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Slave IV

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Everything posted by Slave IV

  1. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    What do I need to do to prepare to get this lottery? I need to get one of these.
  2. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I've been holding out for the Kai to be my Hayate.
  3. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Aw crap! When I saw the link, I saw it said sold out and underneath it said available 12 something so I thought they weren't opening orders until then. Crap, so I basically missed out on that option already.
  4. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    So this 31J Kai stuff is still just about how to get one from the event? I'm still hoping I can just order one after the event the same way we can get other Bandai exclusives. As for the 31A, that bit about watching the show love to get one was sarcasm right? If not, I might be over paying attention to this stuff and just hope I can order when the time comes.
  5. My friend got robbed and it made him quit collecting completely. Sucks since his collection was incredible.
  6. It's worth whatever you think it is to you. Considering it's the best mold with the best finish ever for this character and the old versions have gone for well over $300, I think it's worth it. But, since I don't have any other PF valks and don't really care about having the extra tampos, I went for the regular version for under $200.
  7. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Thanks! So we don't know exactly how it will work after the event basically? It sounded like some people went through the process before but I guess that was the at event experience. Damn, I just want one and hope I can order as usual from NY or AE.
  8. Nice! That poor trooper never had a chance.
  9. Very nice! I totally agree about the cloth on figures and love seeing it. However, I think it works best on superheroes with the spandex look because the figures basically match exactly what they are supposed to look like. Most the loose clothing figures look too puffy at the small scales. This Ride Armor figure looks to be very well done. I will buy any version that comes out.
  10. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Is this just the process to get one at the event? What about the post event orders? Can someone who has participated in this type of order explain? How does someone in the US get one? TIA
  11. All good. Yeah, I pay little attention to that fine print (first time I read it just now) because to me it's irrelevant.
  12. Nice! Can't see what all is in that Aliens USCM set bit I'm sure it must be good.
  13. Agree with all this other than I don't need to see the whole line. Sure I want this to be a great figure and hope it is successful. I just don't care if certain things never come out because that just means less stuff I have to buy. Like I'm perfectly happy with just Boba Fett, IG-88 and Bossk and I never sit there and think I have to have Dengar, 4-LOM and Zuckuss. But if someone makes Dengar, 4-LOM and Zuckuss, you better believe I'm buying them.
  14. Because I'm not paying for nothing. If it ever comes down to it and a shop tries to stiff me, I will work with them within reason to fix the issue. So far, every shop I've dealt with seems reasonable and probably would not want to lose my business over something that their own insurance will cover anyways. If worse comes to worse, credit cards all have insurance or consumer protection services built in. Plus, insurance is for the party that handles the postage...sure, we pay for shipping but the store is the one dealing directly with the post company. That part is all on them and has nothing to do with me so I don't care how much a package is insured for, if at all.
  15. For me, it's either it arrives or it doesn't arrive. If it doesn't arrive, I'm getting my money back 100% one way or another. I'm not into betting against good fortune
  16. Not sure, the option says it comes with insurance included. Edit: here are the details BOAT - REGISTERED: Time required: About 2 months (Depends on the country) Tracking number: Yes Insurance: Yes ( 50 € for the package of 2kg or less, 170 € for the package of more than 2kg)
  17. It's taken about two months for the times I've used it so far.
  18. You are in CA? So am I. It's usually the last option on the bottom of the list. It doesn't make sense to use unless you start bundling more items or if the item is something really big or heavy like the SDF-1.
  19. Ah, I went with the actual ship method for my SDF-1 so it was actually significantly cheaper. Again, I don't care how long it takes for my toys to arrive as long as I get them. I've used their ship/freight option many times.
  20. Yep, and I never use EMS unless I have to. Actually, I don't think I've ever used EMS from NY. I use it quite a bit at HLJ though.
  21. Yeah, shipping prices for NY and HLJ have changed a bit recently. Actually, if you just want to go by who has the cheapest shipping period, I did a few tests with the same items at HLJ, NY, amiami and AE...NY and HLJ were consistently the two cheapest, with NY often being the cheapest. But, if you go with EMS, NY is usually the most expensive. But yeah, bottom line is I usually get items at NY with shipping included for around the same price as other shops charge for just the item with no shipping.
  22. My go to shops are Nippon-Yasan (NY) and HobbyLink Japan (HLJ). NY has the lowest prices for preorder items and the option to pay whenever you want (except bandai exclusive items that you have to pay up front for). HLJ has the most user friendly cancellation and private warehouse options. amiami and Jungle you know already...I sometimes use amiami but so far not Jungle. Anime-Export (AE) is another that is usually just a bit more pricey than NY but you have to pay for everything up front. Their Private warehouse is the best in the industry...basically unlimited amount and time as far as I know. CD Japan (CDJ) is usually a bit more expensive than the rest but has a good rewards program and they are accommodating to most requests to order adjustments. Mandarake is similar to Jungle and an excellent spot for things already out in the 2nd hand market. Hobby Search usually puts items up for order earlier than others but I never use them because I always find the same items for cheaper elsewhere. Customer service is iffy from all overseas shops but I've had good luck with all the ones I use. Most people agree that HLJ has the best CS and on paper, they probably do. amiami, Mandarake and CDJ have very good, solid packaging. NY is also very good unless you bundle a lot of things together, they start using makeshift boxes to fit it all as tight as possible. HLJ packs very well for small or single items but they will stack boxes loosely if you bundle a lot together. I've never had an issue with any of my items from any of the sellers I buy from and at worst, a couple small wrinkles on corners in those big boxes from HLJ and NY.
  23. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Yeah, I'm still trying to revover from a short vacation I had and all the preorders piling up is killing me! Three. I had two I knew about and already paid for but I forgot I had another preordered at another shop. Probably something I did during the craze just in case and forgot about. Yeah, I'm still waiting for NY to put up their listing for MB Mazinger Z too...
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