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Slave IV

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Everything posted by Slave IV

  1. Thanks! When looking at the kit, it seems like the deco on the panels are removeable/interchangeable. Do they come off from the panels or are you telling me the deco is all Tampo/painted directly on the panels?
  2. It would be much more fitting if it was Milia’s
  3. looks amazing! mind if I share this pic? I ordered a few of the system sets already. How do the decorated panels work?
  4. Yep, there is no way a modern toy with significantly increased detail and articulation is going to match the durability and simplicity of the 1/55, which I can still transform back and forth in seconds all day everyday to this day with no issues. Good thing I don’t need this to be just like the 1/55 because I already have a bunch of 1/55s.
  5. Will see how it goes when I get mine. Neither downsides you mentioned bother me at all as I don’t do vanilla poses unless I have to (like with some ML and most Mattel DC figures) and it makes sense to me to not have a wire in the bottom edge. I guess if you really needed to, you could add a wire to the bottom edge. I would definitely try to get a replacement if it came broken though.
  6. Didn’t know about the magnet part, cool! The cape looks really good with the wires in it. That leg issue sucks though. Are you going to try to get a replacement?
  7. Looks great! What part of the leg is broken? It looks ok there.
  8. Slave IV

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    What a great sight! As much as I’m looking forward to getting the YF-19, I’m more eager to get that God Sigma.
  9. I've never bought one before but I would buy this one if I see it on clearance for the sole purpose of putting the FEXT armor on it.
  10. Well, I just noticed they have made various backdrop sets available for pre-order. Including this:
  11. Thanks for the update! Still sucks that they priced the armor at $77.90 so you have to buy two to be able to use the coupon.
  12. This thing is gonna look great! With Thunder Hummer armor over it.
  13. That’s what I’m going to use my Trypticon for too. Have to find a place by G1 Omega Supreme and Metroplex to put it. Right now, my Gojulas Zoid is standing in. Anyways, I’m not that intent on getting G1 reissues so I’ll be glad if they never come. I’d rather just finish off my GigaPower Dinobot set and I still think MP-13 is the best Soundwave and one of the top three MPs made.
  14. No argument from me on any of this. I’m going to go return it now. Lol, I won’t return it but I was thinking of putting it back in the box and displaying it that way right after I took those pics. I impulse buy a few Transformers here and there but other than the recent Takara Topspin and Twintwist, they all pretty much suck. The few Hasbro ones I’ve duped myself into getting are trash. I have TT Trypticon coming and I’m seriously going to try to stop myself from buying any more. Masterpiece and 3P are the only ones I want to collect but even those are boring me and I haven’t bought one since MP Sunstreaker.
  15. Slave IV

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Oh man, friggin beautiful!
  16. Thanks for clarifying! Nice collection! I don’t think I’m going to get anymore G1 reissued because again, reminded of why I quit collecting them in the first place. But I might crack for Dinobots, Soundwave and Shockwave.
  17. If I recall correctly, he was involved with the Masterpiece version.
  18. Yep, that Boba Fett figure is pretty much the most well known and sought after Star Wars collectible ever made. I think that one guy in Northern California who has one of the biggest SW collections in the world got robbed by his friend, who tried to sell one of those and got caught. it was something like that.
  19. Nope, this is the Walmart retro reissue I just got today. And if you look closer att he picture, there are two missile types there and I just learned that because of child safety laws, the fighter mode missiles were elongated to avoid choking hazards. And yeah...after opening this and messing with it, it reminds me of why I quit collecting Transformers in the first place 30 years ago. They are a joke compared with what we got from Macross at the same time. Yep!
  20. I'm not a fan of any Seeker mold made so far but I saw this today and couldn't pass it up I don't remember the fighter mode missiles being too long on the original. Lol, wtf?!
  21. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Got my 31S All looking good! It’s nice to have missiles under the wings (I haven’t taken any of my other missile bearing 31 toys out yet). Now, just need armor packs.
  22. Slave IV

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Didn’t think so. Either way, pretty cool stuff. It’s going to be nice having a bunch of weapon options.
  23. Slave IV

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Now I’m wondering...does the entire pod for the SPP-8 and LPP-12 launch and then deploys weapons from front once closer to target? Have we seen this process shown up close in detail in the anime?
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