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Slave IV

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Everything posted by Slave IV

  1. Haha yeah, my hobby room and over half my garage are stacked floor to ceiling. So yeah, lmk! Its the only 31J with a tramp stamp, comes with the elusive missiles, unopened with fancy tamashii nations packaging and made before their quality started going down the drain. What more could you want right?šŸ˜ I got some other stuff I'd probably be willing to part with but lazy to dig it out and take pics but if there is any interest, I guess I will and start a proper thread.
  2. Speaking of the 31J Kai, if anyone wants one, I have an extra that I could sell. Just putting that feeler out since I havenā€™t started a FS thread but I could. Iā€™m on the SS list last time I checked. Edit: just checked again and I guess not since I may have not sold anything here but I have purchased and I think there are people here who can vouch for me. I rarely sell anything which is why my place looks like:
  3. Fine, I'll also post here too even though it also says "Macross" on the box. Ok, Iā€™m messing with my KC Regult now and hereā€™s my initial impressions: Looks fantastic, we all knew that already though. The size and heft is substantialā€¦ there is a lot of diecast, especially in legs. The amount of weight in the legs means any sustained flight poses probably wonā€™t work or be a good idea. There is even a warning in the instructions that you should keep the knee joints straight when storing the figure. Not sure what that even means even though they supply a picture, itā€™s not clear to me but I suppose keeping them pushed in like they come stock would suffice. Good thing there is no flight stand for this thing anyways, lol. There are ratchet joints in the hips, thrusters and feet. They are the loose, sloppy style as opposed to nice, precise ratchets found on better quality toys. Should do the job though. Other joints are friction and have nice tolerance. The head lasers feel particularly smooth. There are at least four separate battery compartments and switchesā€¦ annoying and possibly to the point where I will never even bother with any of them. Much, much better than their Valks but we all expected that too. Doesnā€™t feel as good as the HMR and you can tell this is a KC product in comparison to something Arcadia or Bandai would make but still really good and Iā€™m glad I have one. Also glad I didnā€™t bite on their promotion to get a couple more with the missile packs although I wouldnā€™t mind picking some up later at a discount if possible. Right now, Iā€™m just glad I have one and look forward to getting the figure that fits inside. Hereā€™s a quick pic with a 1/72ish Valk: Oh, I forgot to take a pic and mention the removable leg panels earlier so hereā€™s a pic showing that nearly useless feature that I still appreciate having:
  4. Ok, Iā€™m messing with my KC Regult (it says Macross on the box so I'm posting it herešŸ˜œ) now and hereā€™s my initial impressions: Looks fantastic, we all knew that already though. The size and heft is substantialā€¦ there is a lot of diecast, especially in legs. The amount of weight in the legs means any sustained flight poses probably wonā€™t work or be a good idea. There is even a warning in the instructions that you should keep the knee joints straight when storing the figure. Not sure what that even means even though they supply a picture, itā€™s not clear to me but I suppose keeping them pushed in like they come stock would suffice. Good thing there is no flight stand for this thing anyways, lol. There are ratchet joints in the hips, thrusters and feet. They are the loose, sloppy style as opposed to nice, precise ratchets found on better quality toys. Should do the job though. Other joints are friction and have nice tolerance. The head lasers feel particularly smooth. There are at least four separate battery compartments and switchesā€¦ annoying and possibly to the point where I will never even bother with any of them. Much, much better than their Valks but we all expected that too. Doesnā€™t feel as good as the HMR and you can tell this is a KC product in comparison to something Arcadia or Bandai would make but still really good and Iā€™m glad I have one. Also glad I didnā€™t bite on their promotion to get a couple more with the missile packs although I wouldnā€™t mind picking some up later at a discount if possible. Right now, Iā€™m just glad I have one and look forward to getting the figure that fits inside. Hereā€™s a quick pic with a 1/72ish Valk: Oh, I forgot to take a pic and mention the removable leg panels earlier so hereā€™s a pic showing that nearly useless feature that I still appreciate having:
  5. For some very small items, itā€™s actually more expensive to ship by sea but other than that, itā€™s always cheaper. Saving 10% or even $1 is pretty significant, especially if you have a lot of shipments. Unless your local delivery service is terrible, I see no reason to ever pay more than you have to for shipping. For my average shipments, I usually see more like 30-40% cheaper.
  6. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    They are both great. The DX has the advantage of over 20 years to improve so there are going to be some things that are better, like articulation and the updated arm transformation technique. But the Arcadia feels like a precision, quality piece the way it all fits together and locks where the Bandai is a bit sloppy in several areas. Some may argue the plastic qualities but I prefer the Arcadia plastic too. IMO, Arcadia feels like a German engineered machine and the Bandai is more American in that it gets it done but without the extra attention to perfection.
