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Slave IV

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Everything posted by Slave IV

  1. Based on the price of the Yamato SDF-1 and other PF releases, I'm thinking this one is not going to be around at retail price for long. I'm glad I have mine preordered.
  2. Haha yeah..I'm pretty much the opposite of the OP. This is the first time I've ever had the resources to know what's coming out beforehand, have the sources to easily (kind of) purchase them and have the finances to do so. Because of this, I'm buying more Macross than I ever did and frankly, I wish they would slow a lot more so I can take a break. Right now, I'm most looking forward to HMR Destroids, Enemy Mecha and accessories like stands, effects parts/dioramas to go with the figures.
  3. Only thing I ordered out of the new Marvel Bandai stuff was a bunch of those stands!
  4. Haha, nice! I'm not pointing the finger solely at you but just saying since you are the one bringing it up. I'm a strong believer that 3D printing is going to keep getting bigger and bigger but think it will take more time and more people supporting it. The hardpoint issue does seem to me at least to be a qc issue since mine and many others have no problems. But to have as many reports as we have is already pretty bad. These things should be 100% or very close to it out the factory considering the limited amount and price of them.
  5. Do you own a 3D printer? If not, that's part of the problem. We need to support the things we want to succeed. As for the hard point issue...non existent in any of my Arcadia Valks. They all work fine with no stress marks.
  6. Also, when you say we can all 3D print our own toys and parts...that in itself is the opposite of mass produced. The day will come and in a sense is already here where you can buy plans and print them out yourself. It's going to a matter of when printers are common to the point whet it makes sense for companies to stop manufacturing completely and just sell plans instead. That is pretty far off still.
  7. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    If anything, I think they charge 10% upfront. Shipping for my 31A is 2,490.
  8. This pretty much sums it up for me. I don't have the Yamato version and the price difference for someone to do all the work for me is worth it. Plus, the pics of the PF version look good to me. Sure, someone who spends weeks doing it themselves might get a better look in some areas but they will still have sticker outlines. The valks all look fine to me without the PF treatment but the only reason I got the upcoming 0S preordered is because I wanted an extra and it costs the same or less than aftermarket prices anyways.
  9. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    So same ones that have been out...oh well. Thanks for the translation!
  10. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    What's the SHF labels for? Finally some more Macross SHF?
  11. Oh man...Luckily, my mom boxed all mine up for me after I moved out.
  12. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    The monitor worked out as a nice bg for the 1S there.
  13. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    It was relatively easy at all the shops except NY. Not sure how you are so confident you could have ordered from NY when many of us tried right at opening and got denied. Anyways, I think the market for these things are pretty consistent, just depends on who is ready for which preorders on any given day. Only one person here has reported that a friend of theirs was banned for having more cancellations than purchases. Seems like if you keep it reasonable, shouldn't be an issue. I cancel a lot but I also buy a lot and have never been warned or heard anything from them other than thanks for being such a good customer.
  14. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    not if you pay with a credit card
  15. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Ah, makes sense now! It explains why they sell out so quick! I'm going to assume the other shops have the same amount available and the total number may be double so each shop gets around 100 for preorder and that explains why NY always has stock at release date and beyond and how their pricing structure works. Of course, none of this is confirmed but based on my understanding and calculations, it seems viable.
  16. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    This is intriguing! Zeta Plus C1 wasn't available for order until the 31S was long gone! How did you get both at the same time or were they separate orders?
  17. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Based on the numbers I'm seeing, it seems like NY less than 50 units available for preorder. That's not a lot at all...very interesting.
  18. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I think it could still give a good estimate because it doesn't matter that it wasn't everyone from here...just the earliest order number to the last Thanks! that's pretty quick...what was the time? I'm not so sure about that because most people don't make it to the finish line to see an order number...I know I was on the last step to "create order" and that's when I got a different sold out notice without ever seeing an order number. The notice @Valkyrie2008 got was after you complete everything and pretty much have the feeling of success until you don't. The only thing is there can be other oders created in between that aren't for the same item but within those few seconds, I think the numbers will still be a good measurement at least for me.
  19. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Curious, who has the earliest order # or successful order time at NY? I think it's safe to assume @Valkyrie2008 is one of the last to make it through the process so it would give us an idea of how many they have for initial preorder.
  20. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Oh man, that is the worst. I think I had that happen to me once.
  21. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I lost the wheel of death game at NY Pretty pissed but now I don't need to risk cancelling at HLJ, lol.
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