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Slave IV

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Everything posted by Slave IV

  1. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Looking good! I finally opened my VE-1, Missile Glaugs and DX 31F Super Parts today.
  2. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    If NY was as greedy and shady as some keep saying, they wouldn't have to offer the lowest price in the first place. I know they are doing it as part of their business model to make money but again, they could still charge more to begin with.
  3. Nice! I was wondering what part was used for the stand.
  4. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Good job! LOL Yep, I think they will fulfill all orders eventually.
  5. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Wait until you find out you forfeited the remaining balance of your voucher by doing that.
  6. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    They have a simple combine order feature but last night I noticed they wouldn't let me order or combine more than three items. Truly sucks. Another reason to wait it out or take my offer.
  7. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    That sounds annoying. They do have some quirky operations. I couldn't stand them at first but once I got how they operate, I've quickly made them my goto shop based on their prices. I will still check with NY first but as mentioned, CDJ is becoming big time recently. They don't even charge up front for TWE items! Their posting times and search need some work but maybe I just need to start using them more to get their system better like I did with NY. So, does that mean you are 31A-less or did you secure one elsewhere?
  8. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Haha, thanks! Even though I had a shipping notice, still had my fingers crossed but now that it's reality, I'm good. BTW, my NY offer still stands if anyone wants! As for other shop options, CDJ has been stepping their game up in the last couple weeks. Just recently before that, they were matching HLJ's climbing prices but now it seems like they are trying to take on NY for the low price leader. Good news for all of us! Like I said, I don't care about any of these shops, I just appreciate they do what they do to allow us to buy these things but in the end, I support the one that gives me the same thing for cheaper.
  9. Haha, nice @spanner! That VR headset looks fancy!
  10. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    OK, NY's site is down for me...That is something that would worry me more than anything else if it doesn't come back up soon. Edit: Nevermind, it's back
  11. No, I think it's unreasonable when people complain without knowing that their item will not be delivered. Especially when the shop says it will be delivered and they just don't know when. It happens very often in the 3P world but I know you are referring to something else.
  12. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Haha, yeah. I love it so much I don't know if I can break its seal. But yeah, it will "fly" soon.
  13. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Thanks! Yeah, seems like 35-40k is a "good" deal for them these days. I'm still pulling for all the people with NY orders to get those too.
  14. Yep, I was thinking about using the missile effects set with the armor. The Fext site says June or July 2018... Oh no! Will people start flipping when they don't get their orders late June? I don't have anything from Fans Hobby and haven't followed their releases but being late is pretty typical for 3P releases.
  15. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Well said. On that note, I came home to see my 31A arrived from CDJ.
  16. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I agree with you that a smaller company like Arcadia can put more attention and probably tailors production runs more specifically. I don't think Bandai had issues delivering the 31A. I think NY is having issues securing all the orders they made from wherever Bandai delivered them to.
  17. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Good video that breaks down all the facts. So far, the facts are: -NY offers the lowest preorder prices for TWE. -NY has delivered all previous TWE items, even when they said they had difficulty with stock and possibly had to buy the item at inflated prices. -Mykombini has refunded with the excuse that they could not secure stock, which seems to be impossible based on how TWE orders work. So if anything, I think it's safe to say Mykombini could be doing something shady and NY is doing what they can to help their customers. It makes sense that they will be happy to offer refunds to those who demand them because they know they can get more for those items when they get them. As for the practice of selling items for higher prices after the release date, that makes business sense if the value of the item has gone up, especially to help make up for the low prices they offer during preorder and any losses they might incur buying items in the aftermarket themselves to satisfy their customers. I get the frustration but the more information that comes through, the more reassured I am of doing business with NY. If they drop the ball on this one item, it truly sucks but it seems like they do what they can to get the fans the items we want for the lowest price. This looks absolutely fantastic!
  18. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    They've only issued refunds to those who are contacting them about it. For everyone else, they have said nothing other than they will send when they can. Seems pretty clear cut to me.
  19. Yep, I like the gatling guns too...not sure if there is a combo with those and not the missiles but no matter, my order is in and I'm not too worried about it.
  20. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    None of us have any real evidence as to why they sometimes take longer to ship things. The only fact we know is they deliver all the orders they take and we will see if that holds true with the 31A.
  21. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    The VF-31A actually had the shortest preorder period in recent history for Macross TWE items on NY. That's how I missed out on ordering from them and wish someone who wants to cancel would give me their order. Most (pretty much all except the 31A) TWE items stay open on NY until about a month before release. The 31A closed at the beginning of December. Every TWE preorder NY had that stayed open for much longer was delivered. Just wanted to clarify before false information is used to make assumptions.
  22. Well, this is good news other than I probably shouldn't have ordered any of the armors that came with missiles since they look pretty bad to me. True, although mine will stay in the box and I'll just be using the official Reaction Missiles for everything.
  23. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I went through all this with PayPal when Anime Island dissappeared. All my orders were over the limit. Some I paid with cc, some with PayPal funds. PayPal told me they couldn't do anything about the items I used PayPal funds for but advised me to contact my cc company for the others. I got all the cc money back, no problems.
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