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Slave IV

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Everything posted by Slave IV

  1. Yeah, exactly what I was thinking. He did start making them out of "clear" material towards the end, which didn't end up very clear but still better than grey or black. Molded clear plastic isn't very durable and "billet" would be going overboard for our purposes so yeah, we already had the best option with today's technology.
  2. Cool! Well I totally agree that nothing should be done without his blessing. He changed our world when it comes to stands! Also, I know he put a lot of R&D into the parts so if not needed there is no reason to come up with something new. Then again, it's not rocket science and maybe someone can come up with some better designs for adapters?
  3. Thanks for stepping up @sqidd! Only thing for me and I think even you is we prefer clear stands. While it has potential to have a different look that might be cool, I don’t really want a bunch of my Valks on steel stands. Same reason I only bought 2 of the recent Arcadia launch arm stands, as cool as they are. So I guess I’d be in for one or two. Would the adapters be the same…3D printed using the @ChaoticYeti designs?
  4. Way to put it into perspective @tekering! And here I am thinking they are all great products. I still think the Yamato 1/48 is the best all around to fiddle with because of its easy and groundbreaking transformation. I think the Arcadia 1/60 are overall better quality than the Bandai DX (essentially, the best overall quality VF-1S ever made). And I think the DX is a nice step in the right direction for VF-1 toy development. And of course, the 1/55 that started it all is still the best toy ever made.
  5. The figure looks gorgeous! It's interesting that the missile caps on the arm don't seem to come off when they do in the hips. Also, I wonder if any of the missiles are removeable but I guess not since it hasn't been mentioned. Oddly, the most impressive thing to me is the wings actually lined up well on the copy used for that review.
  6. While wet and wearing boots?
  7. I never got any of the old Master Replicas but I’m guessing the hilt on this is superior to them. The hilt is a pretty amazing piece with great detail and feels like it’s made of solid billet metal. My honest take is it’s a great display piece and that’s what I want it for and that’s what it will be 99.9% of the time. Picking it up and holding it is nice because of the hilt. Swinging it around is all good too but I wouldn’t be doing any play battling with it except very carefully against soft items. I feel the dollar value should be under $100 but we all know everything is overpriced so the $200+ I paid feels reasonable and I’m already planning to order the Rey saber. That should be the last one for me though. Thanks! If you have any of the others, you know what you’re getting. This one seems to have tighter joints and overall fit but ymmv. I actually panicked and bought this as a second one just in case something happens to my original order. Mandarake had it unopened for less than preorder price but after shipping it was probably a bit more than my original order. Did not want to miss out on this version.
  8. Added another Motoko to the collection!
  9. Seems like there might be a line and I may not be hoping it much longer based on the competition. But… 😁 Seriously though, it’s a nice piece. My only complaint is I wish they made the blade sturdier and better looking. I think they could have accomplished both by maybe using a solid translucent black part for the center or something like that.
  10. I love worthless hollow plastic so much, I bought two!
  11. 😬Time to get back OT and buy some new “toys”.
  12. You might face a blaster before you even get close to it. Fair warning. 😛
  13. 😁 I shall be a just leader as long as you all come up with ample amounts of Beskar to show your loyalty. Seriously though, this thing is pretty cool. Could be better in a few areas (mainly the blade) but it’s a pretty impressive piece overall.
  14. Finally! I’m now the rightful ruler of Mandalore!
  15. Haha, nice.
  16. I’ve got tons of them in varying heights too. Beyond just toy collections, I also have comic books and cds in the thousands. I would by spools of blank cds to make my own mixes and backup cds I bought. Also DVDs to make movies.
  17. Hahaha, that is awesome! Screwing the tripod into the blank cd case takes the cake. I'll never need to buy another stand again!
  18. Haha yeah. Me and Noel Lee be hanging out laughing about the money we took in. 😜
  19. Yeah, I'd take one too but I'm happy with what I got and not willing to pay the price for anything else unless I catch a new release without the aftermarket tax.
  20. Lol, that's what I did. Three of my all time favorite cars!
  21. Bringing back so many memories! The Frog! Hahaha. I'm with you @no3Ljm 959! But I wouldn't want to scratch that one.
  22. Oh damn! I just realized after the repost that this is the Grasshopper! Is that still being produced? I guess you can't beat a tried and true classic that that?!
  23. Yeah, most CC companies will cover you way beyond what PP will. FWIW, I just got another shipping notice from NY. For the limited edition Black And Gold Iron Spider figure. It one of my last orders through them and mainly because it wasn’t available at other shops. They also just sent another order I had a couple weeks ago.
  24. Good to hear!
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