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