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Slave IV

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Everything posted by Slave IV

  1. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Thing is, NY never said "maybe" anything. They said they "will" ship when they receive stock, which is what it seems they are doing.
  2. At least 1/48 prices seem to be going down a bit but still hard to find the right deal. Those will be some nice displays you have planned. I might try something similar but for now, I try to keep similar scales together.
  3. That will be nice indeed! If have HMR, HMR 1A w/ FEXT Thunder Hammer, Arcadia 1/60, maybe Yamato or Arcadia 1/60 w/ FEXT Thunder Hammer, Yamato 1/48 Low Vis, and an armored 31S. At least, for the foreseeable near future.
  4. Oh man, 1/55 GBP was your first Macross toy?! Lucky! That display will be awesome when you get it set up. I look forward to seeing it!
  5. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I'm not so sure anyone really soured on NY as much as they say based on how fast their POs still sell out. Besides this one case, in which they have never not fulfilled any orders yet unless someone cancelled, they have been extremely reliable. As for your hangover remedy, usually more drinking is the answer. Other than that, water, coffee, tacos...Always best to drink a lot of water before you go to bed after heavy drinking to help avoid the hangover in the first place.
  6. Thanks! I love the GBP set too! You wouldn't believe how long in the making that was and how long I've waited to have it on display. Basically, I've had the armor set since around the time it came out. Didn't get the Valk to put it on until very recently and then had nowhere to put it until I lucked upon the shelves. But back to GBP...That's pretty much what put me over the edge and elevate Macross to my all time favorite anime series and transforming toys (even though it doesn't transform with the armor) when I first saw the GBP on screen and in toy forms. Low Vis schemes are just an added plus! Hope you get your set soon! I think the same GBP armor set was available on Mandarake recently...And yep, it still is: https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1082849052&ref=list
  7. When I broke one of my Valks, someone reccommended Bob Smith Industries Super Glue. I haven't used it on my Valk yet but it was excellent for fixing some other toys.
  8. Nice find! I've been able to find everything from that wave except Cable. Good thing I already have a case.
  9. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    That's what I thought at first but to have enemy mecha and destroids but not get VFs that are in scale to display with would be silly. And that one silly thought has led me to now own every release except the first one.
  10. That looks pretty cool, especially if the whole box is included but I bet it will cost almost as much as the plane if so. I think I would have preferred a carrier diorama base with more options for catapult and flight looks.
  11. At least most the stand parts are interchangable with Tamashii stages. My goal this weekend is to open at least one ML wave that I've had sitting in boxes. I'm thinking Doctor Strange or that X-Men one.
  12. And, I found the Benzo during my lunch break!
  13. Thanks for all the info! I know some people were checking with @ChaoticYeti about an adapter for his stands but it would likely use a similar or the same attachement so I'll see how it goes.
  14. Got it, thanks! I'll try something similar or perhaps more low tech...like some tape, lol! Did later releases come with a better stand too? I'm a bit paranoid about using the FlightPose style stand mine came with.
  15. So I did end up getting a Jolly Rogers F-14 Are the weapons meant to be glued in? Some fit snugly but some feel really loose, especially the side pylon for the AIM-9 & AIM-7 missiles. I was hoping that would not be a thing for a model like this.
  16. Found some more EuroSpeed Hot Wheels Just need the Benz now And opened some more stuff to put on my new shelf New shelf, new stuff!
  17. Not following that thread here but it figures. No shields and just a spear? Lol! All I know is that Carnage figure puts all others to shame.
  18. Well, I know the red one in front is great and probably the white one behind it too. My guess is that Cap is a waste of time.
  19. Awesome, thanks! I will take you up on that Max CMS. Here they are together
  20. Got a piece to complete another pair of M&Ms Enabler points to @borgified for the heads up! Thanks!
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