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Slave IV

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Everything posted by Slave IV

  1. Looks amazing! I really admire the dedication and skill to get those kind of results.
  2. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Like I said, at least another two weeks from now. I just don't get the panic. If you don't get it and they don't return your money, just tell your credit card company and done.
  3. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I guess so. I just looked back and my Missile Regults took over two weeks before they shipped. It hasn't even been two weeks yet for this. I'd give it another two weeks before I even begin to think about contacting anyone. Talk about kicking yourself, the people escalating tickets are going to feel pretty pissed when other people get their orders and they see their cancelled items relisted for twice the price they paid. Especially when they can just get their money back later without making a big deal out of it.
  4. Yeah, I don't think it was so much of a fiasco. Just a few cases where people had defective hardpoints. Seems like most people have no issue. You can read about it if you go back through the thread.
  5. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Haha, you are probably right! I sure wouldn't give my order up but I also wouldn't be getting pissed and cutting ties with the store over it before we got clear information that they were trying to screw me. Good point. No one knows what they mean by that for sure. Assuming they will never get their stock just because Bandai is done sending their supply out is Scooby Doo logic.
  6. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Don't complain to anyone, just wait for your order to arrive. If you get confirmation that it won't be delivered, it will also come with a proposal to reimburse you most likely by refund. If for some reason, you are unhappy with the proposal and the store is unresponsive, just contact your credit card company.
  7. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Yep! Too bad I didn't anticipate this and order 100 from them so could make enough from the exchange to buy a 31A on the aftermarket.
  8. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    haha, all good! I lost my mykombini order too. On the plus side, I just checked my refund and I made about $6.40 because of the exchange rate! Mykombini paid for my lunch!
  9. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    For those of you worried about Paypal dispute deadline...As long as you didn't use Paypal funds to pay, don't worry about it because your bank/cc company will cover you. You should be using a no foreign transaction fee credit card to pay (using paypal as a gateway) if you haven't been because it will not only protect you in cases like this, you will save a lot of money in conversion fees.
  10. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Absolutely! That's what I'm offering to anyone who wants to take me up on it. I'm betting that they will deliver, I just don't care about worrying about it everyday and can just wait for it to come when it comes. If not, we all get our money back. NBD. This is one scenario that I can bet will definitely not happen (the part about getting auto pre-orders). No way in hell they are going to deal with that logistic.
  11. Yep, you should always pay in Yen and preferably, use a credit card with no foreign transaction fee. You can potentially be saving a lot of money.
  12. NY is my goto shop because they consistently have lower prices for preorders. They markup a lot of items after release so it just depends. From my experience, their shipping is one of the lowest, along with HLJ but they also offer more options including ferry. Single item orders might be cheaper to ship at some shops but with teh NY discount, they often ship for around the same or less than other shops before adding their shipping charge. Anyways, I hope you get your 31A...I wish I got an order in on time for it at NY.
  13. Original msrp was 16,200 Y and it looks like shops still offer discounts on it so I'd suggest checking any of the usual japanese online shops. here is one: https://www.nippon-yasan.com/figures/20271-hi-metal-r-xabungle.html Also a bunch here: https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1070300412&ref=list
  14. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I get it. I like and want my toys too. But I also realize there is always a shinier new toy to fulfill my needs. Zen is actually part of my name so I guess that's something. Yep...To me, everything in the toy collector world is way overpriced these days. Just a few years ago, spending over $100 on a single toy was a huge deal to me and I would only consider it if it was something extremely special to me. Now, any POS figure costs more than $100 and we buy them like candy. Even a $20 toy seems to be worth only $5 when you compare it to what we used to get and the other stuff that's available today. So you know what? I suck it up and recognize that I am a collector...it is in my blood and something that I enjoy. I continue to buy overpriced toys because I enjoy it. There is absolutely no bad stress involved (except the one time I know my money was stolen, and even then, it was just a "I learned my lesson" ordeal). I get a new toy...great! I miss out...oh well, too bad for now but maybe I can still get one somewhere else or just move on. Either way, it's all part of the excitement of being a collector. I think a lot of the stress people have is unnecessarily created by themselves.
  15. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Totally agree that any store that cannot deliver should offer refunds. Thing is, if people are contacting them with threats of paypal disputs, it's human nature to not want to make someone's life easier when they are threatening and making your life harder. I'm pretty sure NY did already give some refunds and if they can't deliver, they will refund anyone who's left them alone. Anyways, I have no stake in this unless someone wants to take up my offer. Just don't get why people get so worked up over toys. Enjoy it and don't make things more difficult than they need to be is all I'm trying to say.
  16. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Yeah, I think the smart move is to just wait and see without stirring up any s#!+ and just let the stores do their thing. I wouldn't worry about PayPal unless you actually used PayPal funds to pay (highly NOT reccommended). As long as you used a credit card or bank funds through PayPal, your card issuer/bank should have you covered if anything goes wrong. Of course, anyone who is so mad at a company that is helping us get toys we are not supposed to get that they want to swear off that company, I'm here to help you do that as painlessly as possible.
  17. Nice Xabungle pics! Damn, I need to mess with mine some more.
  18. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Really? Not I. Especially after I've already offered them more money not to cancel their orders and give to me instead. It's highly likely that any cancelled orders will not be listed at original preorder price so all they are doing is helping NY instead of a fellow collector.
  19. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Yeah, with all the complaints and people constantly swearing off NY, you'd think someone would take this easy out. Bottom line is I do enjoy collecting and a part that helps me is I don't worry about stuff. Shops are in business to take our money in exchange for toys. I sit back and let them do their thing. These toys are extremely hard to get and technically illegal to sell outside the Japanese market so any store going out of their way to help foreigners get something they would normally have to travel to Japan themselves to get is doing us a great service! How about we cut them some slack, kick back and enjoy all the toys they already got us? Worst thing that could happen is you don't get a toy you wanted or possibly lose some money.
  20. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I really hope no one cancels their NY order for even the hint of the chance they will repost for more. As I keep saying, if you are so fed up with NY, please don't cancel your order, just give it to me.
  21. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    No idea...Hopefully not for a while so my wallet can recover. For those of you who think Paypal will consider helping you after the 180 day period, good luck. I, along with tons of people lost a lot of money when Anime Island closed shop. Only thing is if I knew about this at that time, it may have helped.
  22. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Preorders for the 31C Super Parts finally closed today at NY. Glad I didn't make the same mistake I did with the 31A and got my order in a few weeks ago!
  23. I've thought about that for sure but the stands are so good...They are an enhancement to the Valk and such good quality. Definitely worth it.
  24. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Everyone saying that this will hopefully end well for all...it's too late, some people already got their orders cancelled. Just saying.
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