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Slave IV

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Everything posted by Slave IV

  1. Slave IV

    Macross figures

    Wow, that's odd. Thanks for the correction!
  2. Slave IV

    Macross figures

    Nope. SHF is around 6" scale. Figuarts Zero are noticeably bigger.
  3. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Nice! pretty much exactly what I expected and even less after retailer preorder discounts! F5 finger...Ready!
  4. Luckily, I haven't had to deal with their CS for anything but I find most places to be reasonable when asked nicely if I do have issues.
  5. I don't use AE ofteen because I hate paying up front if I don't have to but the times I've used them have all been fine. My favorite thing about them is their indefinite private warehouse feature. I've left items there for over a year and shipped when I wanted with no issue.
  6. Yeah, I just got the RS one kind of for this purpose but it is definitely too small. It still looks good together with everything especially if placed strategically.
  7. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Not much plastic difference between VE-1 and VF-1s with super packs and also mostly came with stands as well. Anyways, it's fun to guess and always hope it's less.
  8. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    The latest preorder is the Regult two pack which even as an exclusive is priced only 432 yen more than two individual Regults.
  9. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Or, buy multiples and keep joking? What's wrong with fun?
  10. Two PFs? You madman! Of course, they will be well worth it but just too much money for me to double up on.
  11. Yep, as mentioned it has tracking and insurance although I don't know how much. I think someone said NY insures packages fully for EMS and I think that policy might apply to any insured package with the option. I think the people using proxy services said EMS would be 5900 yen. Not sure how accurate that will be when the time comes though.
  12. The only downside is we all know how NY will make their own boxes depending on the size of the shipment. Sometimes that doesn't work out well. In my experience, with single, non odd shaped items, they usually use a box perfect for it without any mods so it comes very secure with no issues at all. Luckily, I haven't had any issues even when they do the self rigged boxes but I'm hoping my single order for the SDF-1 will fit in a box they don't need to mod for extra security!
  13. I've used it a few times for some items if the price difference is big enough because I usually don't care when my items arrive as long as they show up someday. Haven't had any issues so far and have a couple packages in route using that method right now. Hopefully those arrive fine as well so I can be totally confident about my SDF-1 arriving safely.
  14. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    NP, not sure what the fuss was about...If I had all the Yamato V2s, I wouldn't get all the Arcadia releases either. As for pricing, I think the VF-2 is harder to compare since it's completely different. The Regult missile pod two pack was MSRP at only 400 yen more than two individual regular Regults. I see this as similar in comparison with existing super pack vf-1s so around 10,000 seems likely or hopefully not too much more. Anyways, they know we will all pay the price whatever it is.
  15. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    I'm thinking/hoping under 10k.
  16. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Haha, wish I could say the same! I'm getting literally ruined by Bandai and Arcadia bombarding me from both sides and all my other collecting vices dusting off the scraps! But bring it all on I say!
  17. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

  18. I'm sure everyone who shops with HLJ knows this but be sure to always check different combinations of items for shipping because it isn't always cheaper to combine everything.
  19. Sounds like you let NY convert to usd? If you paid in yen, could have saved around $40.
  20. And ordered at NY with shipping for less than HLJ without shipping again!
  21. Nice! The VF-0S by Arcadia is the best Valk toy imo. I hope they do reissues with the same or better fixes on all of them too. That VF-19 I hear is not too shabby either but I don't own one.
  22. Free upgrade?! Not a bad way to look at it.
  23. Haha, irritating yeah. What's more irritating to me is since NY hasn't listed it yet, it could go up at any unknown time and it will probably sell out faster. But yeah, I don't think how many Arcadia has available directly at their site makes a difference for the other shops.
  24. I'm sure there is a limited and allotted amount any other seller can have. Arcadia would need some way to sync and live monitor sales at every other shop otherwise.
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