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Slave IV

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Posts posted by Slave IV

  1. 35 minutes ago, MKT said:

    I got it at slightly above MSRP. This Midnight version don’t seem to have many fans, especially when the normal version have tripled in price going by Mandarake’s rates.

    It wasn’t on my radar either as I’m usually not a fan of transparent toys, but Macross plastic crack kicked in strongly when the opportunity came up. :lol:


    17 minutes ago, Radioguy said:

    If we had both seen it, it might have been thunderdome time. Despite the pitfalls, I love me some transparent variants.

    Yeah, when I was considering it, I decided I'd go for the transparent if I was only going to get one. Just to have something different and I also just like the look.

  2. 12 hours ago, Sanity is Optional said:

    Based on Arcadia's statements, it actually is what they cost, plus what is likely a larger percentage share for the vendor to justify them carrying something that sells slower/ is a higher risk to stock.

    The curse of being a smaller business:

    • Smaller volume means higher per-unit production costs
    • Smaller company means less bargaining power with stores, less marketing.
    • Lower consumer demand, no "premium" branding due to less well known company
    • All of the above means that vendors want higher profit margins.

    As a (rectally extracted) example, say a figure sells from Bandai to HLJ at ¥10,000 and HLJ charges ¥12,000, HLJ has a profit margin on the sale of 20%. Being a Bandai toy, it will likely sell well, and HLJ anticipates it won't cost them much in time/storage to make that 20%.

    A similar toy might cost Arcadia ¥12,000 to make. To get the same profit margin the MSRP would have to be ¥14,400. However, if HLJ expects that it will take 2x as long to sell, and is more of a risk for them to stock, they'll likely want a higher profit margin, say 40% which puts the MSRP at ¥16,800. So the Arcadia one ends up being way more expensive.


    Echoing that the Arcadia 1/60 is excellent and still I'm many ways better than the DX. To me, the original 1/55, Yamato 1/48, Yamacadia 1/60, DX and HMR VF-1's all have merit and claim to being the best VF-1s ever made in different ways and all still worth collecting to this day.

    The point quoted above and regarding stock sitting on clearance is simple but seemingly overlooked by people always asking about prices and "just making more". There just isn't that much demand and profit in Macross for companies to be making more than we are already getting of these things. Get what you can when you can and if you missed out, high aftermarket prices are going to be normal when stock runs out and  the total amount of products is so low compared to other similar products from much more popular franchises.

  3. 5 minutes ago, MisaForever said:

    I'm not expecting them to line shelves at Walmart, but the demand for Macross merchandise far exceeds their supply. That's my point. Can they not do something about that?

    It actually doesn't. There are some popular items that sell out instantly and are in high demand but when we say "high demand" Macross, that number probably tops out around 10k, 20k maybe at most for the top items. While they probably have other items that can easily double to 10 times that amount. Obviously, I don't have actual numbers but I think I have a fair estimate based on how I've seen the market move in the last couple decades. I love Macross Valks more than any other toys but the passion of a relative few does not dictate business moves by one of the biggest toy manufactures in the world (Bandai is only 2nd to Lego last time I checked?).

  4. On 4/14/2024 at 9:38 PM, MisaForever said:

    Seriously? So what keeps them from churning out Valks left and right to vendors? Do they not have the market to do so?

    Of course not. The market for all the other franchises Bandai deals in dwarfs the demand for Macross. They aren't going to produce a bunch of shelf warmers and take up factory resources when they can get sell outs in higher quantities from other brands.

  5. 54 minutes ago, MKT said:

    Haha ok I re-read my post, it sounds like I was really stating the obvious on the VF-19, but I was having the Yammie v Arcadia YF-19 in mind when I wrote that.
    It's just I met some casual collectors who thought they are the same molds & only insist on the DX YF-19, and I can see their confusion even if Arcadia's have already been out a long time. I brought out my Arcadia YF-19 once and the look on one's face was priceless when they realise how the new mold was superior in every way. 

