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Slave IV

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Everything posted by Slave IV

  1. Sweet! GBP is one of my favorite things ever about Macross. I do wish the one with effects parts would be reissued.
  2. Thanks for the heads up. I just checked at HLJ and it's 1580 to ship by itself SAL...not too bad. I'm waiting to add a few more things to the shipment before I have them send it out.
  3. Wow, I didn't realize it was that big! Look forward to getting mine! Same here...no way I'm into getting caught up in a bunch of DBZ figures. But, no way I was passing on Shenron either!
  4. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    No need to worry, NY keeps preorders open until around a month before release on most Bandai exclusives. I'd say we have at least a few months to chill before needing to Even think about it.
  5. Ouch! How did that happen? I think I would be crying if I did that.
  6. Lol at that face and expression on Carter.
  7. Just got this delivery As for whiskey, my favorite is Lagavulin 16. Love the peat! I've yet to buy any of the Japanese whiskey a but always curious.
  8. Nice! I should pick up that Ghost in the Shell.
  9. Preorder cancelled!
  10. Damn, so tempting!
  11. The most accurate to me is somewhere between the listed prices and the sold prices. Use both for reference.
  12. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Good, better, best! Looks good in all modes but Battroid is the money!
  13. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Very nice indeed!
  14. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Looking good!
  15. Nice pickups! That MF is one of the few recent high priced MFs that I've yet to purchase. I'm kinda hoping an eventual DX version may come and be comparably priced enough for me to grab that one.
  16. Sounds good, thanks!
  17. Maybe as an option for people who want it? Just a thought.
  18. Haha, good to see you here Kuma!
  19. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    What am I looking at? Some kind of combo Valk mode like Legioss/Tread?
  20. I'm definitely interested in this! just thinking...what if the existing arms just had some holes drilled into them to accommodate additional Stage arms?
  21. Thanks! I used the Cutout filter with a few tweaks to the settings.
  22. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I think all my Revo, Mezco, MLs and Selects all go together very well and they all share shelves together. If anything, the Revos and Mezcos make the rest look inferior but that's why I'm hoping to get good versions of all my favorite characters and fill the ranks with MLs in the background. Yeah, their are a lot of ways to do these exclusives better than how this Kai is working our so far...Hasbro sucks too but at least I did get both versions of Thrawn. How about the concept of just selling items to people who want them? Can't be that hard to do...
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