  7. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Nice review and welcome to the craze! I think that last picture says it all when comparing Macross figures to TransformersšŸ¤£ All jokes aside, I like and collect both but even back in the day, when I got my hands on the Chunky Monkey, I knew that it was leagues better than any Transformer toy I ever had and quickly moved on to Macross for the better toys and media. To be fair to Transformers, the Chunky ended up being the best toy of all time that nothing has really surpassed, IMO so it's tough competition. I am curious and surprised about your statement that HMR is significantly better quality than the KO Yamato/Arcadia. I don't have a KO Yamacadia VF-1 myself but my understanding is they are noticeably KO in terms of lower quality (unlike many Transformer KOs that are often better quality than originals) but I didn't think they were that much lower. To put in perspective, I think the Yamato/Arcadia Valks in general are arguably the best quality Valks made to this day. There are some give and takes with the newer DX and 3Z (that I don't have to know for sure), but I think it's overall widely agreed that the Arcadia fit and finish has been unmatched in Valk toys. So for them to be comparable and better than DX in many ways and for the KO to be worse than HMR to you is a big difference and if true, I'm kind of glad I never got the KO Angel Bird and CF VF-1s I ordered years ago. I do have a set of KO clear super parts and while they are not as good as original, they aren't that bad and good enough to serve their purpose.
  8. It's their special pinpoint barrieršŸ˜†
  9. What a deal!šŸ¤£
  10. So, I just checked and my email correspondence with them took 2 days total including their notice that my item was ready, me asking them for Surface option, them responding that they could with the quote, me confirming I wanted to use that method and them sending an updated invoice. There are currently some holidays over there so maybe that has something to do with your delays?
  11. Oh yeah, that's it. I knew there was something of his.
  12. Thanks for the reminder. For some reason I thought it was something else. Gotta watch again when it comes to D+.
  13. They've done a few non-canon valks. YF-29 Max, VF-1S Messer, Anniversary VF-1J,... I'm sure I'm forgetting more.
  14. I think they responded fairly quickly but I'd have to check my emails. But since you're going for surface shipping, no hurry right?šŸ˜œ
  15. It's not published but when I ask for it, I get surface options and there shouldn't be a weight limit for surface since it technically can support the largest shipments possible. My VT-1 is currently at sea courtesy of YYK.
  16. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    I used to think the same way about Destroids and also thought the whole HMR line was a joke in general. Then I decided to try a Regult since I thought it would be nice to have one enemy Mecha represented in my Macross collection. It was so good that I felt I needed a Valk from the line to go with it. When the Destroids came, I didnā€™t care much but ended up getting a Monster and was completely blown away by the quality they put into it. Same goes for the rest of the Destroids. I guess since they donā€™t transform, they are able to put extra effort into making them really, really good. The smaller scale actually caters to them being so good and youā€™ll be blown away by the details and joints on them just from a toy lovers perspective even if you hate their designs. Anyways, point is I thought the same way you did and itā€™s the Destroids and Enemy Mecha that sold me on the line to the point where I have every single release now and multiples of most of them, plus a lot of the non-Macross HMR. Just because of those non-transforming Macross Mecha that I used to not even pay attention much to.
  17. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Now that's it's already too late for you and your wallet, you might as well look into getting any or all the Destroids and Enemy Mechas to really get the hype of this line!šŸ¤£ I don't have anything recent but throwing in some old pics for motivation:
  18. I really like that new case you got for the 1/60s. The metal frame actually looks very clean. Butā€¦I find your lack of Gerwalk disturbing. šŸ˜‰
  19. $30, not bad but limited space makes it not too appealing to me. Maybe Iā€™ll get one or two to put in a corner above my detolf someday.
  20. They did do the GBP but again, that count's towards another HikaRoy reissue, lol! The last other VF-1s were M&M 1Js and those, including the PF versions were on clearance for years - I think you might still be able to find some in stock somewhere, haha. We, as hardcore fans love those versions but it just goes to prove there aren't that many of us in the world willing to pay over a relatively short time. Sure, after they are out of print for years, the few die-hards who missed out or just got in the game at that point will be willing to pay insane prices, which is justified at that point due to the rarity and low volume of them that exist in the first place. I don't expect 3Z to do anything outside of SDFM either and have doubts they will make it past their M&M teases themselves if they even make it to those. But if so, we can maybe hope for Max, Hayao and some brownies?
  21. I hope Arcadia sticks around as well but might be tough given the market now. Their VF-1s (and the rest of their Valks) are still among the top notch ever made but I don't see any point in them updating the VF-1 with the 3Z out and almost the same scale, at this point it makes more sense to just buy those and hope they have enough support to do some of the decos we haven't seen in that scale since the Yamato days. Problem with all that is, the market must be so low for all those other decos or Arcadia would have done them a long time ago instead of continually reissuing HikaRoy Valks.
  22. If you put it that way, I guess a few billion dollars couldnā€™t hurt most causes, lol.
  23. Nah, part of what makes Arcadia so great is because it is made by fans who do it because they love to. If they get bought out by some corporate entity, they would be more likeā€¦Bandai. And since profit is the primary goal of corporate entities, they probably wouldnā€™t be looking at investing in a company that pretty much only produces Macross or even more niche figures.
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