    Haha, yeah I still consider Arcadia the best in the game. It says a lot that their designs from decade(s) ago not only hold up but are superior in ways to new stuff coming out from other companies. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Anasazi37 said:

    US versions. Intriguing idea. Bandai would definitely get more mileage out of their molds that way. 

    BTW, I didn’t think there is any difference in the US version. It’s just the allotment specified for the US market as far as I can tell. Only difference is you don’t get the brown box shipper for TWE releases. 

  7. 20 hours ago, Anasazi37 said:

    If true, starting with a 50% markup is pretty bold. They'd be working under the assumption that international collectors are willing to pay a large premium, even above the total cost of getting a PO in Japan and having the item shipped priority international. That may be true, but the number of times I've seen WWM items eventually marked down is not a positive sign. I'm sure some business people at Bandai crunched the numbers, like we've been doing in this thread for the past few days, and came up with a markup percentage that they thought would work. If it is a market study, maybe as Bandai watches the international sales figures they'll drop the markup a bit to boost interest. If the total cost for WWM items came in under what we currently pay door-to-door for a Japan PO, I'd be willing to shift my purchasing stateside and wait the 3-4 extra months for items to arrive. It's a tough business decision: keep the higher markups at the risk of decreased demand because you think it's about convenience for international collectors, lower the markups at the risk of decreased profit because you think it's about value for international collectors, or just stop international distribution altogether because it's not worth the extra work. 

    Based on the experiences of other MW members who collect figures from those lines, the markup is pretty consistent (45-55%). Like you, that was my first thought: is this specific to Macross or a more general thing? Seems to be more general. You'd think the markup on massive lines like Gundam would be lower, but apparently not.

    (Others with better information, please correct me if I'm wrong)

    The only thing I’ve ever seen that makes more sense and works is SH Monsterarts specifically from awesomecollector. They are the only place I’ve seen any Bandai product that is regularly released in two versions. They usually list the Japanese version first at a typical price with the markups we’re used to seeing but then they will later list a US version that is discounted to the point where it is sometimes less than what I can buy direct from Japan for. They used to offer free shipping on all orders, which helped but now they are selective in what gets free shipping but depending on situation, their US release is usually comparable to buying direct from Japan. 

  8. 25 minutes ago, Shizuka the Cat said:

    Hmmm.... I wonder how much difference there is between the Hi-Metal R Fire Bomber VF-19 and the original Hi-Metal Non-R version of the same valkyrie.

    I don't own the Hi-Metal Non-R version, so I have no idea how good it was.

    Considering the differences between Hi-Metal R and non-R VF-1 Valkyries are relatively minor, I wonder if that is also the case for the VF-19.

    There are a bunch of comparisons in this thread including an interview with Bandai a few posts above that explain the differences. This is a completely new mold as apposed to minor updates like the VF-1. 

  9. 5 hours ago, sh9000 said:

    I checked some numbers for 1 HMR VF-19 Fire Valkyrie:

    Nin-Nin-Game about $80

    Hobby Genki about $82

    Anime Export about $94

    HLJ about $85

    Amiami about $92

    CD Japan about $85

    Yoyakunow about $98

    Estimated shipping (DHL, Fedex, UPS, Registered Air) $25

    Estimated shipping through Surface would be cheaper.


    BBTS $140

    My state tax $13

    Shipping $4


    The cheapest price shipped for 1 HMR VF-19 Fire Valkyrie from those Japanese stores is about $105.  The highest price shipped is about $123.  BBTS shipped in my state is $157.


    Thanks for posting this. I already knew myself but always wonder why people insist that “it’s about the same price” to buy from places like bbts. Even at heavy discount, at best I’ve seen stuff maybe come close to the price I got it for from Japan maybe in one or two cases they came within a couple dollars more or less but that’s hardly a chance worth waiting for. 

  10. 5 hours ago, lechuck said:

    I may be alone on this, but the legs on the HMR look worse compared to the previous version. It lacks the right contours, curvature and tapering towards the feet, making it look very "puffy" – the front part of the feet are barely visible and unsightly angular cutout along the inner legs is not helping it either.

