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Slave IV

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Everything posted by Slave IV

  1. Glad to hear the positive feedback on this so far. Anyone care to compare this to the official armor? How is the fit and finish in comparison?
  2. Totally agree! I like the Yamato 1/48 in all three modes. It’s still my favorite VF-1 even though the V2 1/60 is technically better. I will never give up the ones I have including that low vis 1A and again, if the price is right, I’ll still buy more. Yeah, those hands are silly. Need the GBP to beef them up!
  3. Haha, I would definitely buy some more at the right price. I doubt Bandai will do all the color schemes Yamato did but either way, I like the Yamato 1:48 design as well. This Bandai release doesn’t change that at all.
  4. @eliexThose look great!
  5. nice setup!
  6. I like Valks. Never once have I been playing with a Valk and got disappointed by panel line depth. Never once have I looked at my Valks on display and thought, "damn, I wish the panel lines were deeper or shallower". I just think, "damn, these things are sweet!", or "damn, I'm going to go broke because of these things", or "I want more of these things". Bring on the DX VF-1J!
  7. I think the main thing to consider here is that Macross toys are not made for sale outside of Japan and we are lucky to be getting them at all. It's no excuse for bad customer service but at this point, we all know that it is very difficult for a shop to support customers halfway around the world, especially for issues that are not their fault. Basicallly, I consider all these purchases "buy at your own risk". It sucks but hey, it's worth it to me to be able to get the toys I want.
  8. Will do! Yeah, the Select Hulk should be the biggest. I justify the 7x cost x2 (for the Mezco version too) with the better articulation and overall quality. And yeah, I’m ok with my Sauron wave taking its time. I have 6 or more full wave cases that I still haven’t got around to opening yet. Gonna open the last X-Men wave first mainly for Apokalypse and then the Venom wave mainly for Spider Ham. That looks nice! I keep my saber on top of one of my shelves.
  9. Badass!
  10. Haha yeah, Bruce Banner Jr. As for scale, close enough for me. Hulk is towering over Logan. He could tower a bit more but nbd. Will see if the Mezco version is bigger when I get that one.
  11. Opened up Mezco Old Man Logan and he looks good with his old friend
  12. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    So far, none of the Macross HMR figures have been reissued. Doesn’t mean they won’t but it may be a while. Seems like they are trying to release everything they’ve teased so far and more eventually so if the plan is to do all that before any thought of reissued, you may be waiting a long time. I guess the good thing is HMR are relatively cheap and even with the big markups, they still usually cost less than a DX Valk at MSRP so it’s a line that isn’t as difficult to catch up on. I got in a bit late (when the regult came out) so I had to get the armored 1J at a markup but all caught up since then. I know others who came in not too long ago and have quickly built up an equal or even larger collection than I have without really spending that much (in the whole scheme of things). By all means, if you can afford it, get in now! I highly recommend you grab some Regults, a Glaug and the Destroids including the Monster. To me, they are the stars of the line with top notch engineering and build quality. It’s a bonus that you get decent Valks that scale with all those other Mecha together. And, keep an eye out for the DX VF-1J still. I bet you can get one around release time for around MSRP or maybe a bit less.
  13. Looks awesome! I just noticed you got a purple Psylocke too. LOL, I thought that would be the hard one to find but turns out to be the black one. Did you get one of those yet?
  14. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Looks good! I don’t mind unmatching colors on war machines. They aren’t trying to win a fashion contest.
  15. If you are renting, that makes sense. Otherwise, having the film on the windows makes a lot more sense to me unless you are putting the detolf in direct path of light and leaving the windows open all the time.
  16. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    They haven’t been sold separately yet so you either buy a Valk that comes with them or see if someone is willing to sell theirs.
  17. Yeah, it will protect from either side but it’s designed to be on the inside to protect the film from scratches and whatever else, plus it usually looks cleaner that way. Have you considered putting the film on the windows of the room the detolf is in? It would be easier to do and protect everything in the room from UV instead of just the detolf.
  18. finally got these! Thanks to a fellow forum member since I haven’t seen any new Mega Construx all year.
  19. Haha yeah! I just got Venom, X-Men, and Deadpool waves shipped. I just found a fresh case of the Venom wave and all four Venom and Carnage figures were messed up (bad paint). I just did a quick search and found some decent looking ones. Here is one on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Grumman-F-14A-Tomacat-diecast-Amercom/dp/8325213043 I have some 1/144 models that are mostly built with some option parts that are very good for the size. J-Wings and another company I can't remember makes them.
  20. Thanks for all the info! I love the F-14 and am happy with the Jolly Roger Calibre Wings I have but don’t think it or any lesser versions are worth buying any more of so I guess I’ll stick with what I have. Thanks again!
  21. If I got another one, it would be that Wolfpack one. Is that a later release with better weapons attachment and stand? I just saw this new one from Century Wings that I would have preferred to see instead of the one Calibre Wings did but not sure if I want to dip into Century Wings: https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail/?gcode=TOY-SCL2-93363
  22. Not only will you not have to remove the canopy, I'm hopefully guessing that they will also add a heat shield deployable in any mode option.
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