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Slave IV

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Everything posted by Slave IV

  1. Oooo, nice haul! And the coveted 31A! I think he mentioned he had one coming from NY and it shipped a while ago so it looks like it arrived!
  2. Ah, it makes more sense now but it still doesn't even look like a detolf to me. Maybe it's the lights, reflections and other things behind it that are throwing me off. I totally get your need for space and filling in what you have. Thanks for clarifying and seems to work well.
  3. Definitely cool to see things stocked up in person. But I do love seeing pics and nothing beats having the item in hand and taking your pics, swooshing and displaying them.
  4. Cool but am I the only one confused about what I'm looking at? It's really hard to tell how the shelves are setup in the detolf and I'm not even sure I'm looking at a detolf.
  5. And saying it's "a lot smaller than I expected"...
  6. Sounds reasonable. Yeah, I went back through the MB catalog and there are a few others I like but none that are exactly what I'm looking for so I figure the newest will hopefully also be one of the better ones in terms of engineering to wet my feet with the line. My first MB was the Mazinger Infinity release and I was so impressed with it I figure it was time to check out a Gundam from the line.
  7. Haha, sounds like a familiar story and I hear Gundam MB collecting is just as bad. I'll be getting my first Gundam MB when the Aile Strike comes out.
  8. Might be partly because of the angle of the picture but yes, the three in the center are angled down more. Whatever the case, it looks good and not angled oddly in any way from where I sit and look at it from across the room. Thanks!
  9. Cool! It would make sense that they all used standardized peg sizes. Makes things easier for everyone. Thanks! I plan to mount the SDF-1 on a wall when I get that and whatever adapter @ChaoticYeti comes up with. Ride armors will go on a shelf and will see how it goes. Would be cool to have a YetiStand with both of them and any future releases all together.
  10. Yep, except not too shortly for me. My SDF-1 PF is on a boat...probably get it in a month or so.
  11. Might as well post here too and give a shout out to @ChaoticYeti for making the best stands available for toys I've ever seen. Set up single wall mounts for my favorite couple by re-purposing some elbow joints. Here they are with the rest of the crew
  12. Thanks (if you were referring to my pics )! PF will be sweet! Just not enough difference for me to justify the cost.
  13. Thanks! Get them set up! M&M need to fly, not be boxed up. It's a dream come true for me to finally have them set up on display. Now, if I can get my hand on a decently priced Milia 1/48, the circuit will be complete.
  14. Set up wall mounts for my favorite family With the rest of the crew And to contribute to the somewhat controversial topic of hardpoints, here are some closer shots of the hardpoints on the three relevant Arcadia Valks pictured I don't know about any mold degradation or other defect regarding any of my Arcadia Valk hardpoints. They all work perfectly fine with a satisfying positive lock when engaged and smooth all the way with attaching or removing. After messing with M&M a bit more last night, I haze zero issues or complains...excellent job by Arcadia and I look forward to more releases from them. Also, I don't regret skipping the PF versions but if anything, I do wish they would apply the round Skull or Kite symbols on the Fast Packs. Can someone point me out to the digital scan so I can make some waterslide decals? Thanks!
  15. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    I think it's easier to say what HMR you would not buy multiples of. Are there any?
  16. Haha, sounds better than selling kidneys! Hmmm...maybe I can get my wife to look into this to help my Valk funding.
  17. Haha, I would hardly consider buying almost every 1/60 that has come out in the last few years self control but thanks! I can't even imagine the hit on your account for that. Especially because I'm only buying new releases at preorder discount price and you are digging for older Valks and paying a premium even though I know you are finding good deals.
  18. That riser is a good idea! Congrats on the ever growing Valk collection! I think you may have around the same or more 1/60 Valks as I do. Except I've been collecting them for years and you just started this year. I should be ashamed, lol.
  19. Cool! is it the same size on both ends? I think Tamashii arms have 5mm pegs on the bottom and a smaller one that connects to the figure, anyone know if it's also 3 mm?
  20. Again, the important part is what size the peg holes are. Hopefully we'll have that info soon.
  21. Those look like Tamashii stages...Not sure what you are asking for though at this point. This thread is for Yeti stands and people are hoping for adapters to use Yeti stands with their various figures, including the Sentinel Ride Armor. Yeti already has an option for adding holes to his stands to accommodate Tamashii stand arms and if Sentinel uses the same size pegs for their arms, it makes everything easier for all of us and gives us a lot more options. If all you want is any clear stand, you just need the same information we are wondering, which is the size of the pegs used on the Sentinel stands. Or, you could use any stand with the clamps to hold the figure instead of the peg hole.
  22. Those articulated arms come with whatever stand they work with. Tamashii stages have them. Sentinel stands all use the black arm so I was suggesting to anyone who has both to just check if the peg size used is the same, which would make them interchangeable. I know the Revo stands do use the same size as Tamashii stages but I haven't checked the Sentinel arms yet.
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