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Slave IV

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Posts posted by Slave IV

  1. I've had my 1S on the stand it came with since I got it. Works fine. You may have to adjust the arms a bit depending if you use the extensions and what angle the figure is in.

  2. The way these are selling, I don't see any reason why a company out to make money would stop now. I fully expect at least everything we've seen on display to be released.

  3. Just opened a 1A and right out the box it feels like it came from a completely different factory. Haven't transformed it yet but it feels solid all around. Feeling more relieved now. Wtf happened with Hikaru's 1J?

    For others who have that new 1J, even without the glaring defects, does it feel like the same quality toy as the others to you?

  4. Sorry to hear about your VF-1J Slave IV. Surprisingly none of my HMR's have QC issues.

    Thanks! It's definitely reassuring to hear you have no issues out of the many Valkyries you own.

  5. I just opened my 1J Hikaru. Wow, you guys were right about the quality drop. The only other one I have opened so far is the Roy Super 1S and this J seems like a KO in comparison. Parts fall off everywhere and it just feels cheap. My right antenna seems ok but the left fell off in the box and during transformation or handling. The backpack blast shield popped off when I first tried to fold it down out of the box and has fallen off at least 5 times since going through the transformations. The chest piece popped off when transforming. One of the missle pods is very loose. Seems like all the parts are correctly installed at least. While the 1S sold me on this whole line, this 1J is giving me a bad taste and making me very worried about the others. Gonna open a 1A next and see how that goes. If it's not more reassuring, I might not ever even transform my M&M's.

  6. Hmmm, I wasn't that interested to begin with but like usual, once I think I can't get something, I start to regret. Didn't even realize or check to see if it was around since I assumed it was gone. Maybe it will go on sale again in a few days? Haha, will see. Thanks for the heads up!

  7. Good point...maybe someday but not because I'm concerned with resale. I'd never sell anything I have opened. If sealed, only if I have extra. Part of the reason I have so much stuff.

  8. Thanks for the tips...sounds ok but I feel safer with parts in the box or on the figure of they designed a smart way to store them. Otherwise, too high a chance to misplace, lose, break or otherwise ruin my day, lol. Anything else and I'm also collecting bags and/or accessory boxes on top of everything else I already collect.

  9. Yeah, the partsforming make the Valkryies much less desirable to transform than I would like. I keep all the parts in the box so it's a pain to dig the box out every time. That's why some storage solution inside the big mechs or in background/effects parts would be the best idea for this line.

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