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Slave IV

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Posts posted by Slave IV

  1. I have seen a friends metal build Gundam and it certainly is an impressive bit of kit! ^_^

    Cool spiderman figure too! B))

    Hopefully I can check one out in person sometime to see if I want to dabble in the line.

    Thanks about the Spidey figure! They are pretty fun, I just ordered the new Revo Comic style Spiderman so I'm really looking forward to getting that thing, especially the accessories that come with it.

  2. Oh nice, I guess I should have bought more when I did since they seem to be sold out or price has gone up on originals. I got mine for about the same price as the knockoffs.

  3. it certainly looks very cool but nahhh.. just not into Gundam at all.

    my Autoart Signature Lamborghini Countach Walter Wolf edition arrived today! And what a stunner it is! :wub:

    @derex.. those gold wheels and highlights really work on it! It makes it scream 1970's at you! I love it! :D


    Looks amazing!

    I'm intrigued by the Metal Build and this 3rd party Gundam but it's a road I don't want to go down, LOL! IF they start making some figures from G-Gundam, I might be hurting.

    Here's one of my latest purchases:


    MCU can suck it as far as figures go...It's all about comic style for me!

  4. workin on some HRM battle scenes, really wish there was an effect part for the gunpod firing... guess I could photoshop it in :p


    Very nice!

    Bandai needs to put out an effects line for HMR!

    Spiraling missiles are as iconic as VF-1's in Macross.

  5. i use a ton of the Tamashii Act5 stands and that trident stand for Robot Damashii. Word of warning - if you position it in such a way that it puts a lot of horizontal stress on the tubes (arm laid way back, etc) they WILL crack from the stress and loosen considerably. My RD Sinanju hit the deck one day last year and nearly gave me a heart attack.

    Thanks! I just started using the Tamashii stages and haven't bothered tightening anything to hold an arm too horizontally and now I just won't. Anything it can't hold on it's own the way it came out the box, I'll just assume is too much pressure.

  6. Just be a bit careful about those Tridents/SA-5 stands from Bandai.

    I don't personally trust them for displaying in battroid or even gerwalk modes. Especially with the extender tubes.

    I think there was somebody here who got his Roy do an unfortunate shelf-dive when being used with an tubed-extended SA-5 stand.

    Thanks for the warning! The stands and connectors do seem touchy but they seem ok once you get it all set up. Probably should tighten the joints if you are doing anything that seems iffy. My 1S fell out of the shelf and onto the hardwood floor and other than some parts flying off, it was fine. Of course, I don't want that happening regularly.

  7. (Pretending that I didn't read the 'also depends' section.)

    Ouch. I'm going to stop collecting now. Farewell guys. Thank you. You've been so nice to me. Have fun collecting. :cray:

    You wish. :acute:

    :D No offense!

    What's wrong with a "crowded" or "Static" display? :huh:










    Absolutely nothing wrong with those! There is a lot of "action" portrayed in those shots! Actually, I haven't seen many Macross displays I don't like because people seem to do them well. I'm mostly talking about collections where all the figures are in bot mode, standing straight up and crammed together on shelves to fit as many as possible.

    My box came in yesterday with a few goodies including the tamashii trident stand. I hope they release more DYRL stuff so I can add it to my growing display cabinet


    Awesome! I ordered a trident stage that is on its way with a CF for mounting HMRs too!

  8. My first time handling a modern Valk was the Armored 1J that came out last year. I remember being surprised at the size and weight since I'm used to the OG 1/55 but completely enamored with the look and details. The tight tolerances, especially in the landing gears are frightening but the plastic seems very strong. There is some looseness in areas that bothered me a bit but finally having a complete Valkyrie with the Armor Parts installed and in my hands was more than enough for me to put aside any issues and just be in love. I've been hooked ever since and my only regret is not being on the ball when these were first released as 1/48 and the V2's but that was the short period of time where I pretty much stopped collecting comics and toys and was focused on my car. I don't think there is a line of finer figures anywhere in terms of detail and design. The VF-0S being the best of the bunch so far. But obviously, the Focker 1S is the most iconic must have for a Macross collection. Now I need my M&M that have eluded me my entire life.

  9. Having a lot of any figure is cool if you can find an awesome way to display them, but, if you have to cram them together somewhere uninteresting with no room to breathe or pose it loses the sense of being an "army" and just turns into a crowd. My opinion anyway. These figures look so much better when you can give them a sense of movement.

    I agree for any collection. The displays I like the least are the ones where people have tons of figures crammed onto shelves and all of them are in static, standing straight poses to make room. "Action Figures" should portray some sort of "action", IMO. Of course, it looks awesome if you have the space to do so with an army of figures! But it also depends...if you don't have room to display them but you take them down to pose and "play" with them, that works. Or whatever since everyone should enjoy their collection how they want.

  10. I got to see the very same Countach im waiting for at that shop I went to yesterday and the gold wheels actually look really good in the flesh! Never been a fan of brightly colored wheels but on the Countach they just work!

