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Slave IV

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Everything posted by Slave IV

  1. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Definitely. They come with a variety of blade styles and lengths so should work well for most lit blade figure uses. I believe they were made with Gundam specifically in mind but again, lots of options.
  2. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Stunning! The hilts are so small, I don't see how they open for replacing batteries and there is nothing about it in the manual. I'd imagine they are so low power they will last a very, very, very long time though. I bought a bunch of them for my SW figures and granted, I don't turn them on often but I've accidentally left them on overnight or days and still fine.
  3. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I guess that would depend on your CC...Most charge around 3%, which is around what Paypal charges. I use a cc that has no foreign transaction fee and I got it specifically to buy things from these shops since I started using them so much.
  4. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    No problem! I think you'll like the Valk a lot once you get it. And yes, be sure to pay in yen and even when you go through PayPal, make sure to use a credit card and let the card do the conversion, not PayPal. If you get in with the preorder prices, NY is consistently around the same price with shipping as other spots without shipping. Saves a lot of money!
  5. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Hate to piss you off more but I don't use EMS, I shipped SAL. Dispatched 4 pm 9/12 JST. Either way it sounds like you overpaid by letting them do the currency conversion for you. Anyways, we're talking a couple days so far here and it sounds like NY already did their part so I don't see how anything after they ship could be their fault. I know some people need their toys ASAP but I don't care as long as it shows up.
  6. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    How did you manage to pay $40 more at NY compared to HLJ? Did you pay in USD? Mine shipped on the same day as yours and it says it has dispatched. I paid a few dollars more with shipping at NY than HLJ's price without shipping. After shipping at HLJ, it will be over $20 more than NY.
  7. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Lol, that last shot is great!
  8. Cortoony for a cartoon based toy is sounding pretty good to me!
  9. haha yeah! I'm a sucker for effects parts and even more so for armored parts!
  10. Looks amazing! I'd pay for it!
  11. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    technoblue pretty much nailed it here: Here's another way to put it: If you want a more refined and substantial collector's item VF-1, nothing beats the Yamato or Arcadia versions. They are very well made compared to any similar transforming toys and I don't think you would break them unless you put deliberate force where you should not. Pretty standard for a high end, intricate collectible toy. If you want toys you can fiddle with often and have tons of "pewpew" moments with opposing forces and supporting mecha, HMR is the finest line of Macross toys to ever come out for that purpose. Like many others, I saw no need to buy just an HMR VF-1 valk so I resisted the line...until the Regults showed up. Then the Glaug, Destroids and so on. Only regret I have now is I should have bought in right off the bat. Comparing just the Valks, I don't see either as being more delicate than the other. If anything, I got one HMR VF-1 (Hikaru's plain 1J version) that seemed a bit shoddy but other than that, they are all very well made products for their given sizes and intricacies. Both have very strong appeal to me so I'm screwed in that I can't choose, I buy them all!
  12. My first Last Jedi figure: It's alright. Looking forward to the SHF version.
  13. No issues really. Some parts seem to be made to come off easily but just as easily put back. I think the antenna on the backpack was the main thing that fell off. Not unexpected for such a thin figure with that much articulation though. And yeah, that Photobucket thing is a CF...I'm still pretty pissed about that.
  14. My latest Marvel figures: The Revo figures are amazing...Love this Spider-Woman (Gwen) figure!
  15. Nice! I'm looking forward to my Motoko and Lil Draks!
  16. Old news but I finally opened mine and toook some pics:
  17. Looks so good! Here's my Defender:
  18. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    This guy's pretty sweet!
  19. Slave IV

    Macross figures

  20. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    NY FTW again! Done!
  21. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    I'm gonna guess 7200...hope it's less.
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