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Slave IV

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Everything posted by Slave IV

  1. My detolf adapter is pretty loose but it doesn't matter, holds fine when a figure is mounted and makes it easy to adjust. Would be great to have them in different sizes to fit other shelves!
  2. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Curious what you paid for it...Would like one but not for the $200+ I see it going for.
  3. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Contemplated but did so for too long...it's gone again.
  4. LOL, poor composition on my part? Oh well, I suppose that could be one form of initiation.
  5. My latest Marvel addition getting jumped in
  6. I love that Arcadia is rereleasing Valks I missed out on. These things should just be available as they are some of the best toys of one of the most iconic Mechs ever. SAs for the price difference for the premium, Arcadia published on their own site that it was 10000 yen more so no surprise there. Now there is just an easy way to get it. I don't think I'm going to pay the premium now but I don't see options as a bad thing.
  7. I go by Yen pricing as the sites conversion is not favorable. Based on Yen, NY is cheaper than AE by over 1000. ALso, I've found NY's shipping prices to be around the same or less than HLJs. Anyways, they are all pretty close in the end but if I can save $10-$20 at one spot, I will and that's always NY.
  8. Not sure why pricing is a surprise anymore. NY has been consistently the cheapest on Macross items for quite some time now...
  9. Looks like you have to order from Arcadia directly to get the premium version and based on the discount NY gives, it's gonna end up being about $100 more for the premium since I doubt Arcadia will discount it. Let's just say I still want to pay the premium for the premium version. How is the ordering process on Arcadia's site? I can't read anything on it and have a concern about ordering basically blindly there.
  10. Any valks you want to dump in the garbage, please send my way instead! I'll pay for shipping
  11. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Yeah, I mentioned the split and combining and the overall policies just to get to know what they are so you aren't surprised when you try to do something. Knowing how something works helps you make better decisions on how to use it. I dunno, I've never had any major problem with them and their shipping prices are usually around the same, sometimes lower than HLJ. I like to use them mainly for the low prices and it doesn't matter to me who other people use but I awalys think it's unfair to blame someone providing a service and giving you their policy and then shitting on them for sticking with their policy. Read their policies and make your decisions accordingly.
  12. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Just read their policy and instructions on combining and splitting orders. They have some policies that make things difficulat but it's all nbd if you know about them and make decisions accordingly. I was annoyed with some things about them when I first started using them but I still find that they end up with the best prices if you know what you are doing.
  13. As I always say about Transformers, I have no loyalty to any company, I just buy the best toys that appeal to me and don't care about the brand on the box. That being said, I just mentioned in the other thread that came up that Transformers 3Ps are more expensive than official partially due to smaller production runs and Macross has a relatively smaller market and relatively higher quality demands, which equals higher prices. Basically, Arcadia. Would I mind more companies doing these things? Of course not! Competition leads to better products and lower prices for us!
  14. The 3P Transformers actually cost a lot more than official because they operate with smaller manufaturing runs but still have to do similar R&D for their products. Arcadia is probably very similar to what we could expect from any possible new 3P companies who want to compete in the high quality Macross market. But I think that is probably part of the issue...the market size (relatively small) and quality demand (relatively high)...those two things equal higher prices.
  15. LOL, exactly!
  16. That's pretty cool! I'll have to pick some up if I ever see them.
  17. Hmmmm...I missed Hikaru 1S HMR version and kinda regret it. I'd rather have M&M 1J's but I'll probably have to bite on this one too. Who am I kidding, missing out once back when Yamato was doing thier thing is bad enough, I'm not missing out on anything again. Screw bank accounts!
  18. Yep, the appeal is that they are die-cast, look good and are slightly larger than Black Series or SHF but still scale well with all of them in the same display. They have enough articulation to pose in about as many positions as the droids or bulky characters were seen in. I don't recommend them for anyone wanting extremely dynamically posable figures. That's what SHF is for.
  19. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    I ordered 3 Spartans form NY...but that doesn't "ensure" anything. But I'm hoping everything shown and more gets made.
  20. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Yeah, no point in scaled Zentradi and Destroids with no Valks. Just give in now...
  21. Disney store exclusive die-cast figures. Looks like they are on sale right now for a great price too!
  22. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    I resisted the HMR line for as long as I could but broke with the Regult and had to have a valk so got a VF-1S Roy...Now I have everything since on hand or ordered and my regret is missing out on the Armored 1J and Hikaru 1S. It's not going to replace my 1/60 and bigger figures but no other line is as complete in terms of valks and opposing/supporting mechs.
  23. Haha, I was never a big fan of Voltron either...Mainly because I grew up watching Mazinger and other giant robot stuff that I liked a lot more. I love Lion robots but just the ones that end up with the beast face on the chest of the combined bot (Daltanious, GGG...). But I do love seeing all the pics of Voltron so keep them coming so I can enjoy seeing what you guys have and save that money for bots I really love. As for SHF K2-S0, looks great but isn't he a little short to be a security droid? I have one ordered too and I also have a Black Series and Elite version. A lot of people are saying the Black Series is better than the SHF in this rare case. I'm thinking I'll just open my Elite version since I think those are best for droids anyway (nothing like having a metal droid figure) and it will tower like it should over most other figs.
  24. Haha, I'm sure! Just a render would be cool to see someday
  25. Cool! Would love to see what you come up with.
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