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Slave IV

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Everything posted by Slave IV

  1. Probably to try to give HG more legal precedence.
  2. Slave IV

    Macross figures

    Well hell. Oh well. I’m not paying much attention obviously and really don’t care. If they come, I buy them, if not, money saved. Thanks for clarifying. I’ve seen black silhouettes of the other Walkure members somewhere but it must have been for something else.
  3. Slave IV

    Macross figures

    So this may be the first time I got Macross info from a site other than MW since signing on here but thanks to @OCProwl on TFW who pointed out to me that the silhouettes of the rest of Walkure on the SHF page are now actually finished looking figures and not just black out spaces. http://tamashii.jp/special/macross/walkure/ Not sure how long it's been like that but that is pretty good confirmation that the figures exist and could come out maybe now that the movie is being released.
  4. All the Arcadia releases have sold out...including all the "extra stock" they just put on their website. In seconds. I don't think they are going out of the Valk business. It would be nice to see them do some of the more rare variants but doing too many of those is possibly part of what led to Yamato's demise.
  5. Everyone has a right to opinion. Disagreeing doesn't change history and facts. So just enjoy what you want to enjoy, it's all good!
  6. Star Wars = The greatest movie franchise of all time Yes, this includes all of them so watch them all when you get a chance. So much more going on in all aspects of story and movie making happening in all the films that paved the way for what we can experience in theaters and at home these days.
  7. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Sure, I get it. It's also like something else.
  8. LOL, understandable. Either way, I will be F5 ready! No Need or not? Sure, it really isn't needed. But I don't think that feature is "why the 1:60 Ver2 was liked more". My guess is most people would take the improvements and the additional features if they could. Anyways, I love the 1:48 Yamato Valks and this one is going to go very well with them.
  9. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    31S looking good! That armor for it is gonna be nuts!
  10. Trying to jedi people into making this an easier preorder for yourself?
  11. Well now, that is a fantastic price. I had a feeling they might surprise us in a good way like they did with the Regult Missile set.
  12. Aw crap...I was afraid of that happening.
  13. Hmmm...Does this mean the purple one is the regular release and the black hair is the Variant? Either way, I need both but I was thinking the Purple hair would be the hard one to get.
  14. Hahahahaha! Fantastic! Thank you!
  15. Haha! Nice!
  16. Slave IV

    Macross figures

    More Maki Maki!
  17. I got another Maki Maki! I think I have issues, lol!
  18. Nice! I've definitely been enjoying the Old Man Logan run since it started up during and after Secret Wars. Got a package in the mail today..actually got a few packages but the only one I had time to open had this: My MCU collection is getting out of hand. Can't complain as I ordered this during the recent ridiculous sale Target had.
  19. 1/48 works for me. I don't have the Yamato VF-1J Hikaru so it will go well with the other ones I do have. @no3Ljm We need a new wallet gif! Closest I could find
  20. A Target on the way to work. They also had Winter Soldier/Falccon 2 pk, Gladiator, Venom and Carnage. I was really surprised to see this as the only figure from the wave there besides Gladiator.
  21. Either way, it's impossible to compare with Yamato VF-0S quality since they are different molds and even then, you would have to subject both to the exact same situation because the fall could have been at a perfect angle to cause the break that may not have happened otherwise. I will still continue to say that the Arcadia VF-0S is the finest Valk toy made to date, imo.
  22. I just hit the jackpot! Purple hair variant! Now I just hope the one in the case I ordered will have the black hair. Also grabbed these but I just realized I already have 2 out of 3 of them
  23. Yeah, that sounds like it will be available to retailers. It’s a “limited edition” that won’t be tamashi web exclusive.
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