    Also the arm proportions don't look right at all, they are reaching down to the lower legs!? Makes the HMR VF-19 look clumsy.

    I like them both but I was thinking after seeing the comparison pics that I’d keep the HM in Battroid mode most the time and play around with the HMR but leave it mostly in Fighter mode. 

  11. 56 minutes ago, CollectorCanine said:

    Why are old people so obsessed with toys having metal? lol

    It doesn’t matter to me too much as long as metal is used where it makes sense to. Plus, metal is just nice material sometimes even if it doesn’t make sense to use. The funny thing to me is calling a line of toys Hi-Metal when it is mostly Lo-Metal. But yeah, I have every Macross release and most the others too so it clearly doesn’t bother me too much. 

  12. 8 hours ago, shazam said:

    Is the Spider Woman from the Marvel Legends: Skrull Queen and Super-Skrull 2 pack in the middle? Nice display and liking the spider-buggy on the left. 

    Yep, the Skrull is on the FF shelf right above. 

    Thanks! Yeah, I was happy to see that Buggy made and it brings back the vintage toys like the Spider Cooter that you can slightly see a little behind the Buggy by Leopardan. 

    6 hours ago, MKT said:

    Nice to see when a display comes together  :good:

    Thanks! I have a lot of figures I need to dig out of storage to finish these shelves off. 

  13. 1 hour ago, shazam said:

    Just saying you could show what you have purchased as a toy haul over a couple of days or even a week. If you are buying that often then you don't need to update twice daily especially if you have purchased the same item a few days ago.  This isn't a score based thread on how often you can purchase. Quantity means more when you show it less often


    You might not need to but you could...especially again when that's that the topic pretty much calls for. Anyways, I like seeing what people are getting and used to post in this thread more often but just not into sharing as much as I used to.

    Heres a couple of my more recent and notable purchases on display though. 

    Mezco Doom and Gobby. Both fantastic releases. 

  14. 5 hours ago, shazam said:

    Good to see another well rounded collection. For the most part I only keep my vintage items mint in packaging. In the past I have kept a lot of figures mint in packaging that are locked away in storage free from sunlight and humidity. It's only when I have had to check back years later to see some of those collectibles end up with "figure rot". No matter how much you intend on looking after these figures they still only have a shelf life. Not every figure you buy will be valuable, not even in the future. I stopped buying multiples of the same figure long ago. I might do it for an exceptional figure, but I am not investing into collectibles to sell in the future. I would much rather put that money into other figures or just keep my money for more useful things in life. I have never needed to "army build" with toy lines or collect every single figure that comes out. I just collect figures that appeal to me. It's good when you can buy what you want online. It is also satisfying collecting those hard earned items from faraway places like travelling interstate or overseas. 


    With the exception of a few who are clearly in it to buy extras to sell for profit, I think most true collectors are buying extras for the sake of collecting them. I know one big reason I started buying extras is based on nostalgia, which is what most of this is all about. However, in this case it is a kind of negative nostalgia when I ruined some of my toys as a kid and wish I had an extra. Knowing how delicate some toys are and the thought of ever needing replacement parts or just because I really like something, I got into the habit of buying extras. Now that it's got to the point where I am beyond space threshold and also found that I have rarely broken any toys that I wasn't able to resolve right away, I'm pretty much done with multiples. Unless it's something really, really, really special that I definitely want extras of.

  15. 34 minutes ago, jvmacross said:

    I feel the same, but ultimately I am a sucker for mini diecast Macross figs...;)


    Yeah, I always loved the little plastic super robot figures I had since I was a kid and even better when they are die cast.

  16. 23 hours ago, jvmacross said:

    I guess Amazon.jp no longer has any more at the moment for PO...unless you are looking at another site?

    My shipping total was just over 3400 for all three...but that was for priority shipping

    Yeah, AJ must be done...NBD, I can wait and see on these as they are just a nice to have to me.

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