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Slave IV

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Everything posted by Slave IV

  1. Probably an even better method. But still not as elegant as an actually working arm that was designed better to begin with.
  2. Sounds like a way. Too bad they didn't make the claw a bit more adjustable so that you could get it to grab the Valks securely.
  3. Yeah, I was trying to figure out a way to get the stand to hold the Valks the other way. Another reason why I just don't want too many of them. Clear arm options would have helped. Best I could play off:
  4. The main thing that sucks about the launch arm is I don't want more than 2-3 Valks displayed in launch mode. Sure, you can display them however you want but they only look right to me holding a Valk in fighter mode. If they made the other clear arm with storage, I'd buy 10 of those.
  5. So sweet! Damn, that picture really puts in perspective how huge the Sv-51s are. Especially compared to an SDF-1😆
  6. That is excellent!
  7. I messed with my Alto Full Set a bit when I first got it but left it on battroid mode since and it has been good this whole time.
  8. Back in the game and coming in strong! Nice!
  9. No problem! You missed out on some goodness there. Those were some of my earliest toys that brought me into the world of anime.
  10. It’s a Shogun Warrior. They all have wheels on their feet.
  11. Arcadia stand reissue for anyone who missed it or needs more. Wish it was the clear one. https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail?gcode=FIGURE-142563
  12. Now you’re getting somewhere. Plus another set for each type of accessory you can put on it. 🤣
  13. I get what you are saying. We were just helping you “get the point” of having options. Part of the fun of playing with toys to me is transforming them, switching out accessories, posing them, swooshing and pewing, etc.
  14. Haha yeah. It’s almost like saying “I don’t get the point of a figure that can transform into three different modes when I can only display one at a time”.
  15. Slave IV

    Joy of the hunt?

    Yeah, that is beautiful work right there and it would be amazing if Bandai released an official version of their DX in that deco. The original toy is still better though so I get you.
  16. Good to know. Yeah, I haven’t been disappointed by any of the Newage figures I have. Just want better alt modes.
  17. Slave IV

    Joy of the hunt?

    Well, good thing is you can get a Bandai reissue Valk, which is basically the same thing but I think better. Not for that price though.
  18. How do you like those two? Had my eye on them but alt mode, especially for Galvatron didn’t cut it for me.
  19. Slave IV

    Joy of the hunt?

    I got a ton of things from some garage sales. No Macross but GI Joe and Transformers goldmines for next to nothing. My friend got a complete Jetfire for $10 and I was cool with that since I still have my original but damn sure I would have swooped on it if he didn’t want it.
  20. Slave IV

    Joy of the hunt?

    Used to do it all the time. A friend and I used to drive all around town to hit up every spot within 50 miles several times a week. Nowadays, it isn’t so much fun. I considered preorder madness the new hunt these days.
  21. I hear you on the space thing. I can’t even display anything but one shelf currently because the rest is piled in storage. But the thread you ask for does exist.
  22. That’s quite a collection to amass in such a short time! I will say out of everything, it’s kinda a crime to see the Moshow Shingen just standing straight up like that. It’s one of the most dynamic figures I’ve ever seen and begs to be shown off in some pose that most other figures could never pull off. But who am I to talk when mine is trapped in a prison of a box? 😆
  23. Yeah, Maybe I'll try to get some more depending on how it goes after I mess with the one I have.
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