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Slave IV

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Posts posted by Slave IV

  1. Yeah man, there were some tough tough times. Ex-wife, Mon, and Dad in 6 years. You can never prepare for this. I am sorry to hear about your Mom, it is never easy. I know your Mon wanted you to be happy. No words i can say will make you feel better, but always remember, she wanted you to be happy.

    Thanks a lot! Similar thing for me...It was actually losing my GF of years (just break up, no death), then my Grandma passed away, then my Mom...all within a couple years. Hit me hard. Then, just earlier this year, my aunt who was the last woman from that generation and looked just like my mom passed away from a freak accident. Crazy stuff and now that I have two kids of my own, I sometimes think about the day when they will have to deal with something similar. Anyways, we do the best we can while we can and that's what counts.

    Maybe this whole collection craze we have has something to do with holding on to things that won't go away. All I know is it definitely brings me happiness to collect and I really enjoy sharing my collection with my kids. Even when kids were nowhere near being in the picture in my life, I always had the thought in the back of my mind that someday I would pass my collection on to my future kids.

  2. 20161103_052702.jpg

    I am moving, and i found a few things.

    9 FAST PACKS for 1/48? [one was on display]

    8 GBP armors for 1/48? [one was on display]

    5 brownie VF-1A 1/48? [one was on display]

    4 VF-1S 1/48?[one was on display]

    2 Low Vis 2 1/48?[one was on display]

    2 Stealth w/armor 1/48?[one was on display]

    2 VF-1j 1/48?[one was on display]

    3 VF-1S hikaru?[two were on display]

    4 VF-0S Roys![one was on display]

    oh, and that Mospeada thing from toynami... I do remember that...

    This not to count the other 1A an 1S and 1js , low vis, and other assorted 1/60-1/100 valks on display. I was going through a war back then! It is amazing what you find when you are moving. I had difficult times back then... family loses... so i guess i kept buying the same thing over and over, I guess. I've lost memory of how many things i got during that period. i just stored them away and forgot about them. I can't believe there are so many! I knew i got doubles at one point, but oh man. I guess i got more than doubles! Sad as it sounds, it sort of felt like Christmas when i found these. My mouth was wide open, and then i noticed i had a full smile on my face. I felt i had to share this. A collection from a darker era,still there in the boxes. I don't know what possessed me to get so many of these. I don't understand why would someone get so many of the same thing. I guess this is why i enjoy it when i see sh9000's pics. I was building an army...

    So, should i sell these? Or should i keep it as the army it was meant to be?

    I don't feel like selling them. i think i may create a huge display in the future.

    oh, and then... i found these


    I don't even remember getting the Miria, so i was pleasantly surprised! Two Cfs too!

    Since this is collection display tread, here are some of my old pictures:


    This was my old display. i wonder if the new one will ever be as good as this.

    The Subaru corner was later replaced by the SDF-1 corner. You can never have too many Subarus xD


    I know exactly how you feel...I have two room sized storage sheds filled to the top in boxes of stuff I've amassed over the years. Every time I open a box, it's like uncovering buried treasure and it always brings a smile to my face to find gems I forgot I had. I also had a tough time myself when my mother passed away a few years ago after several years of battling cancer and it's times like that where you forget about everything else you did just prior or during the crisis.

    I would keep most of that myself but probably not more than two of each item. If you are willing to sell sometime, I really need a 1/48 valk and preferably a low-vis variant since I also recently uncovered a low-vis GBP armor that I've had stored away but no Valk to go with it.

    Looking forward to seeing your future display sometime!

    Also, nice taste in cars!

  3. Would love me some transforming hover tanks and Aurorans, which have always just seemed to a riff on the VF/Orguss-type transformation, which I love.

    I think it would be cool if Bandai started up a subscription service a la Mattel's Master of the Universe collector club. There's a fee and then you get access to exclusives. Shoot I wouldn't mind getting "one of each" of everything that comes out of this line.

    Nooooooo! No subscriptions!



  4. Yeah, the Regult pods have to come with Regults or it will totally suck.

    As for the 2SS, I don't care about it but at this point, I'm all in on any HMR Macross release. Much cheaper to collect these than 1/60 versions so I'm hoping they rerelease the Macross 7 figures and do them all as well...plus SHF figures so I can finally have my Sivil!

  5. The only items I've seen that require instant payment are exclusive items like any of the Tamashii exclusives. Everything else I've bought from NY gives you the option to pay once the item is in stock.

    Anime Export requires instant payment on everything, which is why I avoid buying things from them other than in stock items.

