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Slave IV

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Everything posted by Slave IV

  1. That is a terrible situation and seems like it's possible the insurance situation is complicated since Japan Post did nothing wrong either. Would be interesting to look into the exact details and policies regarding that. I'm not big on insurance but if you pay for it, it should cover you. If you did want to risk severing the relationship with NY and used a credit card or bank account through PayPal (highly recommend), you can still file a claim through the cc or bank account and most likely get your money back.
  2. Looks fantastic! One thing you just can't overcome is the sticker outlines but I don't think PF will include panel lining.
  3. I open at least one right away when I can. But yeah, HMR has broke me pretty badly.
  4. Yep, I wish I could afford another set of all my MP/3P Transformers and Valks to send to him for treatment.
  5. Yep, a collection of all the various valks in HMR form will be much more manageable and affordable but still wallet busting, lol. They did M7 valks in the previous line so I think the possibilities are there.
  6. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Easy mistake, I always forget too...The GBP HMR is fantastic! It's so good the way they made the armor attach to the figure. Highly recommended!
  7. I think you are refering to the old Daca Toys Skyfire that isn't the best toy ever. The one pictured, I'm pretty sure is the Fans Toys, which probably isn't the best toy ever either but should be a hell of a lot better than the one you were thinking of.
  8. They already started. The VF-2SS is out.
  9. Seems kinda tall. And that Slag, extremely short. Anyways, nice collection!
  10. Yep, HMR is pretty much my favorite toy line right now.
  11. Well said! Masters of the Universe toys was the first time I encountered someone keeping thir toy MISB and whenever I think about in later years, I totally understand why. These days, most box art is as you say, just photos of the toy but the Hi-Metal R line is doing a great job of giving us incerdible box art again.
  12. To apply the entire sticker sheet and have it look anywhere near as good as the tampo job would take more than a few hours. I don't know about some people but a few hours is worth more than around $100 to me these days. But again, for the most part, I don't care about the stickers or additional tampos.
  13. I absolutely agree that it's satisfying and you can get even better results customizing yourself. Thing is, the time it takes factored in with the additional cost of the PF versions, it makes more sense to just pay for the PF in my case because I don't have the time these days. Most the valks so far, I don't really care enough to pay extra for PF. With the 0S, I wanted another anyways so if that's all they have to offer, so be it. Plus this:
  14. Glad to see you post! Nice collection!
  15. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Yes please!
  16. Yep, I'm counting on one of those two to come through for me. XTB has the best aesthetics, imo and Takara is hit or miss on aesthetics but they usually have the best engineering.
  17. Not a fan of it. I want both modes to look good...kinda the point of Transformers to me. I do understand it's a well made toy, I just don't like the aesthetics. Same goes for the DX9 one and all the Jazz options so far.
  18. Thanks, I'll check it out! Maz always has good write ups. Again, I haven't payed attention to any TF news. I just don't care anymore enough to. I think once I get a good Jazz and Galvatron, I'm pretty much done.
  19. Thanks for the tip! I normally would read every post and watch every review for the thing before I even opened it but again, I care so little about TFs these days, I haven't bothered checking anything before I opened this one. I noticed that backpack swivel when I was transforming it and luckily, it was tight and blocked by kibble so I had to examine closely before I could turn it. In doing so, I was very careful and able to move everything out of the way first so the actual rotation went smoothly for me. I'll definitely keep an eye on it. Thanks!
  20. Just opened and went through the features and transformation for MP-39 Sunstreaker. Oh man is it good! Incredible engineering and so many Masterpiece moments. I haven't cared much for Transformers in a while but this one is really good. I've had Badcube Sunstreaker since it came out and never bothered transforming it. After experiencing the MP, I don't think I'll ever transform the BC version now. Sorry, no time/energy for pics yet but highly recommended.
  21. The previous regular release 0S is IMO, the best Valk made out of all the ones I own. I think it is just about the exact same height as the 1/48 VF-1...I have mine standing next to a 1/48 right now so I can confirm later on. Yeah, it should be. See above. This one has more tampo printing on it. It's not twice as much as the previous release, even if you bought the previous one on clearance. And yes, I hesitated a bit but I did fall for it this time.
  22. Lol, ah wth...ordered!
  23. Nippon-Yasan, Anime Export, HLJ, amiami, CDJapan, Hobby Search...
  24. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Crouching Regult, Hidden Missile Pod!
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