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Slave IV

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Everything posted by Slave IV

  1. Speaking of game systems, I just ordered the first new game system I've bought since the original Wii. Oculus Quest 2. The thing is ridiculous and I don't think I'll ever buy another conventional game system again.
  2. Yeah, the Super Parts and Strike parts are for VF-1s. Put them on whatever VF-1s you want.
  3. TWE items are starting to suck too. Even though they might be available to order direct, the proxy services are running out of openings faster. At this point, I’d rather take my chances with regular preorder madness items that are cheaper, more options to buy from, and usually no upfront payment.
  4. Agreed but that doesn't sound like a very Bandai thing to do...
  5. Congrats! That is probably the single greatest Macross toy release of all time.
  6. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Yeah, it’s good but I wouldn’t say it’s the best and anything can still be improved. Either way, I hope they don’t make more and just give the accessories separately in this case.
  7. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Maybe they will make some other improvements to the Valk to sweeten the deal. I really hope not. Just sell me the speakers separately.
  8. Hands don’t concern me when the stock articulated ones are as good as they are.
  9. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Aw, hell no! If they do that, I just may boycott and these will be the first DX Valks I don’t buy since they started DX Delta. Except may one...or five.
  10. My 1/48 GBP shelf is gonna need an extension. Major reinforcements coming in! Gonna look SO SWEET with the Yamato Low Vis armors.
  11. Ok FEXT, it’s time to make that GBP stand bigger for the DX line!
  12. Now I Need FEXT to make their GBP stand for DX.
  13. Haha yeah. All three GBP are a must for me. And that means I'll need at least another Max 1J or two. So F'D!
  14. Yeah, I'm so F'd. I need all that and I just hope they aren't releasing it all right away or at all. No HMR though...
  15. Yep, I totally missed it at first too. Damn, M&M DX will be beautiful! Except now will I need 12 sets to display in every way including GBP?
  16. Oh hell, I just noticed the picture and posts about Max's 1J...YES! Would prefer his 1S but I will take it all! Just hope this stuff isn't TWE because I'd rather deal with preorder madness than pay that much up front right now...
  17. This may call for a new one from @no3Ljm but here's one
  18. Oh, you got Lockjaw finally? Mine might be coming soon then too.
  19. The only one that is the new one will say "Full Set Pack" Here: https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/dp/B0897ZW6HZ/?coliid=IBNO458ZE7U4Q&colid=20P3B16Y46QMH&psc=1&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it
  20. Slave IV

    repair for my VF-19

    I’ve used needles. I cut them with heavy duty wire cutters.
  21. If the shoulder thing is not new, there must be confirmation and pictures of fixed ones if it can be fixed right? Let's see em!
  22. Oh nice! Look forward to seeing the results.
  23. Have you done this on yours or are you saying theoretically?
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