  6. For those in the US that aren't ordering multiple items (and thus saving on shipping from the usual vendors), Amazon has some pretty competitive prices on the VF-1A CF and the TV Hikaru VF-1J:



    They also have the cheapest Glaugs I've seen (I got mine a week ago, and love it, definitely give it a look if you're at all interested in enemy mecha):


    Argh, that is a bit cheaper than I got the 1A for at Mykombini...Oh well, lesson learned and I'm hopefully not going to order from those guys again.

  7. CSfyhTiVAAASDI6.jpg

    I have a feeling why the clamp on this display stand doesn't need to secure the Valk. And why there's a stand on the bottom. So that you can display it like this:

    At 2:12.

    I don't get why you say the clamp doesn't need to secure the Valk and why the bottom stand is needed when your example shows the Valk secured from the top clamp and nothing on the bottom...what am I missing?

  8. But the windows and doors come in standard sizes.

    :lol: Fair enough...Although, looking at my set, I don't think they were too accurate with the scaling. I'll try them out sometime.

  9. has anyone tried HO scale buildings in a diorama with hmr? im wondering if thats the right size. i think the tamashii stuff may be too small as they're godzilla scaled and hes way bigger than a vf... ?

    Buildings come in different sizes...

  10. My 1A got SAL delivered last week from ami rather later than usual. Why is your 1A seem even later than mine? Where did you bought it?

    Nah. It's not about any seniority thing to be able to participate or anything. I usually ignore insinuations and stuff, so It's all good.


    Cool! I got nothing against you or anyone else here...I found this forum to be extremely pleasant until all the recent bickering so just trying to clarify what's what and move on.

    My amiami 1A has not arrived either...

  11. lol!

    Thought we've all moved on, but since you're a bit new here...

    Afaik, everyone here at MWF (even at TFW, etc) knows I don't like wasting money on crap. Since I became a member long time ago, actually.

    It's like public-domain knowledge here, afaik. I never ever hide my disdain for wasting money. Whether it's Yamato, Arcadia, or Bandai, or even ET.

    Not really sure why it's being brought up now, anyway.

    Really kinda funny coz, you know, SOCs are quite more expensive than HMRs...


    Yeah, that's the part I did find funny since SOC's are more expensive and you mention stuff about other people being rich and you not being able to afford...

    Anyways, I didn't know there was a seniority thing around here or any other forum to be able to participate in a conversation. Like I said, I don't care either way and agree that all this stuff is too expensive. I usually just ignore the stuff I don't want to pay for or make a couple posts about why I'm passing but you do you, it's all good. HMR line was a complete pass for me based on the reviews of the Valks but once I saw the Regult and other mechs, I was all in based on the unparralled display options they offer as a complete line. I really shouldn't be paying this kind of money for them but hey, I like Macross enough to sacrifice other wants for them.

  12. I don't care either way but more evidence:


    I'm too poor for Arcadia's stuff to even contemplate doing that...

    OK, now that we've established one poster's preference is SOC over Macross and heard about his lower enthusiasm for the HMR line, let's move along!
    I really hope those Regult variants are not add on packs and full figures...I'm guessing one of those or the Spartan will be announced next.
  13. I'm just going to use my Monsterarts effects for the buildings and call it a day. If they make specific Macross ones, cool but I'd rather have more missiles and spaceship diorama type effects.

  14. Yeah, I have clear arm pieces so even if it doesn't come with them, I'm covered. As for the overall look, anything can be improved and this version looks good enough to me. I definitely wouldn't mind if it was improved for actual release. But as it stands I'd buy what they have shown as is.

  15. That stand looks like golly gee, whopity doo goodness. I would like to have one in my collection. Yeti stands are the best general stands out there, imo but this is not just a stand, it's basically another toy to me.

  16. I hope everyone, who can afford it, purchases at least one set....this would send a message to Bandai that there is a market for Macross specific accessories....and may persuade them to release the teased Regult missile sets and more importantly......

    Release what could potentially go down as the best Macross display stand ever!!!....


    Yeah, I've been hoping for this to come out since I saw it. I don't care about the extra arms, all stands have arms and this one looks awesome. I'd just replace the bottom arm with a clear one anyway.

    And effect parts preordered! Yeah, they are overpriced but so is everything. I specifically asked for these and got them so there was no doubt I would buy.

  17. Oh crap! They really did just read some posts here and said, oh you want that? Here you go! OK, now make the GPB kit and ruin me since I wasn't convinced yet to buying in on the line when that came out.

    Edit: Also need attachments for the booster pack missiles...

    So, this is a Tamashii exclusive, meaning it will be available at NY/AE with no pre-order madness?

  18. Haha, I don't get it either...seems like Bandai is loving the money they are making from Macross and that usually just means more milking! Hook me up, I'm ready to be milked!

    Hmmm...eww but :D

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