    Can't wait to get mine but its moving fairly slowly in the postage system. They had one at the shop but they wanted just over $100 more for it than I paid for the one I found..

    These are nice to but again Autoart dropped the ball on the 25th Anniversary editions and even though they are listed as a "signature" series they just aren't up to that level. The Walter Wolf editions are higher details & better finished models which is kinda the reason why I got one. Im glad I got to get a hands on look at them. Certainly helps justify my purchase!

    This one is the Kyosho version and they aren't as nicely finished or detailed as the Autoart cars.. They are still a nice thing and being a fair bit cheaper makes them very purchase worthy. But for me Kyosho just don't cut it anymore. I had a few Kyosho models in the past but they never progressed past a certain point of quality where as other makes got better.

    Yeah would be nice but I don't think a winged Countach is available in yellow.. not by Autoart anyways unless you bought the yellow Kyosho model. Which im sure you'd still be happy with.

    Thanks for the info! Again, confirming that the specific cars I want for my collection basically don't exist. Money saved!

  11. Ha! i had the vf-1s from this line. I forget what they were called, but there was an sdf-1 as well, along with some other mecha from other anime.

    Yep, I had/have the VF-1S as well and I used to take it with me everywhere as a kid. Battroid mode wasn't too bad.

  12. My VF-1S seems fine in comparison to other versions. But I consider all Valkyrie transformations pretty fiddly, except maybe the early 1/55 and the toy I had a s a kid that these HMR's remind me of:


    Obviously, HMRs are much nicer and a bit more fiddly.

  13. So, my love for the 1/48 has been renewed lately and it seems like there's still a following for these.

    My interest was sparked by memories of my dad buying my first Valk toy for me back in the 80s. VF-1S Strike Hikaru. I hadn't watched DYRL and didn't even know of it's existence but I really wanted a Roy so I stupidly repainted the red markings to yellow. Cut up the box and pinned up the images up on my wall. I played with that toy right into the ground so it has zero collector value, but I have nice memories of a toy that my dad gave me as a child. I still have it somewhere buried in storage, and will keep it forever.

    Decades later, I buy a version of the toy that my dad bought me as a kid, the 1/48 1S Hikki with Strike parts. Picked up the Valk for about 12,000 yen and the strike pack for 2,500 yen, and at the time, I thought that was pretty pricey. Also grabbed a Low vis one with Strike pack, but held off on more because I simply could not afford it. I figured these things would be around forever and it would be no problem to find them later on when I had money. Boy was I wrong.

    Anyway, collecting 1/48s sort of went on the backburner as I got married, sold the sports car and became a sensible adult. The new Macross animes didn't really interest me much and I got into other hobbies like firearms, which turns out to be most costly than motorsports and collecting Macross. I've always kept in touch with Macross through this forum, but I'm not very active unless it relates to SDF-M or DYRL, but I mostly lurk and don't really have anything to add to the threads.

    A few weeks ago, I was looking at the old cut up box of my first 1/55 chunky and rememberd how I always wished to recreate that scene with a few CF Supers in the background of my Hikki, only using 1/48s instead. So I started shopping for Valks again. I considered the 1/60 line, and even the Hi-Metal line, but I've already got a few 1/48s and I love the size. Apparently, the CF/Mass Production version is a complete pain in the dick to acquire and they want yout balls for one on eBay. I'm not looking for BNIB or MIB or anything like that. I'm going to take it out and play with it, pose it and use the stickers so I'm really after a used one.

    I've never really gone into the For Sale forums before, but it looks like I missed a smoking deal a few months ago on a loose CF that went for $100. A few days ago, a loose one one went on eBay for damn near $200. New ones are near $400....wtf.

    Anyway, my enthusiasm for this line hasn't been deterred yet, but i'm thinking about whether I should pursue a 1/48 scale toy or just grab a few Hasegawa 1/48s and do them up in CF paint. Is the 1/48 line dead? I don't know if Arcadia is still producing these, are they planning to re-release them again if they are not currently in production, or if there are any predictions on a 1/48 v2 five or ten years down the road?

    Cool story brah! ^_^ No seriously, we share a lot of similarities in collecting.

    I don't think you can ever count anything out because the market always moves cyclically...anything that was popular enough has a strong chance of coming back again and often in a better form so 1/48 figures will most likely be back. Someday. Probably not within a few years though.

    I have versions of the VF-1 from back when the first ones came out to today but I only one one 1/48, The Max VF-1J with Super Parts and that has been buried somewhere in my storage for so long, I don't even remember if I truly have it other than finding a receipt for it recently. I also have a lonely set of 1/48 Armor Parts sitting behind one of my 1/55 VF-1S' waiting for a Valkyrie to someday wear it. Like you, I got into other things like cars before I ever found more reasonably priced 1/48's to buy so my 1/48 collection is pretty pathetic. Hopefully, that changes someday but right now, I'm very happy with the new 1/60 stuff that's been coming and allowing me to catch up with those.

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