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Slave IV

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Everything posted by Slave IV

  1. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Lol, I should put another Regult in there but I'm waiting on the variants. Better than other displays with NO enemy mecha huh?
  2. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    I'm gonna have fun trying to fit all the Destroids in there too...
  3. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    That would be great if they release others or just reissue. I missed it initially and thought I was fine with not owning one. It kept bugging me so I kept my eyes open for a deal. Finally got one for a decent price and really glad because it's so good. I'd say anything under $200 is worth it.
  4. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Yeah, the armored is my favorite of the Valks at this point.
  5. Ah, cool! I have thousands of Hot Wheels but never paid that much attention. I thought it was just certain cars and packaging.
  6. Is Treasure Hunt indicated by the "TH" on the car?
  7. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I think it's even more telling that the people complaining about NY the most KEEP going back to shop there. Anyways, I haven't messed with my Delta Valks at all beyond initial opening but dying to. Just not enough time in the days. Gotta get Messer's Valk suited up! More pics!
  8. I was hoping HLJ would have the same discount for Roy's premium but they were around 3000y more so it was definitely a special deal they had for Hikaru. there are tons of comparison photos from Arcadia and throughout this thread.
  9. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Oh, I see now. It kinda looked like the Spartan hand from the angle of the picture.
  10. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Haha, nice! The Spartan hand pegs in?
  11. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    The deal with NY is they usually have the lowest prices for preorders so I guess that means there is some give elsewhere in their service. For those of us who don't care how fast a toy gets to us because we all end up with the same toy, shopping at NY means we save a lot of money. Considering the thousands of dollars I spend per month, that's a huge amount of savings.
  12. That part was in response to "what would I do if I was Arcadia's head honcho". Don't get me started on the pharmaceutical industry Haha. It's funny to me when people see them as copycats or producers of low quality when everything from the highest quality tech to pure garbage is made there. It all depends on what you want and the steps you take to get it.
  13. I forgot to mention that even without all the love, my own satisfaction for what I accomplish is already enough. As for the business thing, luckily I don't have to worry about it because it's not my business nor is it something I would ever want to get involved in. Just for the sake of thought, for starters, I don't think Arcadia has to lower prices (though it would be nice), they just have to ensure their product is the best. For me, I would start with the people making the the products. Better morale means better quality work and less chance for mutiny. Coming out with new designs instead of finding cheap ways to rehash the same old thing that they should have done right to begin with would also be nice. There is no reason why there should be different levels of Arcadis VF-1 Valks. Every VF-1 they sell should be decked out, epitome of VF-1 toys capable with that mold at one reasonable price. By labeling one as "Premium", they devalued themselves because everything they make should be "Premium".
  14. As I explained later in that post, the satisfaction of knowing you did something that is appreciated, used and wanted by people is enough for many innovators to keep doing it. Thing is, many great innovations come about from people who do it for the passion of whatever they are doing, not money. When laws and money get involved, in the end, it all just comes down to money...which is the enemy of innovation because it's easier to make money marketing BS.
  15. Constant innovation and advancement sounds like a pretty good thing to me. Thanks for sharing! I've had similar experience. When I watch certain videos these days, I see a bunch of people "copying" a style that my company first started doing over 15 years ago. We started the business to produce quality videos in a certain industry that was flooded with crap, to show people how it could and should be done. One of the best experiences of my life. We made a bit of money, got a LOT of respect and after seeing everyone and their mommas jump in and copy what we were doing, considered our job well done and moved on. ALL GOOD! Here's a thought that came about during all this discussion: If you make cupcakes for a living and then some foreigner comes in and wants you to make as many cupcakes as you can, as fast as you can, for the lowest wage possible, would you rather eat the cupcakes you made for the foreigner or the ones you made on your own terms? I think this could help explain why we are seeing KOs and 3Ps that are better quality than the official product. Of course people are going to come in with the argument of who's recipe is used, etc. Anyways, it's good discussion and I agree no one will change their minds without experience. I'm looking forward to hearing reports of how these KOs turn out. I won't support them unless I know they are doing something better.
  16. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    The Monster is worth MSRP in comparison to other toys but I think part of the problem is it is so big, heavy and expensive to ship internationally, so that hurt overall sales. I think it's one indicator that HMR is probably selling pretty big outside of Japan since most others in the line sell out quick.
  17. Key point is the "risk" of doing business. You have to factor in the risk of being copied if you take your business to a place known for making KOs. You can't fault the Ko operators for having low risk in their business. As for the exploiting, it's very different when a foreigner comes into your country for the specific purpose of exploiting you compared to doing something for your own "family". If anyone disagrees, fine. I just like to look at things as a big picture that involves a lot more than just what one one group wants or thinks is fair. Imo, business is shady period and we are all slaves to money. Money was invented as a way to make advancement of humans easier by allowing people to focus on what they are good at for the betterment of all people. Now, people make laws to give themselves unfair advantages just for the sake of making more money.
  18. Haha, some people can only ever contemplate things from one perspective. It's all good. Support what you want. The world market will decide what is "marketable" and those who appeal to that will flourish. As for the breaking in your home analogy, you need to add the factors that your home is in another country, where you gave your keys to people who you exploit to get what you want for the cheapest possible. To be surprised or even outraged that they do something to even the odds when they can is hilarious.
  19. Excellent post and segment! Pretty much exactly what I'm talking about. Theft? Lol! To me, scouring the world for places you can exploit people by paying the lowest wages possible and then charging more and more for a design that is decades old and you already made more than a fair share for is much more criminal than someone using those designs to give people what they want at a reasonable price. If people doing that puts you out of business, again, I say you probably shouldn't be in business. And I'm saying this as a fan of Arcadia.
  20. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

  21. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    All good! When you take photos as good as yours, there are a lot of compliments to go through and impossible to respond to them all. It's going to be nice to have a whole rainbow of Valks and Super Parts to do all kinds of combinations.
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