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Slave IV

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Everything posted by Slave IV

  1. That's by an artist named Al Santiago. He does a lot of cool illustrations and I grabbed a few of the Macross ones from him. Here's his website.
  2. Our old spot was actually a work/live in loft that my old boss lived in and I just had a small desk so no toys there. I did bring in some paintings though. But yeah, I will admit my current work space is a luxury. But again, our new boss wanted it this way, and not nessasarily for our benefit but it just worked out that way.
  3. Thanks! Your collection is unfwithable but I'm happy to finally have a good place to display these big Valks. I'm going to add another one to join that crew when I around to opening it.
  4. Haha, I'm not THE boss but I pretty much do my thing and people don't bother or question me much. Plus, I rarely get visitors and it was the big boss' decision to move us to a new spot with tons of private office space when all I need is a desk and a big monitor. I've been planning on displaying some toys there since the move and finding those shelves made it a no brainier.
  5. Starting to load up the new shelves I got Naked Armored up!
  6. And while I'm at it, a few of the other Hot Wheels I've found recently
  7. And, here is one of the said Billy shelves with my Black Series helmets that I just opened and space below getting ready for some Valks! Edit: A wider shot showing the well guarded shelf and some of my overflow storage boxes.
  8. Found these today Also, I found two billy bookshelves in the alley by our office that someone was throwing out. Needless to say, I brought them to my office and now have more display space for toys! I want to get glass doors but it seems hard to get at Ikea these days.
  9. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I like having different display options and I don't care about color coordination, especially with military war machines. I'll probably get on of the new 31Fs but if the clips can be bought separately on shapeways or elsewhere, I'd probably rather do that.
  10. I guess it makes more sense in that case and I'm lucky I don't use makeup or nail polish to worry about it. But I know for sure I've handled most my toys since childhood after being out in the dirt and yeah, they are still fine. Again, totally get it and it's not a bad idea...just too much for me to worry about. I usually wash my hands before I touch the more expensive/delicate toys but I don't obsess over it. I have a box of surgical gloves too but I use them to prevent my hands from getting dirty when I'm doing some sort of craftwork.
  11. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Best looking 31 Battroid mode so far, IMO!
  12. Not saying gloves are not a good idea but I've never used gloves and all my toys since childhood are still going strong. I think I'm amoung some of the most obsessive when it comes to collecting but I personally feel using gloves is going over a line where these are no longer considered toys.
  13. There was the lil Draken compatible 31F...
  14. He probably just hates his job and life. Poor guy.
  15. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Haha, yep! I was going to mention it again but it seems like @Kinzoku VF might actually enjoy the torture and talking about it. All good! I hope everyone gets theirs. If I had placed an order with NY, it would have been sometime in December so if they were shipping in order, I'd be near the end of the line, lol. It's probably better I missed out because what if I already got mine from them? I'd be virtually lynched in this thread, lol!
  16. Yep, camera tech is getting really good even in phones. As always, the person behind the camera is more important than the equipment and lighting is always key.
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