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Slave IV

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Everything posted by Slave IV

  1. They do but I've forgotten a couple times on other orders. It infuriates me when it happens, lol. I laugh because it's funny how emotional we all can get over toys. I get really pissed at the moment then after I think about it, nbd.
  2. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Don't remember the exact date but it was late Nov/early Dec. Pretty much during whatever week the month changed.
  3. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Agreed. I'm speaking in more general terms since @Kinzoku VF seems to be lamenting about the whole art of hobby collecting. In this specific case, I still don't see it as getting "dicked around" when all they said is something to the extent of sorry, we don't have the item yet and will send when we can...which is what they seem to be doing. Sure, it sucks balls for those who are waiting but if it were me, I wouldn't even be worried about it and it wouldn't suck that bad because I have plenty of other toys on hand and coming to me every day to enjoy. If one day, I hear that my 31A is finally coming, cool! If I find out they can't deliver, that would suck but oh well. Holding a personal grudge about a company that has a history of delivering the toys you want for the lowest price but f'd up one time for reasons we don't know is a bit silly and doesn't help you or anyone else (unless that means you really won't use them again and therefore, makes preordering easier for the rest of us ). That's what I'm talking about! HAHAHAHAHAHA! Right?! Why the hell does any of this have to be so hard? I don't want to and should not have to comb toy stores (or these days Target, Walgrens and Walmart), stepping over little kids and fat, bald scalpers to only find empty pegs or loads of shelfwarmers of adult collectible toys. Nor should I have to run bot programs and customize my F5 button with a Turbo feature on 10 browsers at 3am to get something I have money to pay for. This is all a big joke overall but you know what? So what? It is what it is. F5 and new listing search skills is the new "hunt" in today's collecting age and I'm fine with it. You win some, you lose some. In the end, I have a collection that I would have never dreamed could be possible when I was a kid and that makes me happy.
  4. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I think part of what's wrong is people complaining all the time instead of enjoying the whole process of collecting. If everything frustrates you so much, why do it? Other than reading a few threads on forums, my collecting hobby is going great for me in the "real" world. There has never been a better time with so many great options for the characters I've always wanted better toys for.
  5. Slave IV

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Sounds good to me!
  6. Slave IV

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Hahaha! I'll try to tape it onto the Arcadia
  7. Excellent! The Calibre Wings I just got sems to come with a FlightPose stand so I was definitely hoping for a Yeti alternative. Also looking forward to the Arcadia SDF-1 adapter!
  8. Slave IV

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    This Hopefully LOL! Back to the payload, since this is coming with the arm canon, might be less of an issue to me since I can display DX in Battroid mode with Arm Cannon, Arcadia in Fighter mode with weapons. Win-Win.
  9. Well that's not too bad. Ahem, mind sharing a link of where you got them from?
  10. OMG...no idea such a thing existed. Lalala lalala pretend did not see this and move along....
  11. Where's the rest of it? 6,000,000Y preorder CANCELLED!
  12. Everyone declaring they will only get one will almost guarantee they purposely limit the accessory packs to f with us, lol.
  13. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Also understandable. It's just that I'm still confident they will deliver and bummed I didn't get an order in there. I already have one from CDJ so I'm ok.
  14. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Yeah, but likelihood of $300 for a new one is near zero. Someone could have made $50, saved frustration and me some money.
  15. Yep! Another set I've been waiting a lifetime for. If only someone could make a set worth the money.
  16. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I'm really bummed so many people opted to cancel instead of giving me their orders for $301. Now, it will cost at least $50 more and more like $200 more.
  17. Nice pickups all around! People here are selling their 31As already? Congrats on getting it!
  18. 2nd on all of this.
  19. Wow! It was late last night and for some reason I saw a black Valk box and thought Kai. Never mind and congrats on the PF Milia! Pretty much. I swooshed mine around for a few mins and put it back in the box until I can find a good place to display it. Probably true but I don't like to have mental inhibitors.
  20. For that price, I feel like I'd be better off investing in Ant Man level molecular size manipulation technology to apply to the HMR Monster.
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