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Slave IV

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Everything posted by Slave IV

  1. HG?! They are so insignificant to me I hardly notice they exist, let alone where any such community would be.
  2. BTW, do I have permission to post this elsewhere when appropriate? I have a feeling it will come in handy.
  3. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Even if it's because they didn't get their stock yet? Its only been a few days since the actual release counting a weekend too. Anyways, if some of you want let yourself be aggravated over it, that's your life. Why not sit back and have a drink while playing with the toys you already have instead? I'll add to the complaints that I was not able to buy from a place that offers shipping by boat, which would have saved me some money. Oh well, I'll get them sooner which seems to count for a lot!
  4. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    All good and understandable but... This. I highly doubt any company is sitting on anyone's stock and purposely not sending it out. There could be endless explanations for why it might take longer to ship something out. To me, it seems better on the nerves to just sit back and let them do their jobs. Less stress in everyone and you still enjoy the toy in the end.
  5. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I don't get this must have now or never mentality. Did you have these items the previous decades of your life? No. Will you eventually get them if you paid for them? Yes. What difference does it make if they come the next day or next year? You still end up with something you wanted that you never had before.
  6. That's the way it shoul go. Sometimes I get too overwhelmed with stuff and it just has to go wherever it fits for the moment. Then I deal with it again later.
  7. Lol, the art of stacking boxes...I'm embarrassed to share pics of my home. I have stacks from floor to ceiling in just about every corner of my house, free space or not.
  8. Got my latest and one of my favorite Marvel Legends figures so far, Mr. Fantastic himself, Reed Richards. While I'm at it, here's an update of my main Marvel Shelves: I have tons more scatered around in other displays throughout my house plus another collection worth that I have yet to open.
  9. I never said anything about the show, I said you should get the valk.
  10. Get a VF-0S now while you still can without having to refinance your school loan for one.
  11. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    How much is your time worth to you? If you have the extra time it will take to deal with to spare, go for it. I personally wouldn't get one to customize but if I didn't have one already, I'd definitely get one at that price to have it as is.
  12. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Preorders at NY actually closed pretty early for the 31A. That's how I missed out ordering from them. They usually have TWE preorders open to around a month before release (Mirage Super Parts still available now) but for the 31A they closed early December.
  13. Yep, this. Carboard put together with tape is called a cardboard box. For all the stories about a missing package, there are probably hundreds to thousands of packages delivered with no issue and even then, it probably had nothing to do with them. They are my goto shop and I never have any anxiety about getting what I paid for.
  14. They look really good but not very space efficient. I wouldn't want to give up valuable real estate for one figure unless I had a mansion with collection rooms. Still, I'd definitely use the bases for photos and showcasing a figure at the office or something like that.
  15. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Not sure why my previous response to your other question was deleted. Maybe I'm not allowed to answer your questions but I'll try again. Regular release preorders generally go faster than TWE ones because TWE releases stay open for preorder for a set amount of time while regular release items have a set amount and when it's done, it's done. Could be within seconds at many shops. It's kind of backwards the way it seems.
  16. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Real? They are a legit shop so anything they offer for sale is "real" or official if that's what you mean. They just don't normally carry TWE releases because they are generally not doing middleman/proxy business, just direct retail. The only instance of a TWE HMR they sold that I remember is the VF-1S Roy and it was a long time after the release and only offered during a special sale they had so it was a one off situation.
  17. A scam. But really, pretty much everything mentioned here. I don't believe in it personally. I don't need to pay somone to tell me how good my collection is.
  18. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    I'm not sure I've heard of HJ Hobby. There is HLJ (Hobby Link Japan) and they do not normally carry TWE figures. I know there are some others that do but can't remember off the top right now. Actually Mykombini is one of them. I understand your love for HMR! I resisted the line for a long time and fell in love when I got my first one (Regult). Then I had to have them all and luckily only had to pay over msrp for the GBP. I skipped the Hikaru 1S because I didn't want to pay the price for it and don't mind because they announced the 1A version that I have preordered.
  19. And that is why I say collecting is in my blood. I will always be a collector.
  20. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    You mean the TWE ones? If so, Anime-export, CDJapan and Nippon Yasan. NY being the one I prefer because they consistently have the lowest prices and keep the order period open longest.
  21. That's deep! If the Macross Force is strong with the dark side, it has brought me a lot of enjoyment, sparked a lot of imagination and made me a very bad boy. Speaking of which, my missile Regults finally arrived today. Got to think about rearranging my HMR shelf to accommodate them.
  22. Oh @Shizuka the Cat, you are learning the ways of the Macross Force! But yeah, there is a thread about collecting MISB. Something like the Chunky Monkey is a classic. One of my favorite, if not THE favorite toy of all time. I've had one since original release and they've been around my life since. I know the toy very well...hell, I've won a Chunky Monkey transformation contest. Point being, I have the toy open and have played with it all my life. I have several versions of it because I collect toys. I don't need to open every one of them because I know what's inside and what it's all about. Looking at the shiny new box and just knowing I own it is plenty of enjoyment to me. Opening every one I own is not going to add anything to my enjoyment.
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