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Slave IV

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Everything posted by Slave IV

  1. The simpler answer is that the ONLY two places I heard of that are using the plugs are BBTS and HLJ. So if you avoid those two places, you should be good.
  2. Ah makes sense now. You have plenty of space for this stuff. I have a tiny two bedroom house and more "collectables" than square footage. I have a problem.
  3. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Holy $#!+, that's awesome!
  4. Nice mickyg!
  5. Look forward to "play time"! Nice haul!
  6. I want a combining Legioss and Tread bad but not willing to take this risk yet. We should just all save our money and give it to Sentinel when they release the Ride armor and then hope they do Legioss and Tread with T-Rex.
  7. I mentioned this before and it's my thinking that no established company like Arcadia is making major moves because of KOs. It's much more likely that the KOs are related to the official factory and just taking the opportunity to make money with their inside info. I don't care much about the finish but I kida hope this is what they do instead of giving the two options. Just make it the best way you can and sell that. I'm wondering this too...I wish we could get more details so I can decide how may of what type I'm buying from who.
  8. Congradulations! Haha, my Amazon orders are always mixed with baby, kid and me toys. Eventually, all my toys will go to them. I'm juggling two these days! Here's my latest pickup: Still haven't opened my HMR Milia yet...trying to make the feeling last, lol.
  9. This will be a lifelong dream for me come true. Seems like Arcadia is sticking with the premium option but I'm curious how it will go with these. I don't care too much but if it's not too much more, I might bite. Also curious what finish the KOs will come in. Basically, my main delima is how many of what types of these sets I'm going to buy.
  10. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Nice, thanks!
  11. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Thanks! But damn, it's almost 3 hours! Cliffnotes?
  12. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    I've only used it for a couple smaller items and always choose the cheaper method (SAL) HMR Dougrqam was under 1000 yen, a SPEC mecha was slightly over 1000 yen.
  13. Awesome! I can't belive the figures fit in the pods. Man, I hope Arcadia reissues all of the VF0s and improve the A & D to the S level.
  14. Slave IV

    Macross figures

    I got my Mirage Figuarts Zero...Looks good but I don't think I'll be buying many more statue figures.
  15. I've ahd the same issue with FP but spanner's case leads me to believe it's probably just poor paint jobs that get eaten. Anyways, I'm ready to order M&M as soon as available.
  16. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Shipping prices seem to be changing at all the main Japanese online retailers recently. I've noticed an increase at NY but typically, amiami has the highest rates. Before recently, NY was one of the lowest next to HLJ depending on the items and method.
  17. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Nice! I just got mine too..Haven't opened yet but it's going to be a fun weekend!
  18. Nice! Speaking of refrigerator magnets, I just got this... Revoltech Spiderman from their new Amazing Yamaguchi series. Becoming the best 1/12 comic book style figure line ever imo! And on the other had, I just got this Marvel Legend figure too and it's probably the best I've seen from the line. Beautiful sculpt, paint and useable articulation...something uncommon on most Marvel Legends.
  19. Nice! I'm sure they could come out great, which is why I'm interested. Now that the official versions are announced, just gotta see how it goes. Like I mentioned in the Arcadia thread, it's pretty much a matter of how many sets I buy of what versions at this point.
  20. Haha, yep! Thank you spanner for taking the plunge! The future of these KOs is in your hands (or anyone else who can give a good review of them)! I sent you a link that I found and maybe spanner can share the one(s) he used?
  21. That's what I'm saying! I never got the Beagle and now I don't care. Bring on the Sentinel!
  22. Getting M&M is an almost lifelong desire for me come true. Looks like I'll be able to do that in three different scales this year! Only questions for me now are will there be premium finish options and how many sets of what versions to buy (including KOs if they turn out well)? I guess another question is where I'm going to get the money but that's trivial, lol. As far as Arcadia doing this in response to KOs? I always assume the opposite where the KO companies are most likely involved with the factories producing these things and with their inside knowledge, they use the opportunity to make some money.
  23. Not at all...They seem to be doing better than ever. "Keith", of "K"FC has been pretty active answering questions on the TFW forums lately. Today he mentioned, It cant out by q2 since we have occupied with cosmos , octane , hoist , and trailbreaker .and two more unannounced characters in q2 as well will eating those spot up .but we will be sure speedup . Keep you tuned . http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/threads/x-transbots-mm-hubcap-and-cliffjumper.1060528/page-21#post-14486132 Responding about their Cliffjumper. He also mentioned some changes at the factory to improve on quality.
  24. I just want good toys. Every one of them is already overpriced as is so I'd always rather pay more for excellence than less (but still too much) for half assing.
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